Collection Orders Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Collection Orders sub-tab.

Field Description
Collection Date This field displays the collection date of the collection order.
Customer No. This field displays the bill-to customer number of the collection order.
Collection No. This field displays the number of the collection order.
Collected, Currency This field displays the amount of the collection order in the currency of the bill-to customer.
Currency This is the currency of the bill-to customer.
Collected, Base This field displays the amount of the collection order in base currency.
Cust. Payment Mode This field displays the customer payment mode of the collection order.
Cust. Payment Form This is the customer payment form specified for the current collection order.
Payment Agent This is the name of the payment agent selected for the current collection order.
Collection Description This is the description of the collection order.
Origin This field displays the origin of the collection order.
Entered This field shows if the collection order has been registered, that is, the payment agent has received and acknowledged the collection order.
Completed This field shows if the collection order has been completed, that is, the payment agent has received the payment from your customer.
Error Reported This field shows if errors have been reported for the current collection order.
Closed This field shows if the current collection order has been closed. A collection order is closed if the order is approved as having been completed or error reported.
Changed By This field displays the name of the user who last changed information in the current collection order. The field is updated automatically by Maconomy when changes are made in the window Customer Payment Reporting. If no changes have been made, the name of the user who created the collection order is displayed.
Changed On This field displays the date of the latest change in the current collection order. The field is updated automatically by Maconomy when changes are made in the window Customer Payment Reporting. If no changes have been made, the creation date of the collection order is displayed.