Draft Credit Memos Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Draft Credit Memos sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the numbers of the jobs for which you have made a credit memo selection which has been approved for crediting in the window Invoice Selection using the actions “Approve Credit memo Selection” or “Approve for Crediting on Account,” or approved in the window Invoice Editing using the action “Close Editing” with no balance in the island Balance. Maconomy only shows the jobs within the selection criteria specified in the card part of the window.
Bill to Customer No. This is the number of the customer the job is for.
Bill to Customer This field shows the name of the customer.
Preferred Credit Memo Date In this field, you can enter the credit memo date you want for the individual credit memos. If a credit memo date has been specified in the field “Invoice Date” in the windows Invoice Selection or Approve Invoice Selection, it will be suggested here.

The date you enter must be within the open posting interval, which you define in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. If you do not enter a date here, Maconomy will use today’s date.

Credit This field must be marked if you wish to credit the job when you select “Print Credit Memos” in the Action menu. In the card part, you can limit the number of jobs shown here for crediting, but you can also deselect a job by removing its mark here.

If you do not wish to credit a job shown in the table, remove the mark by clicking the field. Maconomy automatically marks all the jobs.

Job Name This field shows the name of the jobs for which you have made a credit memo selection which has been approved for invoicing in the window Credit Memo Selection using the actions “Approve Credit Memo Selection” or “Approve for Invoicing on Account,” or approved in the window Credit Memo Editing using the action “Close Editing” with no balance in the island Balance. Maconomy only shows the jobs within the selection criteria specified in the card part of the window. You cannot change the job numbers here.
Invoice Currency This field shows the invoice currency.
Billing Price, Invoice Currency This field shows the amount invoiced on the job selected in the card part, excluding tax. The amount is shown in invoice currency. For credit memos, the amount credited is shown as a positive amount.
Billing Price Up/Down Currency This field shows the amount written up/down on the invoice in job currency.

Hours Up/Down This field shows the write-up/-down number of hours for the entries being invoiced. Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered number of hours and the invoiced number of hours. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs are shown as negative figures.

Currency (Job) This field shows the currency of the job.
Draft No. This field shows the numbers of the jobs for which you have made an invoice selection which has been approved for invoicing in the window Invoice Selection using the actions “Approve Invoice Selection” or “Approve for Invoicing on Account,” or approved in the window Invoice Editing using the action “Close Editing” with no balance in the island Balance. Maconomy only shows the jobs within the selection criteria specified in the card part of the window. You cannot change the job numbers here.
Blanket Draft This check box is selected if the invoice draft on the line is a blanket draft.
Credit Memo Name This is the name of the credit memo.

Customer No. This field shows the bill-to customer number.

Customer This field shows the bill-to customer name.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current job. The company number is transferred from the window Jobs.
Company This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Settling Company No. This field shows the number of the settling company that applies to the current job.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is selected, please see the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module.” Intercompany entries are described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

Settling Company This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Settling Company No.” above.
Department This field shows the department associated with the job.