Purchase Orders Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Purchase Orders sub-tab.

Purch. Order No. This is the number of the purchase order. It is taken from the “Purchase Order” number series in the Numbers window.

Field Description
Vendor This is the number of the vendor the purchase order was made to.
Name This is the name of the vendor. It is retrieved from the Purchase Orders window in the Accounts Payable module.
Country This is the country the vendor comes from. It is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module.
Language This is the language the vendor uses. It is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module.
Currency This is the currency the vendor uses. It is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module.

Purchase Order Total This is the amount the vendor was paid for the service you bought. It is the same as the cost of the corresponding amount activity. Please note that the purchase order total does not include any discount granted by the supplier. This is due to the fact that a purchase order can contain purchase order lines referring to different jobs.

Created on This is the date the purchase order was created.
Closed This field is marked if the purchase order is closed, which is done in the Purchase Orders window in the Accounts Payable module.
Date Closed This is the date the purchase order was closed in the Purchase Orders window. This field is blank if the purchase order is still open.