Quote Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Quote Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Item No. Here you enter the item number related to the quote.

Maconomy verifies that the item exists, that is, that it has been created in the window Item Information Card in the inventory module. Maconomy also verifies that the item belongs to the warehouse specified in the card part.

To create a text line on the quote, it is necessary to leave this field blank. You must enter the text in the field “Description” and leave all other fields blank.

Quantity Here you enter the item quantity.

If the line is a text line, leave the field blank.

If the item is a BOM, you can change the quantity after the line has been created if the BOM is not itemized on the printed quote. You specify in the BOM Information Card whether BOM parts are to be itemized on quotes.

Please note that if the quantity is changed on a line containing an item with price control, Maconomy makes a recalculation of the prices, unless the field “Keep Price” is marked for the line.

Unit Here you choose the item unit of the quote. Maconomy suggests the value from the item’s information card in the Inventory module, but you can change it.
Description This is the item text, retrieved from the “Description Lang. 1” field in the Item Information Card. The text can be changed.
Unit Price In this field, you can enter the item’s unit price in the quote. If the quote is assigned to a price list, and the item is included in the price list, Maconomy suggests the price from the price list.

If the quantity justifies a quantity discount, or if a fixed price step has been specified on the quote, the unit price suggested in this field will be the price on the price step in question as specified in the window Quantity Discounts in the Inventory module. However, the suggested price can be changed here if you and the customer have agreed on a special price.

If the item is not included in the price list, or if you have not selected a price list for the quote, Maconomy suggests the current cost of the item in the warehouse in question and adds the gross margin percentage, both of which are retrieved from the item’s information card. This functionality only applies if the field “Sales Price Costing” has not been marked on the item’s information card. If sales price costing is used for the item, the price is still retrieved from the price list, but in this case, the cost is determined by the sales price, using the gross margin percentage. The cost is not shown, but it is used when posting the cost of sales. If the item is not in the price list, Maconomy suggests the price 0.

Please note that the unit price of BOMs can be reduced if the following scenario occurs: If the item is a BOM with inventory control that does not use price control, this means that the price in this field should be calculated from the unit prices of the BOM parts. If the unit price of one of these BOM parts is calculated from cost and the BOM part is not assigned to the warehouse on the current line (by means of a warehouse assignment line in the table part of the window Item Information Card), the unit price of that BOM part is set to zero, which affects the price in this field.

Maconomy uses the preferred delivery date of the quote to determine which price list should be used in the calculation of prices.

See also the description of the BOM Information Card for a more detailed description of BOM pricing.

If the line is a text line, leave the field blank.

Discount % This shows a discount % if the customer is entitled to a discount from the Discount Tables window in the Inventory module or from a customer or item discount agreement. You can change the suggested discount %, but you cannot change both the percent and the discount amount in the “Discount” field, since these two are related. The discount % is calculated from the discount amount.

If you change the value — In this field, Maconomy verifies that you have user access to doing so. Access to changing price information, and thus to change the discount %, is given to users in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

If the item is a BOM which is not to be itemized on the quote, the discount % is calculated as described above for standard items, and you can change it here.

If the item is a BOM which is to be itemized in full, the discount % is the total discount on all the BOM parts in proportion to the total price of the BOM. The calculation is based on the item on the highest level with price control. A BOM part contributes to the total discount if it has price control and if it is not an item in a BOM with price control. This functionality applies to any number of levels in the BOM. If you change the discount % here, the new value is copied to all the BOM lines, after which the discount amount is recalculated as described for the “Discount” field.

You can see the BOM part lines in the Order Lines window, where you can change the discount % on items on the lowest BOM level.

If the line is a text line, leave the field blank.

Discount This shows a discount if the customer is entitled to a discount from the Discount Tables window in the Inventory module or from a customer or item discount agreement. You can change the suggested discount, but you cannot change both the discount amount and the percent in the “Discount %” field, since these two are related. The discount % is calculated from the discount amount.

If you change the value — In this field, Maconomy verifies that you have user access to doing so. Access to changing price information, and thus to change the discount, is given to users in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials and if the item is a BOM which is not being shown in full on the quote, the discount is calculated in the same way as for standard items and you can change it afterwards.

Extended Price If the item is a BOM which is to be shown in full, you cannot change the discount here. The discount is the total discount on all the BOM parts in the BOM. The calculation is based on the item on the highest level with price control. A BOM part contributes to the total discount if it has price control and if it is not an item in a BOM with price control. This functionality applies to any number of levels in the BOM. If you change the discount, the discount % is recalculated from the calculated unit price and is copied to all the BOM lines. The discount amount is then recalculated for every BOM part and is summed up in this field.

You can see the BOM part lines in the Order Lines window, where you can change the discount on items on the lowest BOM level.

If the line is a text line, leave the field blank.

This is the extended price of the line. It is calculated by multiplying the item quantity by the unit price, dividing this total by the pricing unit, and deducting any discount. This extended price is transferred to the “Price” field in the Total Quote island in the card part of the window. It cannot be changed here.

Maconomy alerts you if the extended price causes the bill-to customer’s credit limit to be exceeded. When checking if the customer's credit limit has been exceeded, Maconomy checks the current customer's credit limit at enterprise level as well as at company level. See the description of the fields in the island Credit Limit in the windows Payment Information and Company Specific Payment information in the A/R module for further information about how credit limits are handled in Maconomy.

Deliv. Date Here you can enter a delivery date for the individual items.

If the quote is converted to a sales order and the item is not fully available on the given date, Maconomy gives a warning and automatically calculates the expected delivery date from the item’s delivery time in the Item Information Card. When the quote is converted to an order, Maconomy checks if the items can be delivered on this date. If they cannot, Maconomy recalculates the delivery date on the resulting order line. Please note that this can result in the line being split up on the order if the field “Split Lines Automatically” is marked and some of the units of the item can be delivered sooner than the rest due to changed availability.

If a quote is converted to an order without partial delivery, this field cannot be changed, once the order is approved or assigned to a consignment, as the value of this field always follows the corresponding field in the card part of the window. The items on the order are reserved in one lot. Maconomy automatically updates all order lines and the delivery date in the card part of the window if you add an order line which cannot be delivered on the existing delivery date of the order.

The delivery date can be changed as you please as long as the line is not assigned to a consignment. If the delivery date is changed to an earlier date, Maconomy checks if the item can be delivered on this date. If this is not the case, the date will automatically be changed to the date on which the item can be delivered. If you want to update the delivery date so that it reflects the latest developments in availability (for instance changes in the expected availability date of purchased items), you can delete the date in the field and press Enter. Maconomy will then calculate the earliest possible delivery date based on delivery time, the current purchase, production and order volumes, and quantity in stock. If there are other lines on the quote with the same item number, these lines are also treated as if those items were reserved on an order, while similar lines on other quotes are ignored. However, whether you enter an earlier date or a blank value, the original date will be kept (that is, the date registered before the change was made) if the date found during the search is later than the original date.

This field cannot be changed, once the line is assigned to a consignment, as the value of this field will then always reflect the packing date of the consignment in question.

You can also select the action “Update Delivery Dates” to recalculate the delivery date on all the lines on the quote. In this case, however, Maconomy does not keep the original delivery date in case the search results in a later date.

If the field “Consignment No.” is completed in the card part of the window, and you select the action “Convert Quote to Order,” Maconomy checks whether all lines in the table part can be delivered on or before the packing date of the consignment in question as described above. If they cannot all be delivered on the packing date, the quote cannot be converted.

If a consignment is specified on the current line but not in the card part, and the line cannot be delivered on or before the packing date of the consignment in question, converting the quote will cause Maconomy to assign the resulting order line to the earliest possible consignment on which the items on the line can be delivered. If such a consignment cannot be found, the quote cannot be converted.

If the field “Urgent” is marked in the card part of the window, you can manually enter a value in this field. Marking the quote as urgent will prevent Maconomy from changing the delivery dates according to the availability of the items in the warehouse. Please note, however, that it is only possible to enter a delivery date in this field if the field “Partial Delivery” is marked. If the field “Partial Delivery” is not marked, the delivery date of an urgent quote can only be changed in the field “Deliv. Date” in the card part of the window. The date in this field is automatically transferred to the sales order when the quote is converted to a sales order.

Confirmed Delivery Date In this field, you can enter the last date which has been communicated to the customer as the delivery date. In other words, this is the date which the customer has been informed as the day on which he can expect to receive the items on the line. By comparing the date in this field with the one in the field “Deliv. Date” on the line (or “Arrival Date” if the line has been assigned to a consignment), you can determine whether the customer needs to be informed of any delivery date changes. You can enter a date manually, but when you print out the quote, Maconomy overwrites the value as follows: If the line has not been assigned to a consignment, the field is assigned the line’s delivery date. If the line has been assigned to a consignment, the field is assigned the arrival date of the consignment in question.
Remarks Here you can enter a remark about the delivery of the item.
Consignment No. In this field, you can specify a consignment number if you want to manually assign the current line to a consignment. The field is only relevant for quotes with partial delivery, as the value otherwise has no influence on the quote handling. Therefore, the following description is based on the assumption that the quote has partial delivery.

Assigning a quote line to a consignment means that the line will be part of a joint delivery of different item lines to the same destination on the same date and with the same combination of carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type.

It is possible to assign each line to a separate consignment. However, if you specify a consignment in the card part, all lines in the table part are automatically also assigned to this consignment whether the quote has partial delivery or not.

It is also possible to have Maconomy automatically assign each line on the quote to a consignment by selecting the action “Assign Quote to Consignment.” When you select this action, Maconomy will attempt to find a consignment which matches the quote’s terms with regard to destination, carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type. If a destination has been specified on the quote, and the system parameter “Automatically assign order lines to consignment” has been marked, Maconomy automatically runs this action every time a quote line is created, or an existing line is changed in a manner which results in a changed delivery date.

When the field is completed, the delivery date on the line is changed to the packing date of the consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quote lines to a consignment.

If the field “Consignment No.” is completed in the card part of the window, and you select the action “Convert Quote to Order,” Maconomy checks whether all lines in the table part can be delivered on or before the packing date of the consignment in question. If they cannot all be delivered on the packing date, the quote cannot be converted. However, if a consignment is specified on the current line but not in the card part, and the line cannot be delivered on or before the packing date of the consignment in question, converting the quote will cause Maconomy to assign the resulting order line to the earliest possible consignment on which the items on the line can be delivered. If such a consignment cannot be found, the quote cannot be converted.

Packing Date If the line is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the date on which packing for the consignment in question should commence. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question. When the line is assigned to a consignment, the delivery date of the line is changed to the date in this field, and the contents of the field can no longer be changed.
Consignment Date If the line is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the expected date of departure for the consignment in question. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question.
Arrival Date If the line is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the expected date of arrival at the destination. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question.
Warehouse In this field, you can select the warehouse from which you expect the items to be delivered if the quote is accepted and converted into an order. The value is copied from the corresponding field in the card part of this window. If you have marked the field “Get Inventory From Item” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module, Maconomy suggests the primary warehouse for the current item. This value is copied from the Item Information Card, but can be changed here. If you have marked the field “Get Inventory From Item,” but no primary warehouse has been specified for the item, Maconomy will suggest the warehouse displayed in the card part of the quote.

As this is only a quote, the related items are not reserved in the warehouse before the quote is converted into an order and this order has been approved. See the description of the corresponding field in the table part of the window Sales Orders for further information on the assigned warehouse after conversion of a quote.

Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify the location in the selected warehouse from which you expect to ship the items on the current line. When you create a line, Maconomy checks if a standard picking location has been specified in the table part of the item’s information card on a line pertaining to the warehouse specified on the current quote line. If a standard picking location has been specified and if this location is also marked as a shipping location in the window Warehouse Information Card, the item’s standard picking location is suggested In this field, but the value can be changed manually. If no standard picking location has been specified for the item or if the item has a standard picking location for the warehouse but it is not a shipping location, Maconomy suggests a blank value in this field. When this field is blank, the stock location number specified in the card part of the window will apply to the line.

It is not mandatory to enter location numbers in this window. However, the location information is transferred when the quote is converted to an order, and it is not possible to create a warehouse transaction for an order until you have either entered a location in the card part or on the individual item lines.

Discount Desc. This is the discount description printed on all external order documents. If the description of the discount (be it item discount, customer discount or a discount from a discount table) granted on the line has been translated into the language specified in the card part of the quote, the translation in question is shown here. If no such translation exists, Maconomy suggests the discount description specified for the discount in question in the window Item Discount Agreements, Customer Discount Agreement or Discount Tables, depending on the type of discount granted. However, you can change the text here. Translations are created in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.

If you have entered a discount manually, you can enter a text here to describe the discount. The text is printed on all external order documents.

If the line is a text line, leave this field blank.

Pricing Unit This is the quantity of units included in the item’s unit price. The value is retrieved from the Item Information Card and cannot be changed here.
Note No. In this field, you can specify the number of a note to be assigned to the current line for further specification. Notes are created and edited in the window Notes in the Set-Up module.
Note Description This field shows a description of the note specified in the field “Note No.” above.
Item Note No. If the item specified on the line is a template item, that is, an item for which a template note has been specified in the window Item Information Card, a copy of the template note from the item information card is created, and the copy is assigned to the current quote line by means of this field.

A template item is an item where the generic item information is not specific enough, as certain details may change from order to order. An example of a template item is a business card where the basic information about the card such as the paper type and background color is static, but each time a batch of cards is ordered, the title, name and address to be printed on the card are different. It is therefore important that a number of additional fields are made available so that a user ordering a business card is allowed to enter this information. Once the quote line has been created and this field has automatically been completed, you can enter the additional information required for the template item by opening the window Notes in the Set-Up module, selecting the note — In this field, and specifying the relevant data in the table part.

For further information on the use and set-up of template items, see the description of the field “Template Note No.” in the window Item Information Card.

The information entered in the note is also printed on external order documents.

Item Note Description This field shows a description of the note specified in the field “Item Note No.” above.
External Desc. This is the item description printed on all external order documents. If a translation exists for the current item in the language specified in the card part of the quote, the translation in question is shown here. If no such translation exists, the item text from the field “Item Description, Language 1” is suggested instead. You can change the text here. Translations are created in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.

If the line is a text line, leave the field blank.

Internal Desc. This is the internal item text from the Item Information Card. You can change this text. It is printed on the packing list and is suitable for messages to warehouse employees. You can, for example, specify how the item should be handled and packed. The text is not printed on external order documents.

If the line is a text line, leave the field blank.

Extra Text 1-10 In these fields, you can enter supplementary text for a further description of the current item. In the first three fields, Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding fields in the item information card. You can change the suggested texts and enter additional information in the remaining seven fields.
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can enter further information about the current item. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding fields in the item information card, but you can change the value for the current quote line. The pop-up options are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Orig. Quantity In this field, you can specify how many units of the current item were originally quoted. When creating a line, Maconomy will copy the value in the field “Quantity” to this field, but you can change the value later. When the quote is converted to an order, the value in this field on the sales order will be changed to the value in the field “Quantity,” but can still be changed on the sales order.
Price List This is the price list from which the item line is priced. Maconomy suggests the price list from the card part of the window, unless the customer is tied to another price list by a discount agreement which is then suggested instead. The value cannot be changed here.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and the item is a BOM without price control, the field will be blank. The extended price will be calculated from the sum of the BOM parts, which are priced according to the price list in the card part.

Price Step This is the price step in the price list according to which the item is priced. Maconomy suggests the value justified by the amount of items ordered. But if the customer is tied to a fixed price step, this price step is applied instead. You cannot change the value in this field.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and the item is a BOM without price control, the value will be “0.” The extended price is calculated from the sum of the prices of the BOM parts.

Keep Price In this field, you can specify whether the unit price and discount percentage on the current line should be recalculated when changing the quantity. If you mark the field, a change in quantity will not cause the current unit price or discount percentage to be recalculated, even if the new quantity results in, for example, a different price step. However, you can change the unit price and discount percentage manually. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field in the card part, but you can change it for the individual order lines.
Price at Step 1 This is the price of one pricing unit, if the quote is assigned to a price list and if the item is included in the price list. If not, the value here will correspond to the unit price. The value cannot be changed here.
Quantity Disc. This is the discount amount. It is defined as the difference between the price at price step 1 and the actual unit price, multiplied by the item quantity and divided by the pricing unit. It is usually the total discount on the item line. The value cannot be changed here.
Bill of Materials This field shows whether the item is a standard item or a BOM. If the field is marked, the item is a BOM. The individual parts of the BOM can be changed in the Order Lines window if the BOM is being shown in full.
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not manually enter a value, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module. However, any manually entered value will be overwritten if Maconomy can derive a value for which overwriting has been selected. If no value can be derived, Maconomy transfers the value from the field “Location” in the card part of the window.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module” as well as the description of the window Dimension Derivations for further information about dimension derivation.

If the current line is a text line, that is, no item number has been specified on the line, you cannot enter a value in this field.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Length Here you can enter the length of the item. If you also enter a width below, Maconomy will calculate “Quantity” by multiplying length by width. If you complete the “Quantity” field, the length and width are reset.

You can use this facility for entering column measurements for newspaper and magazine advertisements, for example.

Width Here you can enter the width of the item. If you also enter a length above, Maconomy will calculate “Quantity” by multiplying length by width. If you complete the “Quantity” field, the length and width are reset.

You can use this facility for entering column measurements for newspaper and magazine advertisements, for example.

Activity No. In this field, you can enter an amount activity if the current line relates to an activity and the quote is assigned to a job. When you create a line on a quote on which a job number has been specified, Maconomy attempts to derive an activity number using the following procedure:
  1. If the user manually enters an activity number, this number is used.
  2. If no value is entered manually, Maconomy checks the information card of the item specified on the line to see if an activity number has been specified there (see the window “Activity No.” in the card part of the window Item Information Card). If so, the activity number in question is transferred to this field.
  3. If no activity number was found in step 2, the activity number specified in the corresponding field in the card part of the quote is used.
  4. If no activity was found in step 3, the activity number to be derived from the standard task of the task list assigned to the job on the quote is used.

If no job has been specified on the quote, any manually entered value is changed to a blank value, as you cannot specify an activity to a line which does not pertain to a job.

Task In this field, you can enter the name of a task if the quote is linked to a job. If the corresponding field in the card part of the window contains a value, it will automatically be suggested in this field.
Campaign No. In this field, you can enter the number of a campaign if the current quote line is connected to a certain campaign in the Contact Management module. If you enter a campaign number in the card part, Maconomy transfers the number to this field when creating lines. The campaign number can be used for, for example, statistical purposes.