Quote Workspace

Use this workspace to create and edit quotes for customers.

Use the Quote tab to enter general and account information about the quote. When you press Return after entering information in the tab, Maconomy verifies the information. You can then enter item lines and text lines in the Quote Lines sub-tab.

To create a quote, enter the customer number. Maconomy verifies that the customer exists and is not blocked. Maconomy also alerts you if the bill-to customer's credit limit has been exceeded. Maconomy retrieves other information from the Customer information card in the Accounts Receivable module, and suggests that information in the quote. Thus, you only need to change the information that is specific to the current quote.

Maconomy also checks the credit limit for every new item line that you enter in the Quote Lines sub-tab and when you convert a quote to a sales order. If the credit limit is exceeded, Maconomy issues a warning, allowing you to undo the conversion. If you have the correct permissions to approve sales orders, Maconomy automatically approves the sales order and updates the bill-to customer's order volume. Note that Maconomy includes both the bill-to customer's balance and order volume in the credit limit evaluation. A sales order or credit order must therefore be approved or invoiced to be included in the credit limit evaluation.

When checking whether the customer's credit limit has been exceeded, Maconomy checks the current customer's credit limit at the enterprise level as well as at the company level. See the description of the fields in the Credit Limit island in the Payment Information and Company Specific Payment information workspaces in the A/R module for more information about how Maconomy handles credit limits.

Maconomy applies price lists and discount agreements from the Accounts Receivable and Inventory modules, but the items in the quote are not reserved in the warehouse. If the customer accepts the quote, you can convert it to a sales order. Maconomy then reserves the items in the warehouse.

You can also copy a quote. The copy can either be another quote or a sales order. You can specify that the prices in the original quote are to be transferred to the copy, but if you do not want to copy the prices, or if you need to specify another customer, currency, price list, or price step, Maconomy recalculates the prices on each quote line. If you specify a customer, Maconomy transfers the basic information about the customer from the customer information card, regardless of whether you specify the same customer as on the original quote.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, you can enter both standard items and bills of materials (BOMs) in the Quote Lines sub-tab. Maconomy only displays the BOM header, not the parts. If the item is a BOM to be shown on the quote, you can see the BOM parts in the Order Lines workspace. The Order Lines workspace automatically shows the item in the last item line that you created.