Approve Time Sheets Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approve Time Sheets tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines If you mark this field, the entries which match the criteria in this island are displayed in the sub-tab. Please note that Maconomy includes all selected entries when you select the actions in this window, regardless of whether or not they are displayed in the sub-tab.
Employee No. In these fields, you can specify a range of employee numbers. The sub-tab will only display time sheets within the specified range of employee numbers.
Week/Year In these fields, you can enter a period from week/year to week/year. The sub-tab will only display time sheets within the specified period.
Date In these fields, you can enter a period from a starting date to an ending date. The sub-tab will only display time sheets within the specified period. If you have entered a range of weeks in the above fields “Week/Year,” these fields show the starting and ending dates of the period specified.
Company No. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Employee No.”
Show In this field, you can choose to only see time sheets with a specific approval status that match the selection criteria in this island. You can choose one of the following actions: Submission, Submission Temporarily, Release, Approval, and Reopening. The sub-tab will only show time sheets for which the specified action can be selected.

Time Unit Island

Field Description
Time Unit Use this field to specify the Time Unit (Hour or Day) for the display of time in the window.

Time Sheet and Hour Totals Island

Field Description
Show Totals If you mark this field, Maconomy makes a count on the basis of the lines displayed in the sub-tab. The result as regards the number of time sheets currently marked for submission, release, approval, or reopening is displayed in the islands. Note that the islands will not display any summary information if you have not marked this field.
Time Sheets This field shows the total number of time sheets in the sub-tab that have been marked in the field “Submit.” The field is automatically updated if you have marked the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria.
Hours / Days The title of the field depends on the Time Unit chosen above. The field shows the time that will be submitted in hours or days depending on Time Unit.

Update Fixed Time Island

Field Description
Update Fixed Time at Approval If you select this field, the fields “Fixed” and “Overtime” in the sub-tab will be updated to reflect the current number of fixed time specified for the employee in question in the windows Employees or Week Calendars in the Set-Up module upon approval.

If the amount of fixed time has been changed for the employee, it will affect the calculation of overtime. The calculation is only affected as of the date when the amount of fixed time was changed; it does not affect the calculation of overtime for previously approved time sheets.

For the update of fixed hours to be recorded on the time sheets in the sub-tab, this field must be marked when the time sheets are approved.

Selection Criteria, Employees Island

Field Description
Supervisor In this field, you can specify a supervisor employee name and number. The sub-tab will only display time sheets for employees for whom this person is supervisor.
Secretary The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Supervisor.”