Purchase Transactions Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Purchase Transactions tab.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This field shows the vendor number. The first two lines show the name and address of the vendor, and these are transferred from the vendor information card and cannot be altered here.
Price List This field shows the price list Maconomy uses for item purchase orders. Price lists are maintained in the Price Lists and Quantity Discounts windows in the Inventory module.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the company number of the current vendor.
Name This field shows the company name of the current vendor.
Base Currency This field shows the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Invoice / Packing Slip, Base Island

Field Description
Inv. No./Purch. No. This field shows the number of the current vendor invoice or the number of the item purchase order from which the current packing slip derives. If the packing slip derives from a receipt registered in the window Purchase Receipt, the value is 0.
Entry Date This field shows the date upon which the current invoice or packing slip is posted.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number which is used in the window Invoice Reconciliation to refer to the current invoice or packing slip.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the current invoice or packing slip.
Debit This field shows the debit amount of the current invoice or packing slip.
Credit This field shows the credit amount of the current invoice or packing slip.
Balance If the window concerns a packing slip, the balance corresponds to the line price, calculated as “Quantity” x “New Price,” for each of the item lines which are marked for approval. A balance will only occur if a new cost price is specified. In this case the value in this field cannot be changed. If the window concerns an invoice, the field can be changed. You can specify how great a part of the invoice should be reconciled at the invoice reconciliation. By default Maconomy shows the amount that remains to be reconciled on the current invoice.
Cost Price Difference This field shows the difference between the item’s registered price and any changed price. Differences are only displayed for item lines that are marked for approval.