
This section shows the Actions available in the Detailed Planning workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Previous Unit With this action, you can move the planning span back in time so that the current plan’s starting date will be changed to one planning unit before the existing starting date. This action does not affect automatically allocated lines.
Next Unit With this action, you can move the planning span ahead in time so that the current plan’s starting date will be changed to one planning unit after the existing starting date. This action does not affect automatically allocated lines.
Create Plan from Job Budgets With this action, you can create a number of planning lines on the basis of a range of job budget lines. If you select this action, Maconomy will look through all jobs that might potentially contribute to new planning lines.

When Maconomy decides whether or not a planning line is to be included in the creation of planning lines, the following are considered:

  • Only non-completed job budget lines which belong to the latest approved revision of the planning budget for a given job are included.
  • Only job budget lines covered by the selection criteria in the sub-tab are included, and only if they have the value specified in the Use Previous Ranges and Ignore Blank Dates fields.

    If no planning lines refer to the current job budget line (neither within nor outside the selected planning span), a planning line is created. Unless the job budget line contains a specific employee, no employee number is inserted and the planner must manually define an employee number. Maconomy will not try to distribute the number of hours in question. Instead, the number of hours on the job budget line is shown in the Quantity, Remaining field on the planning line.

    If a planning line already refers to the job budget line in question, Maconomy calculates the number of hours planned before, as well as after, the selected starting date of the detailed plan. If the number of hours planned before the selected starting date is larger than or equal to the number of hours specified on the job budget line, all distributions assigned to the line after the plan’s selected starting date are removed. Otherwise, Maconomy creates a planning line having the value in the Quantity, Remaining field as the difference between the number of hours on the job budget line and the number of hours already distributed for this job budget line before the selected starting date of the detailed plan. Note that this might result in a negative quantity in the Quantity, Remaining field, meaning that the negative quantity must be removed from the plan.

    If the job budget line has been put on hold in the Job Planning workspace, it is not considered.

  • Only jobs with time in hours are included.
  • Replace Employee — When you select this action, Maconomy replaces the employees on planning lines covered by the selection criteria and the date range selected in the island “Delete Allocation” with the employee specified in the field “New Employee No.” in the island Replace Allocation. This is done by reallocating all hours on the planning lines in question to the new employee. If a specific employee has been entered in the field “Employee No.” in the island Delete Allocation, only planning lines with this employee, and which meet the selection criteria and date range specified, will be reallocated.

    Before performing the replacement, Maconomy first issues a warning informing you how many hours and weeks/days will be transferred.

    If the field “Keep Distribution” in the field Redistribute Allocation is marked, the hours to be reallocated will be directly transferred to the new employee with no changes to the existing allocation of hours on weeks/days.

    Note that the reallocation of hours for each date is only made if the resulting allocations do not conflict with employee’s maximum number of working hours for the date (found in the employee revision applying on the date in question) and if the allocations do not conflict with any criteria specified on the planning lines or corresponding job budget lines in question. If an employee category has, for example, been specified, replacement is only made if the new employee belongs to the specified category. Likewise, if skill requirements have been specified for job budget lines, and these requirements are not met by the new employee, Maconomy issues a warning.

    Employees on planning lines originating from job budget lines with an assigned employee cannot be replaced. Note also that you cannot replace employees on automatically allocated planning lines.

    For further information about employee revisions, see “Date-Dependent Employee Revisions” in the introduction to the window Employees.

Delete Allocations When you select this action, Maconomy deletes the planning lines in the table part that meet the selection criteria specified in the island “Selection Criteria” and the date range specified in the island “Delete Allocation.” If an employee has been specified in the field “Employee No.” in the island Delete Allocation in the card part, only allocations to this employee will be deleted. Otherwise, all planning lines that meet the selection criteria and date range specified will be deleted.

Before performing the deletion, the system issues a warning informing you how many hours and weeks/days will be deleted.

Note that automatically allocated planning lines from the window Job Planning cannot be deleted using this action.

Delete Completed Lines When you select this action, Maconomy deletes all planning lines which are covered by the selection criteria specified in the island Selection Criteria and which refer to job budget lines marked as “Completed.” Job budget lines are marked as completed in the window Job Planning. This action does not affect automatically allocated lines.
Convert to Preliminary When you select this action, Maconomy converts the allocation types of all planning lines in the table part into “Preliminary.” Note that allocations on dates before the date specified in the field “Never Before” will not be converted.
Convert to Requested When you select this action, Maconomy converts the allocation types of all planning lines in the table part into “Requested.” Note that allocations on dates before the date specified in the field “Never Before” will not be converted.
Convert to Confirmed When you select this action, Maconomy converts the allocation types of all planning lines in the table part from “Preliminary” to “Confirmed.”

If the conversion of the allocation type on a budget line would conflict with other confirmed allocations for the employee allocated on the line — that is, the current allocation and one or more other confirmed allocations would cause the planning time of the employee on the current line to be exceeded — this line will, instead, be converted into “Requested” and a warning will be issued.

Note that allocations on dates before the date specified in the field “Never Before” will not be converted.