Show Customer Payments Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Customer Payments tab.

Remittance Island

Field Description
Run No. This field displays the number of the run mode. The mode number is transferred from the window System Numbers. The number is transferred when you read a file in the window Read Customer Payments, and is automatically assigned to all customer payment entries in the current run mode.
Line No. This field displays the line number of the customer payment entry in the import file. The customer payment file often contains additional lines which are only used for validating the file. These additional lines are not displayed in this window.
Card Type This field shows the card type code of the customer payment. The card type code is the code of the means of remittance used by the customer to make the payment.
Payer Id. This field displays the payer ID assigned to the customer payment. The Payer ID is either a unique identification of the customer who paid an amount or an identification of the invoice which was paid.
Register No. This field displays the file number of the customer payment entry. the file number is an internal reference in the payment agent’s system.
Code Serial No. This field shows the code serial number of the customer payment entry. The code serial number is an internal reference in the payment agent’s system.
Customer Payment Date This field shows the date upon which the amount was transferred from the customer’s account.
Vendor No. This field shows your customer’s vendor number in the payment agent’s system.

Entry Island

Field Description
Amount, Currency This field shows the amount of the customer payment in currency.
Amount, Base This is the amount of the customer payment in base currency.
Currency This is the currency of the customer payment, for example, USD.
Base Currency This field shows the currency used as base currency in the company that the payment has been made to. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of company base currency and enterprise currency.
Charge Amount, Base This is a charge amount in base currency, if applicable.

Charge Amount, Currency This is a charge amount in currency, if applicable.

Charge Code This field shows the charge code, if a charge was made for collection your customers. For a description of charge codes, contact your payment agent.
Reverse Amount This field shows if the entry is a normal customer payment or a reversal of a previous payment. If it is a reverse amount, a customer entry corresponding to a payment is created.
Quantity This is any registered quantity.
Reverse Quantity This field shows if the entry is a normal entry or a reversal of a previously registered quantity.

Error Island

Field Description
Error Entry If this field is marked, the customer payment entry is an error entry.
Description If an error was encountered when reading the current customer payment, this field contains a description of the error. For a description of the individual error messages, please see the description of the field “Create Error Entries” in the window Payment Agents.

Account Information Island

Field Description
External Account No. This field shows the external account number from which the amount was paid.
G/L Account No. This field shows the G/L account in Maconomy into which the amount is paid.
Account No., Ext. Charge This field shows the external account number from which a charge was transferred, if applicable.
Charge Account No. This field shows the G/L account number in Maconomy upon which a charge is entered, if applicable.

Entry Information Island

Field Description
Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer in question.
Reconciliation Type This field shows if the customer payment concerns an invoice, an interest notice, a reminder, or a statement of accounts.
Reconcil. Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the invoice, the interest notice, or the reminder to which the customer payment pertains.
Entry Date This field shows the entry date of the entry created in Maconomy.
Entry Description This field shows the entry description of the entry created in Maconomy.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the entry created in Maconomy.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the entry.
Journal No. This field shows the journal number of the posting journal in which the entries created are posted.
Journal Line No. This field shows the line number of the customer entry in the posting journal of which the entry is a part.

Collection Island

Field Description
Agreement No. This field shows the agreement number of the customer with the payment agent. The agreement number is transferred from the field “Collection Agreement” in the window Payment Information in the A/R module.
Completed If this box is checked, the customer payment has been completed by the payment agent.
Rejected If this box is checked, the customer payment has been rejected by the customer.
Cancelled If this box is checked, the customer payment has been canceled by the payment agent or the customer.