Update Item Reservations Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to update delivery information about sales and backorder lines in the Sales Orders module, based on the latest inventory and availability information.

Using this workspace, you can run the actions that are in the Sales Orders, Back Order Register, and Item Purchase Orders workspaces on a number of order lines, thus ensuring that the orders contain realistic delivery dates, and that as many units as possible are delivered as soon as possible.

Only lines that contain items that have inventory control are affected by the actions in this workspace. In addition, Maconomy ignores lines on orders where you select the Urgent field.

When you update delivery dates on a single line at a time—for example, in the Sales Orders workspace—Maconomy treats that line as if it were being created, while all other item reservations stay the same and thereby have first priority. However, when you change delivery dates for several lines in a batch using this workspace, Maconomy re-reserves all of the affected lines and prioritizes lines related to the same item based on their current delivery dates. Using this workspace to update a range of lines therefore results in a fairer re-reservation, because lines that have earlier delivery dates are more likely to benefit from items received earlier than expected.

If an error occurs during the update process, Maconomy cancels the whole update, including lines that were processed before the error was encountered. However, you can select the Allow Partial Update field if you want Maconomy to skip erroneous lines and update all lines that do not contain errors. Maconomy keeps a log of any errors that it encounters in the update process. The log is printed at the end of each process. The log is also saved, meaning that log information from previous processes is also printed. However, you can delete all previous log information by selecting the Delete Log Information field.