Production Reports Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Production Reports Tab.

Production Line Island

Field Description
Trans. No. This is the number of the production transaction for the finished item. It cannot be changed.
Trans. Type This is the transaction type of the production transaction for the finished item. It cannot be changed.
Line No. This is the line number in the production transaction the finished item is on. The production line is in the table of the BOM Production window. It cannot be changed.
Production Date This field shows the date on which the transaction is planned for production. The date is transferred from the window BOM Production. It cannot be changed here.
Production Direction This field shows whether the direction of the production transaction is positive or reverse. By reverse production is meant the disassembly of production items, for example, the disassembly of a table into a table top and four legs. Positive production direction represents normal production where raw materials are processed and become finished goods. The value in the field I transferred from the window BOM Production.
Reserved This field shows whether raw materials have been reserved for the production. If this field is marked, the raw materials in the table have been reserved. The reservation is made in the BOM Production window.

If this field is not marked, raw materials have not been reserved. You can then change both the composition of the finished item and the quantity of raw materials in the table, for example, if the production recipe is incorrect. The reservation will then only include the necessary raw materials.

After reserving the items, you can report the actual raw material usage in this window before approving the production.

Stock Location No. This field shows the finished goods stock location number of the current production line. The location is originally specified in the table part of the window BOM production but can be changed here, causing the line in the window BOM production to be updated.
Approved This field shows whether the production transaction has been approved. If it is marked, the production transaction has been approved and is completed. You can then no longer change the production of the finished item.

If the transaction is not approved, that is, the field is blank, you can make a production report. You can then also change the raw materials in the table.

A production transaction is approved in the BOM Production window and includes all the finished items in the transaction. The quantity of raw materials actually used in the production is shown in the “Usage” field in the table in this window.

Closed This field shows whether the current production transaction has been fully closed, that is, the production of the total number of items has been approved using the action “Approve Production” in the window BOM Production. The field cannot be changed here.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current production transaction
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Reverse Production Island

Field Description
Sales Orders This field shows how many units of the finished item you have placed on order as a result of the reservation of raw materials for the current reverse production. If the back order method “By Picking” is used, the number in this field will always correspond with the number in the field “Quantity” in the island Finished Item when the raw materials have been reserved.

If the back order method “By Reservation” is used, the reservation of raw materials will cause the number in this field to be equal to the number of units of the item available at the time of reservation. However, the number in this field will never be higher than the number in the field “Quantity” in the island Finished Item. Thus, the number in this field shows how many units of the finished item are available for disassembly in the reverse production.

The back order method is selected in the window System Information. However, the method can only be changed as long as no order volume or back order volume is registered in the system.

Balance This field shows how many units of the finished item you have placed in back order as a result of the reservation of raw materials for the current reverse production. If the back order method “By Picking” is used, the number in this field will always be zero after the reservation as no back order volume is calculated.

If the back order method “By Reservation” is used, the reservation of raw materials will cause the number in this field to be equal to the number of units of the item unavailable at the time of reservation. Thus, the number in this field shows how many extra units of the finished item are needed in the finished items warehouse for the completion of the reverse production.

The back order method is selected in the window System Information. However, the method can only be changed as long as no order volume or back order volume is registered in the system.

Usage In this field, you can specify the number of the finished item actually spent in the disassembly. Maconomy automatically suggests the number in the field “Quantity” in the island Finished Item.

When the reverse production is approved in the window BOM Production, the number of finished items in the finished items warehouse is reduced by the number in this field.

Number Used Hitherto This field shows how many of the finished items on the transaction you have so far disassembled. The value in this field does not necessarily correspond with the number of finished items which would theoretically be needed to obtain the quantity of raw materials registered in the table part, as some parts of the finished item may be not be in working order after the disassembly, resulting in fewer raw materials.
Pricing Unit This field shows the pricing unit of the finished item. The pricing unit is the number of units of the item covered by the unit price of the item. The pricing unit applies to sales price, cost, weight, and volume.
Cost This field shows the cost per pricing unit of the finished item in the card part of the window. The cost and costing method are specified on the information card of the item. The cost in this field is used in the calculation of the total cost value of the reverse production as Maconomy gets the current cost from the finished goods warehouse in the table part of the item information card when the reverse production is approved in the window BOM Production.

When a reverse production transaction is created in the window BOM Production, the cost on each line in this window is calculated from the cost of the finished item in the finished goods warehouse, using the price ratios specified on the BOM.

Delivery Date In this field, you can enter a delivery date for the finished item. If the number of units needed is not available, Maconomy will calculate a delivery date, using the time of delivery specified for the item in the window Item Information Card. If inventory profile is used on the item, the delivery date calculated will be the first day on which the quantity needed is available.
Control % This field shows the sum of the price ratio percentages in the table part of the window. The control percentage on reverse production transactions must be 100 before you can approve the production in the window BOM Production. The value is calculated by Maconomy and the field cannot be changed manually.

Finished Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This is the number of the finished item, whose production recipe is shown in the table. The finished item is produced when you approve the production transaction in the BOM Production window.

A finished item consists of a BOM header with inventory control. The BOM parts at level 1 are the raw materials, and these are shown in the table. A BOM is created in the BOM Information Card window.

The item number is retrieved from the Item Information Card window.

Description This is the item text from the “Description Lang. 1” field from the item information card of the finished item. It cannot be changed here, but you can change it in the item information card.
Quantity This is the quantity of the finished item you are producing in the production transaction. When the transaction is approved, the production is carried out. The warehouse of the finished item is shown in the “Finished Item Warehouse” field in the card part of the BOM Production window. If the production transaction was made from a production selection, the finished item warehouse was given in the “Warehouse” field in the Finished Items island in the Production Selections window.

You can change the production recipe in the table and you can make a report of which and how many raw materials are actually used. Note, however, that it will always produce the quantity in this field.

Unit This is the unit the finished item is stocked and sold in. It is entered in the item information card and cannot be changed here.