Job Parameters Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Parameters tab.

Job Parameter Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you can specify the name of the job parameter. Once you have pressed Enter, the name cannot be changed.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the job parameter.
Type In this field, you select the type of the job parameters determining the set-up of the jobs created in the system. You can choose among the following job parameter types:
  • Registration
  • Budgeting
  • Events
  • On Account Reconciliation
  • Invoicing on Account
  • Invoice Selection
  • Job Description
  • Planning
  • Pricing Principle
  • Revenue Recognition
  • Charges
  • Job Text Option Lists
  • Write-Up/-Down
  • Time Transfer
  • Surcharges

Note that you can create several job parameters of the same type.

Blocked If you select this check box, the job parameter is blocked and is thus not considered valid for new jobs. However, if an existing job parameter already applies to a job, it will continue to do so, even though the parameter has been blocked. Moreover, if a job parameter is blocked, it is not considered by Maconomy when job parameters are re-derived to jobs.

You cannot select this check box if the job parameter in question has been specified as “Default” in one or more of the rules in the Job Parameter Selection Rules window.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks In these five fields, you can assign remarks to the job parameter in question.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can specify an access level for the job parameter in question. A user can only make changes to a given job parameter if he or she has been granted access to doing so. Moreover, in Maconomy windows as, for example, the window Job Parameter Selection, a user can only choose among job parameters to which he or she has been granted access.

However, you should note that when a job is created and job parameters are derived to the job in question, Maconomy also derives job parameters to which the user does not have access; that is, any default parameter is applied to the job in question, even though the user creating the job does not have access to the relevant job parameters. The job parameters applied to a job are displayed in the window Job Parameter Selection.

This field also shows the description of the specified access level.