Job Budget Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the job number.
Job Group This is shows the job group of the job.
Template This check box is selected if the job is a template job.
Closed This check box is selected if the current job is closed.

Employee Category Prices Island

Field Description
Employee Category No. This field shows the employee category number that comes from job budget lines or that you add manually in this window.
Name This field shows the employee category name that is associated with this employee category number.
Billing Price Hour This field shows the billing price per hour in job currency.
Billing Price Day This field shows the billing price per day in job currency.
Cost Price Hour copy to come
Cost Price Day copy to come
Price Control Budget Type Only the baseline budget is used for controlling budget prices. This field shows the type of the baseline budget, as selected in the job parameter attribute “Baseline, Budget Type” of the type “Planning.”
Price Control from Budgets Maconomy marks this field if the current job is set up to control prices from the budget, that is, the job parameter attribute “Price Control from Budgets” of the type “Budgeting” is true for the current job.

Budget, Base Island

Field Description
Hours This field shows the total of the budgeted hours, costs, billing prices and gross margin, which have been entered in the table part for time activities. It also shows the average gross margin percent for the budget’s time activities.
Cost In these fields the budgeted cost of the job in the base currency of the job’s responsible company.

The “Time,” “Amount” and “Total” fields show three totals of costs from the budget lines entered in the table part of the window. They are the cost totals of time activities, amount activities and a total for all budget lines.

If the user does not have access to see cost for time, as specified in the window Actions in the Set-Up module, the cost shown next to “Time” and “Total” will be zero.

The “Total per” field shows the quantity in the “Total” field immediately above it, divided by the quantity given in the Unit Analysis island.

The field “Limit” displays the estimated or agreed billing price of the job. You can have a value displayed in this field by entering the value in the field “Hours” in the island Limit. See the description of this island for further information.

Billing Price These fields show the budgeted cost of the job in the base currency of the job’s responsible company.

The “Time,” “Amount” and “Total” fields show three totals of billing prices from the budget lines entered in the table part of the window. They are the billing price totals of time activities, amount activities and a total for all budget lines.

The “Total as of” field shows the quantity in the “Total” field immediately above it, divided by the quantity given in the Unit Analysis island.

The field “Limit” displays the estimated or agreed billing price of the job. You can have a value displayed in this field by entering the value in the field “Billing Price, Currency” in the island Limit. See the description of this island for further information.

The budget Limit can either be compared to the total of budgeted costs in the “Total” field, or you can use it in a subsequent budget control calculation, in which you compare budget with actual figures.

If you create a quote from a job budget, by choosing “Transfer to Quote” in the Action menu, or if you change quotes in the window Quote Editing, the billing price in this field will automatically be changed to the total of the quote lines. It is then not possible to change it here.

When you create invoice selections in the window Invoice Selection, you can transfer the quote price from this field to the total amount of the invoice.

GM These three fields show the job’s budgeted gross margin (GM) in the base currency. Gross margin is calculated by subtracting the cost in the “Cost” field from the billing price in the “Billing Price” field. Gross margin is calculated for the job’s time activities, amount activities and total.

The “Time” field shows the budgeted gross margin total for all time activities.

The “Amount” field shows the budgeted gross margin total for all amount activities.

The “Total” field shows the budgeted gross margin for the whole job.

If the user does not have access to see cost for time, as specified in the window Actions in the Set-Up module, the cost shown next to “Time” and “Total” will be zero.

The “Total as of” field shows the quantity in the Total field immediately above it, divided by the quantity given in the Unit Analysis island.

GM % These three fields show the job’s budgeted gross margin percent (GM %). Gross margin percent is calculated as the gross margin percentage of the billing price in the “Billing Price” field. Gross margin is shown in the “GM” field. Gross margin percent is calculated for the job’s time activities, amount activities and total.

The “Time” field shows the average budgeted gross margin percentage for all time activities.

The “Amount” field shows the average budgeted gross margin percentage for all amount activities.

The “Total” field shows the average gross margin percent for the whole job budget.

If the user does not have access to see cost for time, as specified in the window Actions in the Set-Up module, the cost shown next to “Time” and “Total” will be zero.

Budget, Currency Island

The fields in this island correspond to the fields in the island Budget, Base. The only difference is that here the amounts are shown in the currency used on the job. For further information about currency conversions, see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

Job Revenue Recognition Island

revenue recognition forecasts on the basis of the budget currently shown in the window. As default, the date in this field is the last date of the previous month, but the date can be changed manually. See the description of the field “Calculate” below for further information about the possibility of calculating revenue recognition in this window.

Field Description
Calculate If you select this field, Maconomy will calculate the revenue to be recognized on the current job on the basis of the job’s latest approved budget revision as well as the revenue to be recognized on the job on the basis of the current revision of the budget as of the date specified in the above field “Revenue Recognition Date.” If you mark this field, you can hence make a forecast that displays the revenue implications for the job in question, if you approve the edited budget as it looks at the moment. The calculations are not transferred to any of the windows related to job revenue recognition and are for information only.
Revenue Recognized This field shows the amount revenue recognized on the job as of the date specified in the “Revenue Recognition Date” above. The amount only includes revenue recognition of job entries that are included in the fixed price of the job.
Current Budget If the field “Calculate” is selected, this field shows the revenue recognized on the job as of the date specified in the field “Revenue Recognition Date.”
This budget If the field “Calculate” is selected, this field shows the calculated revenue to be recognized on the basis of the new budget as of the date specified in the field “Revenue Recognition Date.” The revenue recognition amount shown in this field is thus based on the job budget entries which are currently being edited, and which are included in the fixed price of the job. The column “Adjustment” shows any difference between the new and the “current” figures, that is, the figures from the latest approved revision of the budget.
Change This field shows any revenue recognition change in the amounts of the latest approved revision of the job budget and the new budget, that is, the budget which is currently being edited.

Remarks Island

In these fields, you can assign remarks to the current job budget line. The remarks are for information only and can, for example, be used in reports.

User Island

Field Description
Created by This field shows the user name of the user who created the job budget.
Date This field shows the date when the job budget was created.
Changed by This field shows the user name of the user who changed the job budget.
Date This field shows the date when the job budget was changed.
Version This field shows the job budget’s version number. This is not the same as the Revision No. The version number is updated every time that a user makes a change to the job budget.

Job Budget Island

Field Description
Budget Type This field shows the budget type of the job budget currently showing.

Current Budget This field shows the Current Budget for the job.

Forecast Budget This field shows the Forecast Budget for the job.
Planning Budget This field shows the Planning Budget for the job.
Fixed Price Budget This check box shows whether the job budget currently showing is selected as the Fixed Price Budget for the job.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. This field shows the customer number.

Quote Price, Curr. Island

Field Description
Effective Quote Price This field shows the effective quote price of the job.

Limit Island

Field Description
Hours This field shows the amount of employee hours you estimate will be spent on the job. This figure can either be compared to the total budgeted hours in the field “Time” in the islands Budget, Base and Budget, Currency where the figure is also shown, or you can use it in a subsequent budget control calculation, in which you compare the customer budget with the job’s actual figures.
Cost, Base This field shows the budgeted cost of the job you estimate will be spent on the job. The limit amount can either be compared to the total of budgeted costs in the field “Total” in the island Budget, Base and Budget, Currency, or you can use it in a subsequent budget control calculation, in which you compare the costs with the job’s actual figures.
Billing Price, Curr. This field shows the budgeted billing price of the job you estimate. The amount here is the same as the amount given in the field “Max. Billing Price” in the window Jobs. The limit amount can either be compared to the total of the budgeted billing prices in the field “Total” in the islands Budget, Base and Budget, Currency, or you can use it in a subsequent budget control calculation, in which you compare the billing price with the job’s actual figures.

Forecast Island

Field Description
Probability % This field shows the probability percentage rating for whether the current job, which is on quote, will result in an order. When the job is converted to an order, Maconomy will automatically change the value of this field to “100.” The value in this field is used in the Analyzer report/report template Job Forecasts to determine, for example, the expected profit on current jobs on quote.

Billing Price Deviations Island

Field Description
Standard Billing Price, Base This field shows the standard billing price per unit in the base currency of the company.
Billing Price, Base This field shows the amount from the field “Billing Price, Currency” on the current budget line converted into the base currency.
Budgeted Up/Down This field shows the difference between the budgeted billing price and the standard billing price. The amount in this field is the write-up or write-down of the budgeted billing price compared to the standard billing price. For more information about standard billing price, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

Unit Analysis Island

Field Description
Quantity If the job is for several similar units, for example, 2 advertisements, 3 houses or 10 meters of cable, the quantity of these units can be given here. You can then use the Budget island in this window and the Summary island in the window Job Card to see the “Total” values per unit.
Unit If there is a value in the “Quantity” field, this field shows the unit.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the company number for the job.
Company Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field shows the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company No. This field shows the settling company for the job.
Settling Company Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field above.

Line Creation Island

Field Description
Default Line Type In this pop-up field, you can select a default value for the field “Line Type” in new job budget lines added to the job budget.

Status Island

Field Description
Submitted This field displays if the job budget has been submitted. The field is automatically marked when the action “Submit Budget” is selected. Note that as this window and the window Job Budgets are linked, this field will be selected if the current job budget has been submitted in the window Job Budgets, and vice versa.
Submitted by This field shows the name of the user who submitted the job budget.
Submitted Date This field shows the date on which the job budget was submitted.
Approved This field shows if the job budget has been approved. The field is automatically marked when the action “Approve Budget” is selected, and the mark is removed when the budget is reopened to a new revision.
Approved by This field shows the name of the user who approved the job budget.
Approved Date This field shows the date on which the job budget was approved.
Reopened This field shows if the job budget has been reopened. The field is automatically marked when the action “Reopen Budget” is selected
Reopened by This field shows the name of the user who reopened the job budget.
Date Reopened If the job budget has been reopened, this field shows the date that it was reopened.
Sent to People Planner This field shows the date and time stamp for when the budget type was last sent to People Planner.

Revision Island

Field Description
Revision No. This field shows the job budget revision number.