On Account Invoice Selection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the On Account Invoice Selection tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name of the job selected for invoicing on account.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the name and number of the customer. The name of the bill-to customer is shown in the line below.
Bill to Customer This field shows the name and number of the customer to whom the invoice should be sent. The name of the bill-to customer is shown on the line below.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Invoice Type Use this field to specify the type of invoice to approve when you approve the invoice selection. The available options include:
  • T&M
  • On Account
  • T&M and On Account
  • Pre-Invoice — Select this option to instruct Maconomy to create a pre-invoice instead of an invoice on account or a time and material invoice. If a job is set up for pre-invoicing by default, Maconomy automatically populates the Invoice Type field with Pre-Invoice when you enter a positive amount in the Total field.

    If a job is not set up for pre-invoicing, this invoice type cannot be selected.

If you set an amount for invoicing/crediting on account, the field updates to On Account, and reverts to T&M if the amount for invoicing/crediting on account is changed back to zero.You can combine WIP and on account invoice selections in one draft invoice and final invoice. When a combined invoice selection is approved, invoice editing uses only one copy of the quote as basis, even if the invoice layout rule has selected both of the following choices:
  • Create T&M Invoice from Quote
  • Create Invoice on Account from Quote
Combine T&M, On Account by Default Select this check box to combine T&M with On Account by Default. If this check box is selected, the Invoice Type field switches to T&M and On Account when you set an amount for invoicing on account.
Preferred Invoice Date In this field, you can enter the preferred invoice date. The date must be within the open posting interval, which is specified in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. If you do not enter a date, Maconomy inserts the current date when the invoice is printed.

If the job is assigned the job parameter type “Invoice Approval” in which the job parameter attribute “Pref. Inv. Date From Plan” has been given the value “Yes,” and if an invoice plan has been created for the job in question, the date in this field will be transferred from the assigned invoicing plan when you select the action “Transfer Invoicing Plan” in the Action menu. If the plan consists of several invoicing plan lines, Maconomy will use the date specified on the line most recently created. The date considered for invoicing plan lines with job phases or milestones is the completion date of the phase/milestone in question.

If split billing is used (that is, there are multiple bill-to customers on the job), changing the preferred invoice date in this field will change the date on all invoices approved from this invoice selection. However, if the date is changed on one of the invoices in the window Invoice Editing, this field will be blank unless the date is the same on all invoices approved from this invoice selection. For more information, please see the description of the window Invoice Editing.

Invoice Name Here you specify the name of the invoice. When you approve the invoice selection, this name will appear in the window Invoice Editing, where you can update it. The invoice name can be added to prints of invoice and credit memos and their corresponding drafts.

The invoice name is merged into the customer entry text and the finance entry on the customer.

Show Customer Balances On Invoice Select this field to indicate that you want to see the customer’s prior and new balance on the job invoice printout.

The default value is inherited from the customer / company-specific customer; however, you can override it in the Invoice Selection, On Account Invoice Selection, and Blanket Invoice Selection windows.

Show Customer Statement On Invoice Select this field to indicate that you want to see the customer statement on the job invoice printout.

The default value is inherited from the customer / company-specific customer; however, you can override it in the Invoice Selection, On Account Invoice Selection, and Blanket Invoice Selection windows.

Show Customer Aging On Invoice Select this field to indicate that you want to see the A/R aging on the job invoice printout.

Totals in Job Currency Island

These fields sum up what is being prepared for invoicing on the current invoice on account selection, what is being prepared for invoicing on other draft invoice on account selections for the job, and what has previously been invoiced on account.

Field Description
Time These fields sum up the amounts for invoicing on account on time activities.
Amount These fields sum up the amounts for invoicing on account on amount activities.
Total These fields sum up the amounts for invoicing on account on time and amount activities.
Outlay These fields sum up the amounts for invoicing on account on outlay activities.
Incl. in Fixed Price These fields sum up the amounts for invoicing on account on activities included in the fixed price.
Fixed Price This field shows the effective quote price of the job as defined in the window Quote Editing. Depending on the selected basis for fixed price in the field “Basis” on the current job’s invoice layout rule, the price in this field can originate from the quote price specified for the job and which can be edited in the window Quote Editing, or from the job’s budgeted sales price registered on the most recently approved revision of the job budget of the type specified in the window Invoice Layout Rules.

For time and material jobs, this field shows a quote price, if any.

Payment Island

Field Description
Pmt. Terms These are the payment terms that apply to the invoices for this job. Payment terms are chosen in the window Job Information and cannot be changed here.
Blanket Invoice This field is marked if the invoices (or credit memos) made for the job are to be blanket invoiced (or credited). Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Information, and you cannot change this field manually.

Blanket invoicing means that all non-invoiced but approved invoice selections are placed in one invoice when you print from one of the windows Job Invoicing or Blanket Invoicing Overview, and provided the jobs involve the same company, department, bill-to customer, company tax code, currency code, invoice currency code, and depending on whether they are taxed or not (check mark in the field Tax). If the layout rule selected for the job specifies main job invoicing, you can also include invoices on account or invoices that are to reconcile invoices on account in the blanket invoice. To blanket credit a customer, the same requirements apply. However, a credit memo selection will not be included in a blanket crediting if it was created from an invoice.

To blanket invoice or blanket credit jobs which are not part of a main job/subjob structure with main job invoicing, you must use the windows Job Invoicing or Job Crediting, respectively. For more information, please see the description of the window Invoice Layout Rules.

Note that if the system parameter” Blanket Invoicing per Main Job” is set to “Yes,” the jobs must be placed in a hierarchy to be blanket invoiced.

Tax This field shows whether the invoices are subject to tax.

Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Information, and it cannot be changed here.

Currency This field shows the currency of the job. Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Price Information and it cannot be changed here.

Status Island

Field Description
Open for Selection A checkmark in this field shows that the on-account invoice selection is open. You can only change the invoice selection when the invoice selection is open.

The invoice selection is closed after you select one of the actions that creates a draft, and it is opened after you print invoices or credit memos. You can also open the invoice selection by using the action “New Invoice Selection,” provided the job is set up to allow multiple drafts.

Drafts for Editing If the job parameter of the type “Invoice Approval” for the current job specifies that invoice editing is required, this field is marked by Maconomy when the invoice selection is approved using the approval functions in the Action menu. If invoice editing is not required according to the job parameter type “Invoice Selection,” the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Approved for Invoicing” below.

A subjob which is invoiced on the main job can be approved from the main job only (see the description of the field “Approved for Invoicing on Main Job” below). However, this will not cause this field to be marked as well, as such invoices must also be edited from the main job.

Blanket Drafts for Editing This field indicates whether there are blanket draft invoices for editing. Blanket drafts are created when you approve invoice selection in Blanket Invoice Selection or apply the "Create Blanket Drafts" action in Blanket Invoicing Overview.
Submitted Drafts This field shows the number of submitted invoice drafts.
Approved for Invoicing This field shows whether or not the job is approved for invoicing using the approval functions in the Action menu in this window or the window Approve Invoice Selection. However, the job parameter of the type “Invoice Approval” for the current job may require that the invoice is edited in the window Invoice Editing before this field is marked. For more information, please see the description of the field “Approved for Editing” above and the job parameter type “Invoice Approval.”
Approved for Inv. on Main Job This field shows whether or not the job is approved for invoicing on its main job. The field will be marked by Maconomy if the current job is a subjob, the field “Invoiced on Main Job” in the island Main Job Invoicing is marked, and the main job is approved in this window or the window Approve Invoice Selection.
Submitted by This field shows the name of user who submitted this draft.
Submitted Date This field shows the date when the draft was submitted.
Approved by This field displays the name of the user who approved the job for invoicing. The name of the approver is automatically saved when the job is approved by the action “Approve for Invoicing on Account.” This field will be cleared if the invoice is reopened for editing. For subjobs approved for invoicing on the main job, this field displays the name of the person who approved the main job.
Approval Date This field displays the date on which the job was approved for invoicing. The approval date is automatically saved when the job is approved by the action “Approve for Invoicing on Account.” This field will be cleared if the invoice is reopened for editing. For subjobs approved for invoicing on the main job, this field displays the date the main job was approved.

Currency Island

Field Description
Job Currency This field shows the currency of the job.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoice on Account in Multiple Currencies” is set to “No,” the invoice currency of all bill-to customers on the job will be equal to the currency of the job indicated in this field. If the currency is changed, all invoice currencies will be changed accordingly.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoice on Account in Multiple Currencies” is set to “Yes,” changing the currency on the job will have no consequences on invoice currencies of bill-to customers.

Note: Prices in the window Job Price Information will remain in the currency of the job, even if the invoice currency differs.

Invoice Currency This field shows the invoice currency for invoicing on account the bill-to customer on the job.

You can set up more than one bill-to customer for a job in the window Bill To Customer Distribution.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoice on Account in Multiple Currencies” is set to “No,” the invoice currency cannot be changed, but will remain the same as the currency of the job.

Specify Exchange Rate No check mark in this field indicates that the field Exchange Rate follows the exchange rate table for the bill-to customer specified on the job.

If there is a check mark in this field, you can set the exchange rate manually.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoice on Account in Multiple Currencies” is set to “No,” you cannot manually enter the exchange rate.

Note: There may be unblocked bill-to customers in the window Bill To Customer Distribution who may not be set up to use the same invoice currency and exchange rate.

Exchange Rate This field shows the exchange rate between job currency and invoice currency for the bill-to customer specified on the job.

By default, the exchange rate is the current exchange rate specified in the Exchange Rate Tables window, but if the field Specify Exchange Rate is marked, the exchange rate is fixed at the rate you specify.

If you change the exchange rate, the field Amount for Invoicing on Account, Currency will be recalculated, and a check mark will be placed automatically in the field Specify Exchange Rate. If the exchange rate deviates from the exchange rate table by more than the allowed deviation set in the system parameter “Margin for job exchange rate variance, %,” a warning will be displayed.

Note that there may be unblocked bill-to customers in the window Bill To Customer Distribution who may not be set up to use the same invoice currency and exchange rate.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the company responsible for the job. The value in this field cannot be changed. For more information, please see the description of the window Jobs.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field shows the name and number of the settling company that applies to the current job.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is selected, please see the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module.” Intercompany entries are described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

Credit Memo Island

Field Description
From Invoice No. This field is used when you use the Invoice to Credit Note action.

Enter a job invoice number. Maconomy verifies whether the number is assigned to an existing job invoice associated with the current job. If the entered invoice number belongs to an invoice on account, the Restore Job Entries check box is automatically selected.

An invoice number cannot be entered in this field when corresponding to a pending or cancelled pre-invoice.

Type Select the invoice type, T&M or On Account.