Requisitions Workspace

Use this workspace to create requisitions, which are internal requests for approval to purchase services.

The workspace also displays requisitions created from job budgets in the Job Cost module.

You can also use the workspace to generate one or more requests for price quotes from suppliers.

Requisitions, unlike purchase orders, do not represent a commitment to purchase and have no impact on commitment accounts.

A requisition is an internal request for the approval of the purchase of services. You can use this workspace to create requisitions that the person who is responsible for approving purchases can evaluate and approve. The person who is responsible for making the actual purchase can then, based on the input from the requisition, place the necessary orders with the relevant suppliers by means of a purchase order. It is important to distinguish between requisitions and purchase orders, because requisitions have no influence on commitment accounts and accruals and are intended for internal use. Only purchase orders affect commitment accounts.

This workspace also displays requisitions that you create from job budgets in the Job Cost module. This enables the person who is responsible for drawing up job budgets to start a purchase process from the Job Cost module, requesting certain services, and a purchaser can manage the actual purchase process in the A/P module. You do this by using the Create Requisitions action in the Job Budgets workspace in the Job Cost module. When you use this action, Maconomy creates a requisition for each vendor that is specified on the selected job budget lines, copying the selected budget lines to the relevant requisitions. Most of the information on requisitions that you create from job budgets is inherited from the job budget lines in question, but you can edit it in this workspace. For more information about creating requisitions from job budgets, see the Create Requisitions action in the Job Cost module.

You can use a requisition as input for one or more requests for quote, for instance if you want to compare quotes from several suppliers before deciding on the best offer, or if you need to be able to document the choice of supplier, for example, if the requisition is made in connection with a job. After the requisition is approved, you can create a request for quote by specifying a supplier, a currency, and a deadline in the Create Request for Quote/Purchase Order island and using the Create Request for Quote action. This causes Maconomy to create a request for quote based on the information on the requisition. If you want quotes from several suppliers, you can repeat this procedure any number of times, each time specifying a different supplier. The person who is responsible for the purchase can then edit the individual requests in the Requests for Quote workspace, for instance if a given vendor is not expected to be able to supply all of the requested services. When the editing is complete, the requests for quote can be approved, printed, and sent to the relevant vendors. When you have selected a supplier, the relevant request for quote can in turn be converted to a purchase order. The processing of requests for quote is in the overview of the Requests for Quote workspace. If you need to change a requisition after you have created requests for quote from it, you can use the Restore Requests for Quote action to update all of the requests for quote created from the current requisition. However, you can only do this if no quotes have been received for any of these requests for quote.

You can also create a purchase order based on a requisition, thus skipping the step of quote requests. This is useful if you already know who should deliver the services that the requisition specifies. To create a purchase order from a requisition, enter a supplier and a currency in the Create Request for Quote/Purchase Order island and use the Create Purchase Order action. Maconomy then creates a purchase order that you can edit in the Purchase Orders workspace before you print it and send it to the supplier. For more information about purchase orders, see the overview of the Purchase Orders workspace.

In the tab, you enter basic information about dimensions, responsible company, and, if relevant, job. If you enter a job, note whether the Allow purchase order for multiple jobs system parameter is selected. If that parameter is not selected, you can only create requisition lines for the job that the tab in this workspace specifies. If that parameter is selected, you can enter different job numbers on the individual lines. Selecting this parameter ensures that all lines on a purchase order are assigned to the same job.

In the sub-tab, you enter the activities and tasks that represent the services for which purchases are requested. After you enter the correct information, you can submit the requisition as an indication that the person who is responsible for approving the requisition can start the approval procedure. Use the Submit Requisition action to do this. The requisition is then approved using the Approve Requisition action. When you are done creating requests for quote and purchase orders from the requisition, you can close the requisition using the Close Requisition action. However, when all requests for quote and purchase orders assigned to the current requisition are closed, the requisition is also closed automatically.