Job Crediting Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to create and print job credit memos and job credit memos on account in batches.

If you need to credit many jobs, it may be convenient to credit them in one operation. In this workspace, you can generate credits for all jobs that meet certain selection criteria.

Before you can credit a job in this workspace, the job must have approved credit memo selections that have not already been credited. Approve selections in the Invoice Selection or Approve Invoice Selection workspaces.

Use the Job Crediting tab in this workspace to select the jobs to credit. The Draft Credit Memos sub-tab lists the draft credit memos (one line per credit memo) that are approved for crediting.

When you create and print credits, Maconomy creates an invoice journal. If you selected the Automatic posting of invoices system parameter, the invoice journal is posted automatically. If you did not select that system parameter, you must post the journal in the Posting workspace in the G/L module.