
This section shows the Actions available in the Employee Calendars workspace.

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Field Description
Delete Absence When you select this action, any absence entry as shown in the island Absence is deleted.
Submit Absence This action is only available to the currently selected employee, his or her secretary, the employee who is specified as absence approver for the currently selected employee, and the supervisor of the selected employee. Furthermore, users for whom the field “Submit Absence” in the window Actions has been marked can select the action.

When you select this action, the absence specified in the island Absence is submitted as an indication that it now contains the desired information and is ready to be approved.

Approve Absence This action is only available to the employee who is specified as absence approver for the currently selected employee and to the supervisor of the selected employee. Furthermore, users for whom the field “Approve and Reject Absence” in the window Actions has been marked can select the action.

When you select this action, the absence in the island Absence is approved, causing it to become effective (unless the field “Temporary” has been marked). Please note that if an approved absence line covers one or more dates overlapping with the detailed planning of the employee, this causes the planned hours on the days in question to be deleted as described in “Calendar Lines Entering into Effect.”

When a line has been approved, the only field that can be changed on the line in question is the field “Temporary.” However, unmarking this field on an approved line will not cause the line to become effective, as the approval will then be cancelled, and the line must be resubmitted and approved before becoming effective.

The cancellation of the approval does not cause any planned hours deleted in the process described above to be restored. When approval has been cancelled for an absence line, the line must be resubmitted and approved again to become effective.

Reject Absence This action is only available to the employee who is specified as absence approver for the currently selected employee and to the supervisor of the selected employee. Furthermore, users for whom the field “Approve and Reject Absence” in the window Actions has been marked can select the action.

When you select this action, the absence in the island Absence is rejected as an indication that the absence is not accepted. This causes the absence line to be closed without affecting the planning.

Once an absence line has been rejected, changing information on the line causes the rejection and submission of the line to be cancelled. This means that the employee can change the information and resubmit it for approval without having to first reopen the line or create one.

Reopen Absence This action is only available to the employee who is specified as absence approver for the currently selected employee and to the supervisor of the selected employee. Furthermore, users for whom the field “Reopen Absence” in the window Actions has been marked can select the action.

When you select this action, the absence in the island Absence is reopened, causing it to no longer be rejected, submitted, or approved. If a previously approved line is reopened, it is once again possible to change the information on it. When the relevant changes have been made, the line must be resubmitted and approved to become effective.