Quote Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Quote tab.

Quote Island

Field Description
Quote No. This number is the sole and absolute identification of the quote.

Maconomy automatically allocates the next available quote number. The number cannot be changed manually, but you determine how quote numbers are allocated in the Numbers window.

Order Mode Here you select the order mode, that is, how the quote is relayed to the customer, for example, “By telephone,” “By fax.” You maintain order modes in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.
Sales Person Here you enter the number of the employee who is sales representative on the quote. Maconomy automatically suggests the sales representative who normally sells to this customer, retrieving the number from the customer information card. You can change the number.

If you cannot remember the number, you can use the search functions in the Find menu.

This field also displays the sales person’s name. Maconomy retrieves it from the Employees window in the Set-Up module using the specified sales person number.

Received by Here you enter the name of the employee in your company who received the customer’s request for a quote. Maconomy suggests the name of the user who is creating the quote, but you can change it. You must complete the field.
Expires Here you can enter the date the quote expires.

Ship to Address Island

Field Description
Customer In this field, you enter the number of the customer receiving the quote. Maconomy checks that the customer has been created in Maconomy and, if the system parameter “Aut. company specific customer creation” has not been marked in the Set-Up module, if the current customer has been created as a company specific customer for the company responsible for the contract. If this parameter has not been marked, the customer has to be created as a company specific customer in the window Company Specific Customer Information Card before quotes can be created with the current combination of customer and company. Furthermore, Maconomy checks that the customer has not been blocked in the window Payment Information in the A/R module.

When you press Return, Maconomy retrieves various information from the customer’s information card in the A/R module, and suggests the values in the corresponding fields here. You can change most of the suggested values.

The other lines show the customer’s name and address. It is retrieved from the customer information card. You can change the information.

The customer number can be changed up until lines have been created in the quote. If you change the customer number, Maconomy will update the quote with various information from the customer information card and derive the dimensions for the card part of the quote again. If charges have been specified on the quote, the ship-to customer can only< be changed to a customer using the currency already specified on the quote.

Attn. This is the customer’s attention person the person to whom shipping information is directed. It is retrieved from the Customer information card. The name can be changed here.
Country This is the customer’s country. It is retrieved from the customer information card. You can change it.
Phone This is the customer’s telephone number, retrieved from the customer’s information card. It can be changed here.
Fax This is the customer’s fax number, retrieved from the customer’s information card. It can be changed here.
Telex This is the customer’s telex number, retrieved from the customer’s information card. It can be changed here.
E-mail This is the customer’s e-mail address, retrieved from the customer’s information card. It can be changed here.

Status Island

Field Description
Created on This is the date the quote was created. The date cannot be changed.
Printed This field shows whether the quote has been printed or not. To print a quote, use the action “Print Quote.”This is the only way to mark the field.
Last Printed on This is the date the quote was last printed. The date cannot be changed manually.
Quantity This field shows how many times the quote has been printed.

This quantity does not include copies from your computer’s standard print dialog. You cannot change the value of this field.

Price Island

Field Description
Currency Here you select the currency of the quote. Maconomy suggests the currency from the customer’s information card, but you can change it. The currency can be changed for the current quote up until the first item line is entered on the quote or a charge is specified.
Exchange Rate Date In this field, you can specify the exchange rate date for the calculation of prices in currency on the quote. The exchange rate date is also used in the calculation of charges. When a quote is created, Maconomy automatically suggests today’s date in this field if the system parameter “Fix exchange rate at order creation” has been marked. However, you can change or delete the exchange rate date at any time whether the field has been completed automatically or not.

If this field contains a date, all prices on the current quote will be calculated using the exchange rate valid on the specified date. This way, the same exchange rates and thereby the same currency prices are used throughout the order flow, ensuring that, for example, the amount invoiced matches the amount originally quoted to the customer.

If you leave this field empty, prices will be calculated using the exchange rate valid at the time of the price calculation.

Currency prices are calculated when lines are created, and recalculated when updating lines and when printing information such as packing slips and invoices later in the process. Changing or removing the currency may therefore result in variances between the original quote amount and the amount invoiced or appearing on another printout.

Total Sales This field shows the sum of the prices of the item lines in the quote. The value cannot be changed here.
Invoice Discount % Here you can enter an invoice discount percentage. Maconomy suggests the value from the Bill To or Ship To Customer’s information card, depending on whether or not you have marked the “Inv. Disc. from Bill to Cust.” field in the System Information window. You can change the suggested value.

If you select another invoice discount % than the one suggested, Maconomy verifies that you have user access to doing so. Access to changing price information, and thus discounts, is given to users in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

An invoice discount is deducted from the item sum. This is shown on the quote printout.

Invoice Discount This field shows the calculated discount amount in the currency selected for the current quote.
Tax on Sales This field shows the calculated tax amount in the currency selected for the current quote. Tax is only calculated if the “Tax” field in this island has been marked.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, three additional fields will be added above the “Tax on Sales” field: “Tax 1,” “Tax 2” and, if enabled, “Tax 3.” In this case, the “Tax on Sales” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax amount fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Total Charges This field shows the sum of any charges on the quote, including tax. Charges are calculated when you select the action “Calculate Charges.”
Tax on Charges This field shows the tax calculated from any charges on the quote.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, three additional fields will be added above the “Tax on Charges” field: "Tax 1, Charges,” “Tax 2, Charges” and, if enabled, “Tax 3, Charges.” In this case, the “Tax on Charges” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax amount fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Total (incl. charges) This field shows the total price of the quote in the currency of the quote. The field thus shows the sum of the fields “Total Sales,” “Tax on Sales,” and charges including tax, less the amount in the field “Invoice Discount.”
Price List Here you select a sales price list. Maconomy suggests the value from the customer’s information card, but you can change it. The pop-up field only shows existing sales price lists, that is, sales prices lists created in the Price Lists window in the Inventory module. If you select “blank,” Maconomy calculates prices from costs and gross margins.

If you select another price list than the one suggested, Maconomy verifies that you have user access to it. Access to changing price information, and thus price lists, is given to users in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

If you use a price list with a currency that is different from the currency used in connection with the quote, Maconomy will give you a warning. In such cases, the prices stated in the price list will be recalculated to the currency of the quote using the exchange rate table for sales.

Price Step Here you can select a price step in the price list from which to take the prices in the quote. Step “6” is the highest. Maconomy suggests the value from the customer’s information card, but you can select another. This field only applies if you enter a value in the Price List field.

If you select another price step than the one suggested, Maconomy verifies that you have user access to doing so. Access to changing price information, and thus price step, is given to users in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

Note, that if the “Fixed Price Step” field in the System Information window is marked, and if you enter a value between 1 and 6, Maconomy will always suggest the price on the given price step, regardless of whether the quantity ordered would normally justify a lower price because of a quantity discount.

If the “Fixed Price Step” is not marked, Maconomy applies the highest price step the order quantity justifies.

Keep Price In this field, you can specify the value which Maconomy should suggest in the corresponding field on each line created in the table part. On the lines, the field determines whether a change in quantity should cause the current unit price or discount percentage to be recalculated. For further information, see the description of the field “Keep Price.”

When you create a quote, Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field in the customer information card, but you can change it for the current quote.

Tax If this field is marked, the quote will be taxed. Maconomy suggests the value from the customer information card in the accounts receivable module, but it is possible to change it.

If you change the value, Maconomy verifies that you have user access to doing so. Access to changing price information, and thus the value here, is given in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

Tax No. Here you enter the customer’s tax number. Maconomy suggests the value from the bill-to customer’s information card in the Accounts Receivable module, but it is possible to change it. If a validation rule is assigned to the tax number field in the window Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will validate the tax number upon entry or change. If you enter a new bill-to customer, Maconomy transfers the new tax number.

Payment Island

Field Description
Pmt. Terms Here you select which payment terms to apply if the quote is accepted. Maconomy automatically retrieves the value you normally use for this customer from the Payment Information window in the Accounts Receivable module, but you can change it.

If you change the payment terms, Maconomy verifies that you have user access to doing so. Access to changing price information, and thus payment terms, is given to users in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

Payment Terms are defined in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Blanket Invoice If you mark this field, the quote will be invoiced on a blanket invoice to the customer. Maconomy suggests the value from the customer’s information card in the Accounts Receivable module, but you can change it.

Blanket invoicing means that all uninvoiced deliveries to a customer with the same bill-to customer, currency, department, warehouse, and responsible company will be gathered in one invoice. This is done in the Print Invoice window.

Weight and Volume Island

Field Description
Weight This is the total weight of the item lines in the quote. The value cannot be changed here.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and the item on the line is a BOM without inventory control, Maconomy uses the weight of the BOM parts on the highest level with inventory control in the total quote weight. Any weight entered for the BOM header on its item information card is not used.

Volume This is the total volume of the item lines in the quote. The value cannot be changed here.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and the item on the line is a BOM without inventory control, Maconomy uses the weight of the BOM parts on the highest level with inventory control in the total quote weight. Any weight entered for the BOM header on its item information card is not used.

Order Linking Island

Field Description
No. of Suborders This field displays the number of suborders linked to the current quote, if any.

Note that it is not possible to delete a quote to which suborders have been linked. If the quote is not accepted, all linked quotes must therefore be deleted first.

Main Order No. In this field, you can enter the number of a quote or a sales order if you want to link the current quote to a main order. The current quote will then become a suborder to the order or quote specified. If you later remove the value, the link between the current quote and the main order is deleted. If the current quote itself is a main order, this field will display the quote’s own number, and this value cannot be changed as a main order cannot be a suborder of another sales order or quote.

The linking of orders and quotes enables you to print all information about all orders and quotes assigned to a main order. You can print summary information about main orders and their suborders in the windows Print Main Order and Print Main Order Invoice. The individual suborders are processed as normal, single orders, for example, implying that each suborder must be approved and invoiced separately.

Note that it is not possible to delete a quote to which suborders have been linked. If the quote is not accepted, all linked quotes must therefore be deleted first.

Itemize This field is not used in the current version of Maconomy.

Account Information Island

Field Description
Changed This field shows whether you have changed any of the information suggested by Maconomy in the above fields. Maconomy marks the field if you have changed information in any of the following fields: “Pmt. Terms,” “Tax,” “Price List,” “Price Step,” “Invoice Discount %,” and all the fields in the Charges island. Maconomy also registers changes in the amount and discount fields in the table part. The value cannot be changed.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, Maconomy registers any changes to prices or discounts of BOM parts made in the Order Lines window.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In this field, you can assign a document archive to the quote in question. By assigning a document archive to a quote, you can keep track of the various documents related to the quote. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.

This field also shows the description of the specified document archive.

Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Parameters in the set-up module. See the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Dimension Derivations for a further description of dimension derivation.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Credit Card Island

Field Description
Credit Card No. If the customer wants to pay by credit card, you can enter the number of the credit card in this field. Maconomy will automatically suggest the credit card number specified on the bill-to customer’s information card, but you can change the number here. Note that the number is only for information; customer payments using credit cards cannot be handled by Maconomy’s Banking module. If a credit card number is entered, an expiry date must also be specified.
Expiry Date In this field, you can enter the expiry date of the credit card specified in the field “Credit Card No.” above. If an expiry date is entered, a credit card number must also be specified.
Amount Authorized In this field, you can specify the amount which the credit card issuer has accepted to pay for the order which will later be created for the current quote.
Authorization Code In this field, you can specify the authorization code which the credit card issuer has given when approving the amount in the field “Amount Authorized” above.
Authorization Date In this field, you can specify the date when the amount was authorized by the credit card issuer.

Contact Management Island

Field Description
Campaign No. In this field, you can enter the number of a campaign if the current quote is connected to a certain campaign in the Contact Management module. If you enter a campaign number, Maconomy transfers the number to lines that are then created in the table part. The campaign number can be used for, for example, statistical purposes.

Copying Island

Field Description
Cust. No. In this field, you can enter the customer number to be used on the copy of the current quote. If you specify a number, Maconomy will get the latest customer information from the A/R module. If you do not complete the field, the customer number and the customer information on the current quote will be transferred to the new copy. If you specify a customer number, Maconomy automatically recalculates the prices on the copy unless you complete the field “Maintain Prices” in this island.
Order Type In this field, you can specify whether the copy is to be a quote or a sales order. Although the pop-up shows other options, only “Quote” and “Sales Order” can be selected. Maconomy suggests “Quote.” If you choose to create a sales order, the copy created will be a non-approved sales order, and if you choose to create a quote, the quote will be a non-printed quote.
Warehouse In this field, you can select a warehouse to be used on the copy. Maconomy suggests the warehouse specified on the current quote, but if you enter another customer number in the field “Customer No.” in this island, Maconomy gets the warehouse specified on the customer information card of the customer in question.
Company No. In this field, you can specify the company to be used on the copy. If you specify a company number, the company in question will be responsible for the copy. If you do not enter a number, the company responsible for the current quote will be used on the copy.
Currency In this field, you can select a currency to be used on the copy. If you select a currency, Maconomy automatically recalculates the prices on the copy unless you complete the field “Maintain Prices” in this island.

If the user does not have access to changing prices, the value in this field cannot be changed.

Price List In this field, you can select a price list to be used on the copy. If you select a price list, Maconomy automatically recalculates the prices on the copy unless you complete the field “Maintain Prices” in this island.

Maconomy suggests the price list specified on the current quote, but if you specify another customer number in the field “Customer No.” in this island, Maconomy gets the price list specified on the customer information card of the customer in question.

Price Step In this field, you can specify a fixed price step to be used on the copy. If you specify a price step, Maconomy automatically recalculates the prices on the copy unless you complete the field “Maintain Prices” in this island.

Maconomy suggests the price step specified on the current quote, but if you specify another customer number in the field “Customer No.” in this island, Maconomy gets the price step specified on the customer information card of the customer in question.

Pref. Deliv. Date In this field, you can enter a preferred delivery date to be used on the copy. Maconomy suggests today’s date but you can change the date.
Job No. In this field, you can specify a job number to be used on the copy.

Note that if a job has been closed, it is no longer possible to create a quote for the job unless the job is first reopened in the window Jobs in the Job Cost module.

If you complete this field, you must also complete the field “Activity No.” in this island.

Activity No. In this field, you can specify an activity number to be used on the copy.
Task In this field, you can specify a task to be used on the copy.
Maintain Prices If you complete this field, the prices on the lines of the current quote will also be used on the copy. If you do not complete the field, or if you have specified a customer, currency, price list or price step, Maconomy calculates the prices on the copy.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Reference Here you enter the customer contact with whom you spoke about the quote. The name is printed on the quote as well as on other order documents.
Customer Here you can enter an internal note about the customer. The text is printed on the packing list if the quote results in a sales order. Maconomy suggests the note from the Customer information card, but you can change it.
Warehouse Here you enter an internal note to warehouse employees. The text is printed on the packing list if the quote results in a sales order. You can, for example, specify how the item should be handled and packed, or request an invoice to be sent along with the delivery.
End User No. Here you enter the number of the end customer associated with the quote. If you are dealing with an end customer sale, which is determined by order mode, you must complete the field. It is an end customer sale if the “End User Required” field is marked in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module for the order mode. It is only possible to enter the number of an end customer in the Accounts Receivable module to which the customer on the quote is registered. You can use the search functions in the Find menu if you cannot remember the number.

The field is used if your quote is for a customer who is reselling to an end customer. Information on your end customers is managed in the End Users window.

Billing Address Island

Field Description
Bill to Customer Here you can enter the number of a bill-to customer. Maconomy retrieves the bill-to customer from the ship-to customer’s information card, but you can change it. Maconomy verifies that the customer exists in the Accounts Receivable module.

The two customers are not the same, if items are being delivered to one customer and billed to another.

The other lines show the bill-to customer’s name and address. Maconomy retrieves the information from the customer information card. The address is maintained on the customer information card and cannot be changed here.

Attn. This is the customer’s attention person the person to whom payment information is directed. Maconomy retrieves the name from the customer’s information card. It cannot be changed here.
Country This is the customer’s country. It is retrieved from the customer information card. It cannot be changed here.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the settling company that applies to the current quote.

If an invoice is created later in the process and the company in this field is different from the one specified in the island Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is determined, please see the section Multiple Companies in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module.” Intercompany balances are described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can enter the number of the company responsible for the quote. If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Information in the set-up module.

If an invoice is created later in the process, and the company in this field is different from the one shown in the field “Company No.” in the island Settling Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module for a further description of the concept of responsible companies and intercompany balance.

This field also shows the name of the specified company.

Delivery Island

Field Description
Partial Delivery You can mark this field to permit partial delivery when the quote is converted to a sales order. Maconomy suggests the value from the System Information window in the Set-Up module, but you can change it.

If the field is not marked, you can only print a warehouse transaction, picking list, packing list, packing slip or invoice in the Sales Orders window if all the items sold are being packed. In the Packing Lists window you cannot approve a packing list until the warehouse has confirmed that all the items have been packed.

Furthermore, the field determines whether individual consignments can be specified for each line. For further information on this, see the field “Consignment No.” in the card and table parts.

Back Order Handling Here you select how to process back orders. There are three possible ways: Save, Delete, and Transfer. A more detailed description is given in the window Sales Orders. Maconomy automatically suggests the value that is entered in the customer’s information card, but it can be changed in the quote.
Blanket Order In this field, you can specify whether conversion of the quote should result in a blanket order, that is, a sales order where the field “Blanket Order” is marked. If this field is marked on the order to which the quote is converted, back orders registered to the delivery customer are transferred to the order when you print a picking list or packing list.

The field also determines whether Maconomy is allowed to move order lines to and from the order to which the quote is converted. For detailed information on blanket orders, please see the description of the corresponding field in the window Sales Orders.

The field has no significance until the quote is converted to a sales order.

Split Lines Automatically If this field is marked, converting the current quote will cause Maconomy to attempt to split the resulting order lines with the purpose of obtaining the earliest possible delivery date for as many units of the items as possible, as described in the section on the action “Convert to Order.”
Pref. Deliv. Date Here you can enter the customer’s preferred delivery date, if the quote results in a sales order. Maconomy suggests the date on which the quote was created. However, if you enter a blank preferred delivery date, today’s date is considered the preferred delivery date.

If you enter a historical date here, you run the risk that Maconomy uses an obsolete discount agreement to calculate prices.

Urgent In this field, you can specify whether this sales order is urgent. An order can, for example, be urgent if the items must be delivered within a shorter time frame than allowed by the items’ usual delivery time. If you mark this field and specify a delivery date in the field “Deliv. Date,” Maconomy will not automatically change the delivery date according to the availability of the items in the warehouse. When you mark this field, Maconomy forces a reservation of the items on the delivery date specified in the field “Deliv. Date,” even if this will cause the reservation of more units than available, and even if the back order principle “By reservation” is used. This field should therefore be used with caution.

It is not possible to mark blanket orders and orders with partial delivery as urgent.

Deliv. Date This field shows the expected delivery date if the quote is accepted. The field shows the latest delivery date for the quote and BOM lines.

If the quote header is assigned to a consignment, the delivery date registered on the quote and the assigned lines will be changed to the packing date of the consignment. After this, it is not possible to add lines that cannot be delivered on the packing date of the consignment.

If the field “Urgent” is marked, you can manually enter a value in this field. Marking the quote as urgent will prevent Maconomy from changing the delivery date according to the availability of the items in the warehouse. Please note, however, that it is only possible to enter a delivery date for an urgent quote if the field “Partial Delivery” is not marked. If the field “Partial Delivery” is marked, the delivery date of an urgent quote can only be changed on the individual items in the table part of the window. For urgent quotes, the date in this field is automatically transferred to the sales order when the quote is converted to a sales order.

Warehouse In this field, you can select which warehouse the items are to be delivered from, if the quote is accepted. Maconomy suggests the sales warehouse from which the items are normally delivered to the current customer, but you can select another. The pop-up field only shows existing warehouses, that is, warehouses created in the window Warehouse Information Card in the Inventory module.

You can only deliver items from one warehouse on a given quote, unless you have marked the field “Get Inventory From Item” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. If that field is marked, a warehouse can be specified on each line in the table part. If multiple warehouses have been specified for a quote, a sales order will at the approval of the order to which the quote has been converted be created for each warehouse on the order in addition to the warehouse specified in this field.

If an invoice is created later in the process, and you have selected a warehouse assigned to another company than the one specified in the island Company on the current quote, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances when the item journal is posted. In the intercompany balance, the company to which the warehouse is assigned will be the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify the location in the selected warehouse from which you expect the items to be shipped. This location will apply to those lines in the table part where the stock location field is left blank. If a stock location is specified on a given line, it overrules any location specified in this field. Maconomy suggests the standard shipping location specified for the current warehouse in the window Warehouse Information card, but you can specify another location. When you create a line in the table part, the location in this field is suggested on the new line.

It is not mandatory to enter location numbers in this window. However, the location information is also transferred when the quote is converted to an order, and it is not possible to create a warehouse transaction for an order until you have either entered a location in the card part or on the individual item lines.

Carrier Here you select the carrier to deliver the items on the current quote, if the quote is accepted. Maconomy suggests the carrier from the customer’s information card, but you can change it. If a destination has been specified on the quote, and the quote is not yet assigned to a consignment, the field can be changed to blank. In this case, Maconomy will disregard the carrier when assigning the quote to a consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment. Carriers are maintained in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Delivery Mode Here you select which delivery mode to apply, if the quote is accepted. Maconomy suggests the delivery mode from the customer’s information card, but you can change it. If a destination has been specified on the quote, and the quote is not yet assigned to a consignment, the field can be changed to blank. In this case, Maconomy will disregard the delivery mode when assigning the quote to a consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment. Delivery modes are maintained in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Delivery Terms Here you select which delivery terms to apply, if the quote is accepted. Maconomy suggests the delivery terms from the customer’s information card, but you can change it. If a destination has been specified on the quote, and the quote is not yet assigned to a consignment, the field can be changed to blank. In this case, Maconomy will disregard the delivery terms when assigning the quote to a consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment. Delivery terms are maintained in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Consignment Type In this field, you can select the consignment type which is to apply to the current quote. Maconomy will automatically retrieve the consignment type on the customer information card for the current customer, but the consignment type can be changed here. If a destination has been specified on the quote, and the quote is not yet assigned to a consignment, the field can be changed to blank. In this case, Maconomy will disregard the consignment type when assigning the quote to a consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment. Consignment types are maintained in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Destination No. In this field, you can specify the number of the destination to which the current quote is to be delivered if it is accepted. Maconomy will automatically retrieve the destination number on the customer information card for the current customer, but the destination number can be changed here. The destination number is used when Maconomy assigns the quote to a consignment. Maconomy will only consider consignments for the destination specified in this field. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment.
Consignment No. In this field, you can specify a consignment number if you want to assign the current quote to a consignment manually. Assigning a quote to a consignment means that the quote will be part of a joint delivery of different sales orders to the same destination on the same date and with the same combination of carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type.

If the quote has partial delivery, it is possible to assign each line to a separate consignment, but if you specify a consignment — In this field, all lines in the table part are automatically also assigned to this consignment whether the quote has partial delivery or not.

It is also possible to have Maconomy automatically assign the quote to a consignment by selecting the action “Assign Quote to Consignment.” If you let Maconomy select a consignment, Maconomy will attempt to find a consignment which matches the quote’s terms with regard to destination, delivery date, carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type. Please note, however, that if the quote has partial delivery, the action will be carried out on the individual quote lines instead of the card part.

When you complete the field, any values in the fields “Carrier,” “Delivery Mode,” “Delivery Terms,” “Consignment Type,” and “Destination No.” are overwritten with the information pertaining to the selected consignment. Furthermore, all delivery dates on the quote are changed to the packing date of the consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment.

If the field is completed and you select the action “Convert Quote to Order,” Maconomy checks if all items on the lines of the quote can be delivered on the packing date of the consignment in question. If they cannot all be delivered on the packing date, the quote cannot be converted.

Latest Arrival In this field, you can specify a date for the latest arrival permitted for the items to the current customer. If you specify a date In this field, Maconomy will issue a warning if the quote is assigned to a consignment with an arrival date after the date in this field.
Packing Date If the quote is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the date on which packing for the consignment in question should commence. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question. If the quote is assigned to a consignment, the delivery date registered on the quote is changed to the date displayed In this field, and the contents of this field can no longer be changed.
Consignment Date If the quote is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the expected date of departure for the consignment in question. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question.
Arrival Date If the quote is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the expected date of arrival to the destination for the consignment in question. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question.
Charge Table In this field, you can select a charge table to be used for charge calculation. The field is transferred from the customer information card when the quote is created.
Charge Discount % In this field, you can enter a charge discount percentage. A discount percentage entered in this field will be applied in addition to the one which can be specified in the charge table. The field is transferred from the customer information card when the quote is created.

Charges Island

Field Description
Charge 1 Here you can select a charge. Maconomy suggests the value from the “Charge Code 1” field in the customer’s information card, but you can change it.

In the window Charges you can enter the charge codes which should be available in this pop-up field, and you can define the texts, percentages and/or amounts to be attached to each charge. If a charge is specified to be a one-time charge, the charge will be removed from the quote upon invoicing later in the process.

The charge amount can be calculated on the basis of the information in the selected charge code, or it can be entered manually. In the latter case, the field “Maintain” is automatically selected. The charges in the quote are not calculated, until you select the action “Calculate Charges.” You have to select this action if you want to see the charges expected on the subsequent invoice.

You can select the action several times for the same quote. This may be necessary if lines are added to the quote, or the charge codes are changed. When the action is selected, the charges are calculated for the entire quote, including manually entered amounts. You may however maintain the amount of any charge by selecting the corresponding field “Maintain,” for example, if you have agreed on a fixed charge amount, which is not necessarily the same as the calculated amount.

When you print external order papers, such as quotes, order confirmations, and invoices, only charges where the field “Maintain” is not marked are recalculated automatically. However, please note that the charges calculated as a result of a printout are only displayed on the printout, as the amounts are not updated in the quote window.

If you change the charge code or the fixed charge amount, Maconomy verifies that you have user access to doing so. Access to changing price information, and thus to change charge codes and charges, is given in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

Charge 2 This field applies to charge 2, and it functions in the same way as the “Charge 2” field described above.
Charge 3 This field applies to charge 3, and it functions in the same way as the “Charge 3” field described above.
Charge 4 This field applies to charge 4, and it functions in the same way as the “Charge 4” field described above.

Customer Information Island

Field Description
Department Here you select the department which the quote involves. Maconomy suggests the value from the information card of the Ship To or Bill To customer, depending on whether or not you have marked the “Dept. from Bill to Cust.” field in the window System Information. You can change the suggested department.

Departments are maintained in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

Language Here you can select the language of the quote. Maconomy suggests the value from the customer’s information card, but you can change it. Any external order documents, resulting from the quote, will be printed in the language specified here. For further guidance, see the “Description Lang. 1,” “Description Lang. 2,” and “Description Lang. 3” fields in the Description island in the Item Information Card window in the Inventory module.

You can use the language code to print the quote in different languages. You can also use Maconomy’s layout editing tools to create different language quote layouts. These are applied in the Print Quote window.

You maintain language codes in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Customer Group This is the customer group to which the customer is assigned. The value is retrieved from the customer’s information card. It cannot be changed here.
Cust. Payment Mode In this field, you can specify how the customer is to pay the invoice created later in the process. If the field is left blank, Maconomy will use the customer payment mode specified for the customer in the window Payment Information.

Customer payment modes are created in the window Customer Payment Modes in the Banking module.

Global Location No. If the customer has requested that you use a specific global location number on invoices pertaining to the current quote, you can specify the location number in question here. Maconomy suggests the global location number specified in the window Company Specific Payment Information for the customer in question, but you can change it here if the location number to be used in connection with the current quote is not the same as the standard location number of the customer.

For further information about the concept of global location numbers, see the introduction to the window Company Locations in the G/L module.

Enterprise This field shows the value from the field “Enterprise” in the window Customer Information Card, but it is possible to change it. Enterprises are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. They are used for statistics.
Segment This field shows the value from the field “Segment” in the window Customer Information Card, but it is possible to change it. Segments are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. They are used for statistics.
Area This field shows the value from the field “Area” in the window Customer Information Card, but it is possible to change it. Areas are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. They are used for statistics.
Company Tax Code In this field, you can specify a company tax code created in the window Popup Fields. The field is used by Maconomy for determining the tax code to be used in the calculation of tax for the current quote, as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a tax code in the window Tax Tables in the G/L module. At this selection, Maconomy uses the tax table specified for the responsible company assigned to the current quote. The tax table is selected in the window Company Information. However, the tax code is only selected from a tax table if you have specified that tax tables which are specified in the window System Information are to be used, and only if the company responsible for the current quote is assigned to a tax table. If no tax table has been specified for the responsible company or if you use differentiated tax, and you do not use tax tables, Maconomy uses the tax code specified for the individual item in the window Item Information Card in the Inventory module or, in the case of charges, the tax code specified for the individual charge in the window Charges.

If you use neither differentiated tax nor tax tables, Maconomy uses the standard tax code specified in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

If you use tax tables, and the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” is marked, the tax code to be transferred to account invoices is found in a tax table. But instead of using the item tax code specified on an activity, item, charge or account, Maconomy uses the on account tax code in the field “On Account Tax Code” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module (along with various other information) to point out the relevant tax table line. If the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” is not marked, the standard tax code specified in the window System Information is always used as the tax code on invoices on account. For further information about the information used to point out the correct tax code, please see the description of the window Tax Tables in the G/L module.

When posting invoices, the reporting code is used for determining which tax report entries to create. Based on the tax report entries, you can create tax reports showing the tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. However, this kind of reporting can only be made if extended tax reporting has been selected in the window System Information.

The value of this field is transferred from the customer information card, but can be changed in this field.

Job Cost Island

Field Description
Invoice in Job Cost You can mark this field to show that a sales order created from this quote is to be invoiced in the Job Cost module. You can only mark the field if the quote is assigned to a job.

Please note that this field must be marked if you enter the number of a job which uses the invoicing method “Fixed-price,” and for which only invoicing on account is allowed, in the field “Job No.” in this island. The invoicing method selected for a job can be seen and changed in the window Job Parameter Selection.

Furthermore, if the system parameter “Invoice Orders with Job Numbers in Job Cost” has been marked, this field is automatically marked if you specify a job number in the field “Job No.” below. Subsequently removing the job number will cause the field to be unmarked.

If a job has been closed, it is no longer possible to create a quote for the job unless the job is first reopened in the window Jobs in the Job Cost module.

Job No. Here you can enter the number of a job from the Job Cost module to assign the quote to a job. Certain jobs might, for example, involve item sales from Maconomy’s Inventory module.

If you enter a job number when creating a quote and you leave the field “Customer No.” blank in the island “Ship to Address,” the quote is automatically assigned to the same customer as the job.

If the quote is converted to a sales order, the sales order will be invoiced separately in the Sales Orders module. The sales figures are transferred to the job specified here so that the job can be costed with the inclusion of item sales. Please note that if you specify a job number, it is only possible to convert the quote into a sales order if the job has order status.

Maconomy verifies that the job exists, that it has quote status, and that the company responsible for the job is the same as the one responsible for the quote. Maconomy also verifies that the job is neither blocked nor closed. If the Ship to Customer on the quote and job are not the same, Maconomy gives you a warning. If there are lines in the quote before it is assigned to a job, you must first enter an activity number on the individual quote lines.

If you enter a job number here, and the system parameter “Invoice Orders with Job Numbers in Job Cost” has been marked, the field “Invoice in Job Cost” above is automatically marked, and subsequently removing the job number will cause the field to be unmarked.

Please note that if you specify a job that uses the invoicing method “Fixed-price” and for which only invoicing on account is allowed, the field “Invoice in Job Cost” must be marked. The pricing method selected for a job can be seen and edited in the window Job Parameter Selection.

Activity No. In this field, you can enter the number of an amount activity from the Job Cost module if the quote is assigned to a job. This activity number will be suggested on lines created in the table part.
Task In this field you can enter the name of a task if the quote is assigned to a job.

Statistics to Tax Authorities Island

Field Description
EU Sale This field must be marked if the invoice is for an EU sale. If the “Sales List System Report” field in the System Information window is marked, Maconomy will mark this field if the bill-to customer is from another EU country and is not subject to paying tax, that is, the “Tax” field is not marked. If the field “Sales List System Report” is marked, the invoice will be included in your quarterly report to the EU Sales List System.
Intrastat Reg. Here you can specify whether to include the invoice in your monthly report to Intrastat. If the “Intrastat Export Report” field in the System Information window is marked, Maconomy suggests a mark here if the bill-to customer is from another EU country and is not subject to paying tax, that is, the “Tax” field is not marked.
EU Trade Type Here you can enter either “Normal” or “Triangulation” to indicate the EU trade type. Triangulation means you act as agent for a vendor in another EU country and a customer in third EU country. Invoice amounts from triangulation are not included in the EU sales on your tax specification, but are reported separately to the Sales List System.

The value is copied from the information card of the bill-to customer, but can be changed here.

Nature Here you select which transaction to report to Intrastat. They are created in the Popup field window in the Set-Up module.
Customs Document In this field, you can enter the number of any customs document which pertains to the current quote. Maconomy will automatically complete this field when you print a customs document which makes up the current quote in the window Print Customs Document, but you can change the number to assign the quote to another existing customs document.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can specify further information regarding the quote and the current customer. You might, for example, specify a “hold” code or information about substitution items. Maconomy suggests the value of the corresponding fields in the customer’s information card, but you can change the values for the current quote. The pop-up options are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.