Approve Time Sheets Workspace

Use this workspace to work on a group of time sheets at the same time.

For example, you can select a number of time sheets for submission, release, approval, or reopening. You can perform the same functions in the Time Sheets workspace, but for only one time sheet at a time.

You can submit, release, or reopen all of the time sheets for employees for whom you are the supervisor or secretary. Depending on security settings, you may also have permission to approve these employees' time sheets or to submit, release, reopen, and approve all employees' time sheets.

Being able to see and handle several time sheets at a time can be practical if, for example, you need to approve many time sheets but do not need to examine the content of each time sheet.

Access to Time Sheets

A user can submit, release, or reopen all time sheets for employees for whom he or she is the supervisor or secretary. The user can also approve all time sheets for which he or she is the supervisor or secretary, if you selected the Secretary can Approve Time Sheets system parameter.

In addition, users who have been given access to view all time sheets in the Actions workspace in the Set-Up module can also see time sheets in this workspace. If they have also been given access to change all time sheets, they can also perform the actions that are associated with the time sheets.

Selection Criteria

The Approve Time Sheets tab contains an island with selection criteria. Use these criteria to select the timesheets on which you want to work. The first time that you open this workspace, you must specify criteria, but after you have done this once, Maconomy saves the selection criteria for each user. Each time that you open the workspace, Maconomy displays the selection criteria you last entered.

If you select the Show Lines field in the Selection Criteria island, the Time Sheets sub-tab displays the time sheets that you selected. For each individual line in the sub-tab, you can specify a status. Depending on the status you select, the time sheet line is submitted, submitted temporarily, released, approved, or reopened when you use the one of the functions in the Action menu.

You should note that the actions in the Action menu apply to all time sheets that the selection criteria identify, regardless of whether they are displayed in the sub-tab.