Job Collection Members Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Collection Members sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This is the number of a job in the collection. Jobs in the same job collection must be set up with the same company, department, bill-to customer, currency, VAT and company VAT code as specified in the island Job Collection Criteria in the card part of the window.
Job Name This is the name of the job in the job collection.
Share Invoices On Account If there is a check mark in this field, the invoices on account on the job will be shared with all other jobs in the collection. This means that the invoices on account on this job are available for reconciliation against invoices on other jobs in the collection. This also applies to job invoice allocation.

By default, this field is not marked.

Closed A check mark in this field indicates that the job is closed.
Net On Account This field shows the amount net on account.
Approved for Reconciliation This field shows the amount currently approved for reconciliation.
Available for Reconciliation This field shows the amount currently available for reconciliation. This is the amount net on account less the amount approved for reconciliation.
For Reconciliation This field shows the amount currently for reconciliation. You can control the amount for reconciliation by changing the value in this field.

Note that you can also specify the details of the on-account reconciliation in the window Job Invoices On Account.

Tax On Account This field shows the tax net on account.