Job Phases Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Phases tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the number of the job to which the job phases and the milestones in the table part of the window are assigned. If the table part is empty, no job phases have been created for the job. This field also shows the name of the current job.
Template This field shows whether the job is a template job or a normal job.
Project Manager This field shows the employee number and name of the project manager of the current job. The project manager is specified in the window Jobs.

Current Phase Island

Field Description
Phase This field shows the name of the current phase of the job. The field is blank until the first phase is initiated by using the action “Initiate First Phase.” Once this action has been selected, this field will always show the earliest phase which has not been ended.
Start Date This field shows the actual starting date of the current phase. The date is transferred from the field “Actual Starting Date” in the table part.
Planned Ending Date This field shows the planned ending date of the current phase. The date is transferred from the field “Planned Ending Date” in the table part.
Due This field is automatically marked by Maconomy if today’s date is later than the date in the field “Planned Ending Date” in this island. The field thus shows whether the ending date of the current phase has been exceeded. The field cannot be changed manually.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the number and name of the customer which the current job concerns. Neither the name nor number of the customer can be changed in this window.