Mileage Sheets Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Mileage Sheets tab.

Mileage Sheet Island

Field Description
Mileage Sheet No. This field shows the number of the mileage sheet. The number is retrieved from the system number series “Expense Sheets” from the employee’s company. The value in the field cannot be changed.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current mileage sheet.

Employee Information Island

Field Description
Employee In this field, you can enter the name and number of the employee assigned to the current mileage sheet. Maconomy automatically suggests the number of the current employee.

Status Island

Field Description
Created By This field shows the name of the user who created the mileage sheet. It cannot be changed.
Date This is the date the mileage sheet was created. It cannot be changed.
Submitted This field shows whether the mileage sheet has been submitted.

This field will be marked automatically if you select the action “Submit Mileage Sheet.” If changes are made in a mileage sheet that is not transferred or approved, the mark will be removed from this field again.

Submitted by This field shows the name of the user who submitted the current mileage sheet. The contents of this field cannot be changed.
Date This field shows the date when the mileage sheet was submitted. The date cannot be changed here.
Transferred This field shows whether the mileage sheet has been transferred to a mileage sheet journal. The field is automatically completed when all lines in the mileage sheet have been transferred. The criteria determining when a mileage sheet is transferred for posting depend on the approval principle of each job. For further information about approval principles, please see the description of the island Approval in the window Jobs.
Transferred by This field shows the name of the user who transferred the last line of the current mileage sheet. A mileage sheet line does not necessarily have to be approved to be transferred. Please see the description of the field “Approved By” below and the description of the island Approval in the window Jobs.
Date This field shows the date when the current mileage sheet was transferred.
Approved This field shows whether the mileage sheet is fully approved. If you use approval hierarchies, this field is marked when the last approver has approved the mileage sheet. Otherwise, this field is automatically marked when the supervisor approves the mileage sheet, and the mark is removed if the sheet is reopened.
Approved by This field shows the name of the user whose approval resulted in the mileage sheet being fully approved as described under the field “Approved.” If approval is not required, the name of the user who submitted the mileage sheet is displayed.
Date This field shows the date when the current mileage sheet was approved.
Reopened This field shows whether the current mileage sheet was reopened. This field is automatically completed when the mileage sheet is reopened.

Period Island

Field Description
Date In these fields, you can enter the period for which the mileage sheet is assigned. The fields are for information only.

Supervisor Island

Field Description
Supervisor This field displays the name and number of the supervisor of the employee associated with the mileage sheet. The information is transferred from the main tab of the window Employees in the Set-Up module and cannot be changed here.

Secretary Island

Field Description
Secretary This field shows the name and number of the employee’s secretary. The secretary can, for instance, handle the time sheet registration and transfer for employees, if the individual employee has marked the field “Release Time Sheets” in the window Actions in the Set-Up module. The information is transferred from the window Employees in the Set-Up module and cannot be changed here.

Note Island

Field Description
Note In this field, you can specify the name and number of a note relating to the current mileage sheet, for further specification of the nature of the expenses of the current mileage sheet.

Notes are created in the window Job Descriptions in this module or in the window Notes in the Set-Up module.

Approval Island

Field Description
Remark In this field, you can enter a remark to the current approval.

However, a remark can only be entered by the employee/employees who are given access to approve the current mileage sheet on the current level. The remark is assigned to the current approval level. If the current mileage sheet is reopened, this field is automatically cleared by Maconomy. However, the remark can still be seen on the approval line in question in the Approvals window sub-tab.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the employee’s company.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Total Island

Field Description
Tax, Base This field shows the total tax amount in base currency for the lines in the sub-tab.
Amount, Base This field shows the total amount, including tax, for the lines in the sub-tab.
Mileage This field shows the total mileage (in km or miles) for the lines in the sub-tab.
Mileage, Year This field shows the employee’s total mileage (in km or miles) for all of his or her jobs, accumulated from the first day when the mileage rule applies to the current date.

Exchange Rate Island

Field Description
Currency In this field, you can choose a currency. By also specifying an exchange rate for the selected currency in the below field “Exchange Rate,” the exchange rate specified will be used as default on mileage sheet lines in the sub-tab having the same currency as the one specified in this island. Hence, the exchange rate specified in this island will override the exchange rate usually used by Maconomy. This functionality is useful in situations in which a user needs to be able to override the existing exchange rate because the exchange rate used on, for example, a credit card transaction is different from the one specified in the exchange rate table.
Exchange Rate In this field, you can enter an exchange rate for the currency specified in the above field “Currency.” If you do not enter an exchange rate, Maconomy suggests the exchange rate specified for the currency in question in the window Exchange Rates. The value suggested can be changed manually. See the description of the above field “Currency” for further information on the functionality of this field.

Transaction Island

Field Description
Transaction Type This is the entry's transaction type. Transaction types are set up in the Transaction Types window.

Job Island

Field Description
Job In this field, you can enter the name and number of a job. When you create a line in the sub-tab, the job number will be suggested in the field “Job No.” in the sub-tab.

If the system parameter “Allow expense sheet for multiple jobs” is not marked, you can only enter the job number specified in this field in the sub-tab. In this way, it is ensured that only expenses for the specified job are approved when the mileage sheet is approved. If you do not enter a job number in this field, Maconomy automatically fills in this field with the job number specified on the first line in the sub-tab. If this system parameter is marked, you can enter any job number in the sub-tab, as the number in this field is then only a suggestion.

The effects of changing the value in this field after creating lines in the sub-tab depend on whether the system parameter “Allow expense sheet for multiple jobs” has been marked. If this parameter is not marked, changing the value in this field causes the job number on all lines to be changed accordingly. If the parameter is marked, the job number is only updated accordingly on lines where the job number corresponds to the job number present in this field before the change was made.

Copy Mileage Sheet Island

Field Description
Mileage Sheet No. In this field, you can enter the number of an existing mileage sheet that you want to copy to the current mileage sheet. See the description of the action “Copy Mileage Sheet” for further information on this action.
Copy All Fields A check mark in this field indicates that you want to create an identical copy of the source mileage sheet lines.

It will copy the lines from an already submitted mileage sheet to the current mileage sheet. When copying, job numbers, activity numbers, and dimensions are included on the lines. All mileage sheet lines will have the current date as the Entry Date. Only the fields which are opened in the Mileage Sheets dialog sub-tab can be copied; the closed fields will keep their values.

See the description of the action “Copy Mileage Sheet” for further information on this action.

Mentor Island

Field Description
Tutor This field shows the name and number of any mentor assigned to the employee, for example, to assist in the training of the employee. The status of mentor grants access to seeing (but not changing) the mileage sheets of the employee in question. The information is transferred from the window Employees in the Set-Up module and cannot be changed here.

Remarks Island

In these three fields, you can enter general remarks to the mileage sheet. The remarks are shown on printouts of mileage sheets when the layout “Standard” is used.