
This section shows the Actions available in the Jobs workspace

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Field Description
Submit Use this action to submit the job for approval.
Approve Use this action to approve a submitted job.
Reject Use this action to reject a submitted job.
Undo Approval/Reject Use this action to undo the approval or rejection of a submitted job.
Convert to Order When you select this action, Maconomy changes the job status to “Order” from “Quote.” You can only select this action, if the job in the window has “Quote” status, and only if the current user has been given access to this action by selecting the field “Convert Job to Order” in the Set-Up module.

The change is shown in the fields “Status,” “Converted by,” and “Date of Conversion” in the island Job. Upon conversion, Maconomy enters the value 100 in the field “Probability %” in each budget created for the job in the window Job Budgets.

Convert to Quote When you select this action, Maconomy changes the job status to “Quote” from “Order.” You can only select this action, if the job in the window has “Order” status, and only if the current user has been given access to this action by selecting the field “Convert Job to Order” in the Set-Up module.

You can only convert a job from “Order” to “Quote” if no invoicing has been made on the job, if no approved invoice selection exists for the job, and if no order lines are assigned to the job. If the job is a main job, it can be converted to “Quote” even if any subjobs have been invoiced.

The change is shown in the fields “Status,” “Converted by,” and “Date of Conversion” in the island Job. The conversion does not affect the value in the field “Probability %” for the budgets created for the job in the window Job Budgets.

Close Job When you select this action, you close the job in the window. Maconomy marks the field “Closed” and inserts today’s date in the field “Date” in the Job island.

You can only select this action if the job has no open entries and is not already closed. You cannot close a job that has open purchase orders, open requisitions, open invoices on account, accruals, open job events or event flows, unapproved time or expense sheets, sales orders which have not been fully delivered or invoiced, unposted reallocation journals or unposted job revenue journals. Maconomy will issue a warning if an entry is marked for reallocation to or from the job in question or referenced on an unposted vendor invoice journal. As long as a job is marked as closed, you cannot register entries to it. A closed job can always be reopened with the action “Reopen Job.” However, you can close a job to which non-invoiced sales orders are assigned if the orders in question are so-called 0 orders, that is, orders without order lines or orders where all order lines contain a quantity and delivered quantity of zero.

If a job has quote status, you can always close the job. However, if the job is a fixed-price job with order status, Maconomy checks that the job’s fixed price less any invoiced amounts equals the sum of previously printed invoices on account. If this is not the case, the job cannot be closed. If a job is assigned a job allocation combination rule that allows non-fixed-price entries, such non-fixed price entries are not registered as part of the ‘fixed price’ of either a fixed price job or a time and material job. This means that the amount invoiced for such non-fixed price entries is not included in the total invoiced amount on the basis of which the above-mentioned comparison is made.

If the job parameter “Create Invoice Upon Job Closing” in the job parameter type “Fixed Price Set-Up” is assigned the value “Yes,” closing a fixed price job assigned to this parameter will automatically create an invoice for the quote price less amounts invoiced on account, that is, a zero invoice. Any difference between the fixed price and the sales price of registered job entries will be posted on the activity entered in the job parameter attribute “Activity for Job Closing” assigned to the job in question. The sales price of registered job entries does thus not include non-fixed price entries when using the functionality regarding invoicing non-fixed price entries separately on a fixed price job. See the description of the window Job Allocation Combinations for further information on non-fixed price entries on fixed price jobs and time and material jobs.

The job cannot be closed if the amount credited on account is greater than the amount invoiced on account. If the system parameter “Extended use of 0-invoice system numbers” is selected, the invoice number of the zero invoice printed is taken from the system number series “0-Invoice” defined in the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module. Note that if the last invoice created on such a job gives rise to the creation of a credit memo, the system number assigned to the credit memo will be derived from the system number series “Credit Memo.”

If the job is a fixed price job with overrun handling, and the job parameter attribute “Create Invoice Upon Job Closing” is assigned the value “Yes,” Maconomy will close all job entries created as a result of any overrun. If the activity for overrun registration and the activity for job closing are not the same, the amount from the overrun activity will be moved to the activity for job closing. These activities are specified in the window Job Parameters in the job parameter type “Fixed Price Job Set-Up.” Entries not included in the fixed price of the job (outlays, if the job parameter attribute “Include Outlays in Fixed Price” is assigned the value “No,” and other entries not included in the fixed price using job allocation combinations) must be invoiced to the customer and closed before the job can be closed.

Any job profit entries and overrun entries created when closing a fixed price job on which an invoice is automatically created upon job closing are also provided with the journal number of the invoice journal. Moreover, if a job uses detailed revenue recognition, any profit entries created at closing of the job will be split into the detail levels that apply to the relevant job; that is, a profit entry is automatically created for each detail level of the job.

When closing a time and material job using revenue recognition by completion percentage and/or overrun handling or a job using WIP evaluation, Maconomy creates a revenue recognition journal which when posted ensures that the revenue recognized on the T&M job is equal to the amount invoiced on the job. Thereby any revenue adjustment entries made during the life of the job are reversed. If the job uses detailed revenue recognition, Maconomy automatically creates a journal for each of the relevant detail levels applying to the job. See the description of the job parameter type “Revenue Recognition” for further information about the possibility of setting up jobs with overrun handling, revenue recognition by completion percentage, and WIP evaluation

For each team assigned to the job, Maconomy checks if the field “Block Team when Unused” is marked for the team in question. If it is, and if all other jobs to which the team in question is assigned have also been closed, the team is blocked. However, the team is automatically reopened if the job is reopened.

Maconomy will set all estimates to completion to 0 and evaluate the progress of the job to bring the planning budget up to date with actuals. You may turn off this feature of job closing by unmarking the system parameter “Calculate Progress at Job Closure.”

Once a job has been closed, it is no longer possible to create entries for the job. However, a closed job can be reopened at any time using the action “Reopen Job.”

Reopen Job When you select this action, you reopen the closed job in the window. Maconomy removes the mark in the “Closed” field and the date in the “Date Closed” field. You can only select this action if the job in the window is closed, that is, if there is a mark in the “Closed” field.

Maconomy checks that the user has permission to reopen jobs, that is, that the field “Can Reopen Jobs” in the window Actions in the Set-Up module is marked for the user.

Any blocked teams assigned to the current job are automatically reopened when reopening the job.

Roll Forward This action will roll the job forward by copying the job and updating the name and year on the new job. A job can only be rolled forward once and only if it is not closed.
Copy Job When you select this action, you copy the job shown in the window, including its budget and the job parameters assigned to it. If you have entered a number in the Copying island, this number will be assigned to the new job. Otherwise Maconomy will allocate a number automatically.

The status of the new job will be “Order” if this has been specified in the “System Information” window. Otherwise it will be “Quote.” It will not be assigned to any other job as a subjob, and it will have no subjobs assigned to it. If a quote price has been specified on the job that is copied, this amount is reset to zero on the new job. If you want to assign the job to another customer, change the customer number.

If a standard budget is assigned to the selected job group, this budget is transferred to the new job and recalculated when the job is created by copying the current job. If the “Include Budget Texts” and “Include Item Lines” fields are marked, budget texts or item lines will be transferred from the standard budget. However, job budget lines containing blocked activities, tasks, dimensions, and so on, are not copied to the new job budget. Maconomy will issue a message stating which lines, if any, could not be copied to the new job.

When copying a job, Maconomy attempts to include the job parameters from the existing job in the new job. However, if some of the job parameters on the existing job do not match the new job, Maconomy makes a derivation of job parameters from other job parameter selection rules created in the system. The job parameters that are derived to any job can be viewed and changed in the Job Parameter Selection window.

Note that some very job-specific fields are blanked when copying. This includes the field “Estimated Ending Date.”

If a job phase list has been assigned to the existing job, it is copied to the new job. In this process, the planned duration of each phase is maintained, but the phases are moved so that the starting date of the first phase is set to today’s date. The employee responsible for each phase is not copied, which means these employees must be specified for the new job in the Job Phases window.

Note that new jobs can also be created from a template job. See the description of the island Creation in this window for further information about the use of template jobs.

Send Job to People Planner This action will send the job, including budget, to People Planner. System parameters affecting this functionality are:
  • Always Allow Send Action — If this is False, and Integration Status Notes are used, you can only push the job from Maconomy to People Planner once. After that, it will only be possible to import it from People Planner.
  • Include Subjobs When Sending Job to People Planner — Allows including subjobs when sending jobs to People Planner.
  • Default Job Budget Type — If a value is entered, this will be the budget type sent. If a value is not entered, the budget type currently shown in Job Budgets will be sent. There is an exception if the job has been sent to People Planner previously using another budget type. In that case, this budget type will be used again.

The action is only available if add-ons for People Planner and Custom Actions are installed and the Enable Custom People Planner Actions system parameter is set to True.