Journals Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Journals sub-tab.

Field Description
Journal No. This is the number of the current general journal. If the line shows a template, this is the number of the journal from which the template was created.
Name This field shows the name of the current template. You can change the name here. If the field is blank, the current line shows a journal which has not been marked as a template. However, you can enter a name on such lines, thus marking the journal in question as a template. Similarly, if you remove the name from a template, the template is changed to a “normal” journal.
New Entry Date Here you can enter an entry date. When you create a new journal, Maconomy will use this entry date for all entry lines in the new journal. The entry dates can be changed in the window General Journal.
Range (Months) If you enter a range here, Maconomy will set the date in the “New Entry Date” to the applied entry date plus the value in this field. The new date will be used next time the template or journal is copied.
New Trans. No. Here you can specify a transaction number. When you create the new journal, Maconomy will use the number for all entry lines. You can later change transaction number of individual entries in the window General Journal. You can also let Maconomy enter the next available number in a transaction number series on the journal lines by leaving this field blank and instead specifying a transaction number series in the field “Transaction Number Series.”
New Trans. Type Here you can specify a transaction type. When you create the general journal, Maconomy will use this transaction type for all entry lines. You can later change the transaction type of individual entries in the General Journal workspace.
Transaction Number Series In this field you can select a transaction number series. When you create the general journal, Maconomy will use the next available transaction number in the selected number series for all entry lines in the new general journal. This means that even if the lines in the original journal had different transaction numbers, the transaction number will be the same on every line in the new general journal. You can, however, change the transaction number on individual entry lines in the General Journal workspace. You can also enter a specific transaction number on the entry lines by leaving this field blank and instead specifying a fixed transaction number in the field “New Trans. No.”
Transaction Type In this field you can select the default transaction type of the current general journal.
Rev. Entries If you mark this field, Maconomy will reverse entry lines when creating a new journal. This means the original debit entries are created as credit entries and vice versa. However, a reversing journal is only created if the field “Copy” is also marked.
Copy If you mark this field, Maconomy will create a journal as a copy of the journal or template on the line when you select the “Copy” action. However, if the field “Rev. Entries” has also been marked, the journal created when the action “Copy” is selected will be a reversing journal, as described in the field “Rev. Entries” above.
Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the original journal. The name cannot be changed.
Created on This is the date when the template was created. It cannot be changed.