BOM Elements Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the BOM Elements Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Item No. This field shows the item numbers of the component parts of the existing BOM. The information cannot be changed here. You can change the components of the BOM in the BOM Information Card.
Quantity This shows how many units of the item are included on this BOM line. The information cannot be changed here, but it is copied to the new BOM Information card, where you can enter and delete parts.
Description This is the item text specified in the Item Information Card window. It cannot be changed here.
Extra Text This field shows any extra text assigned to the item. The text was assigned in the BOM Information Card window. It is printed on various order documents.

The text is transferred to the new BOM Information Card, where it can be changed.

Bill of Materials This field shows whether the item is a BOM. If this field is marked, it means the item is created as a BOM in the Item Information Card window. If this field is blank, the item is a standard item. You cannot change the value here.