Time Sheets Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Time Sheets sub-tab.

Field Description
Year This field shows the year of the current time sheet.
Week This field shows the week number of the current time sheet. If the week is a split week, the value will also contain either an “A” or a “B,” indicating which part of the week is currently displayed.
Employee No. This field shows the number of the employee assigned to the current time sheet.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee specified in the field “Empl. No.” above.
Hours / Days, Total This field shows the total amount of time registered on the current time sheet. The title of the field and content within depend on the Time Unit selected in the tab of this workspace.
Submit In this field, you can specify that the current time sheet is to be submitted when the action “Submit Time Sheets” is selected. By default the field is unmarked. This field cannot be marked if the current time sheet has already been submitted.
Submit, Temporarily In this field, you can specify that the current time sheet is to be submitted temporarily when the action “Submit Temp. Time Sheets” is selected. By default the field is unmarked. This field cannot be marked if the current time sheet has already been submitted or submitted temporarily.
Release In this field, you can specify that the current time sheet is to be released when the action “Release Time Sheets” is selected. By default the field is unmarked. This field cannot be marked if the current time sheet has already been transferred. The action can only be used if the field “Trans. Non-Appr. Time Sheets” has been marked in the window System Information.
Approve In this field, you can specify that the current time sheet is to be approved when the action “Approve Time Sheets” is selected. By default the field is unmarked. This field cannot be marked if the current time sheet has already been approved.
Reopen In this field, you can specify that the current time sheet is to be reopened when the action “Reopen Time Sheets” is selected. By default the field is unmarked. This field can only be marked if the current time sheet is approved or is submitted and transferred.
Submitted This field displays whether or not the current time sheet has been submitted.
Temporarily Submitted This field displays whether or not the current time sheet has been temporarily submitted.
Transferred This field displays whether or not the current time sheet has been transferred for posting.
Approved This field displays whether or not the current time sheet has been approved.
Start Date This field displays the date at which an expense began. It can, for example, be expenses in connection with a hotel stay.
External Hours / Days, Total This field displays the total number of hours or days registered on external jobs for the current time sheet. The title of and information in this field depends on the Time Unit chosen.
Internal Hours / Days, Total This field displays the total number of hours or days registered on internal jobs for the current time sheet. The title of and information in this field depends on the Time Unit chosen.
Fixed The field shows fixed time for the time sheet in hours or days, depending on the Time Unit selected in the tab of this workspace. For a detailed description of how the fixed hours are determined, see the Fixed field in the Time Sheets workspace.
Overtime The field shows calculated overtime for the time sheet in hours or days, depending on the Time Unit selected in the tab of this workspace.
Supervisor, No. This field displays the employee number of the supervisor specified for the employee registered on the current time sheet.
Supervisor, Name This field displays the name of the employee specified as supervisor for the employee registered on the current time sheet.
Secretary, No. This field displays the employee number of the person specified as secretary for the employee registered on the current time sheet.
Secretary, Name This field displays the name of the person specified as secretary for the employee registered on the current time sheet.
Time Activity 1-3 These three field shows time registered on the three fixed activities for the time sheet in hours or days depending, on the Time Unit selected in the tab of this workspace.
Amount Activity 1-4 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Time Activity 1–3.”
Check-in Balance for Period This field shows the total remaining check-in balance for the current period.
Check-in Balance, Monday-Sunday This field shows the remaining check-in balance for each day.
Check-in Enabled for Period This field specifies whether multiple check-in entries are enabled for the current period.
Check-in Enabled, Monday-Sunday This field specifies whether multiple check-in entries are enabled for the day.
Check-in Time for Period This field specifies whether multiple check-in entries are enabled for the current period.
Check-in Time, Monday-Sunday This field shows the total check-in time registered for each day.
Checked in, Expected Time, Monday-Sunday This field shows the estimated total check-in time registered for the day
Checked In, Time, Monday-Sunday This field shows the actual total check-in time registered for the day.
Checked out, Expected Time, Monday-Sunday This field shows the estimated total check-out time registered for the day.
Checked Out, Time, Monday-Sunday This field shows the actual total check-out time registered for the day.
Missed Meal, Monday-Sunday This field specifies whether the employee utilized their daily break for the day.

If the field value is Yes, the employee skipped their break.