Invoicing Plan Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoicing Plan Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Date In this field you can specify a date that determines when the current line is transferred for invoicing. When the action “Transfer Invoicing Plan” in the window Invoice Selection or the action “Transfer Invoicing Plans” in the window Approve Invoice Selection is selected, lines in the invoicing plans with a date on or before the current date are transferred. When the line has been transferred, the date in this field can no longer be changed.

If you enter a date in this field and a job phase in the field “Phase,” the current line can be transferred for invoicing on or after the date or when the job phase is completed, whichever comes first.

Description In this field you can enter text to be displayed on the invoice line when the amount has been transferred for invoicing on account. The description can be edited in the window Invoice Editing.
Amount, Currency In this field you specify the amount for invoicing on account in job currency.

When the line has been transferred, the amount in this field is no longer updated from the amount in invoice currency according to exchange rate changes, but the amount in job currency at the time of the transfer is saved.

Amount, Invoice Currency In this field you specify the amount to be invoiced on account for the job. The amount is specified in invoice currency. The sum of the amounts entered in this field on the lines in the table part is displayed in the card part of the window in the island Price. The amount is not limited to any quote price. When you have entered the amount, Maconomy shows the amount as a percentage of the quote price in the field “Percent.”
Invoice Currency This field shows the invoice currency for the line. If a bill-to customer is specified on the line, then the invoice currency of this bill-to customer is shown. If no bill-to customer is specified, then the field shows the invoice currency of the job.
Percent In this field you can enter a percentage of the effective quote price to be invoiced when the specified date is due or the specified job phase is completed. The effective quote price is displayed in the island Price in the card part. When you have entered the percentage, Maconomy will show the amount in the field “Amount.” The percentage is not limited to any quote price, and is not limited to 100.
Expected Payment Date This field is similar to the Expected Days to Payment field in the table part of the Invoicing Plans window. However, the lines shown in the table part of the Invoicing Plans by Bill To Customer belong to a specific bill-to customer on the job. Therefore, Maconomy calculates the expected payment date based on the expected days to payment on this particular company-specific customer.
Activity No. This field shows the activity number associated with the job entry.
Activity Name This field shows the name of the current activity.
Task Name This field shows the name of the task.
Task Description This field shows the description of the task specified in the field "Task Name" on the current line.
Employee No. This field shows the number of the employee.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee.
Phase In this field, you can specify a job phase or a milestone. Job phases and milestones are created and maintained in the window Job Phases. By entering a job phase you indicate that the amount should be transferred for invoicing when the particular job phase is completed and ended in the window Job Phases. If you enter a milestone, the amount can be transferred for posting when the milestone is approved in the window Job Phases. When the line has been transferred, the job phase in this field can no longer be changed.

If you enter a job phase in this field and a date in the field “Date,” the current line can be transferred for invoicing on or after the date or when the job phase is completed, whichever comes first.

Line Type Select the line type to indicate whether the line should give rise to an invoice on account or a pre-invoice. Select one of the following options:
  • On Account — Select this option to create an invoice on account.
  • Pre-Invoice — This option can be selected only if the job is set up for pre-invoicing. If the job is set up for pre-invoicing by default, this option is automatically selected.
Selected Manually If you mark this field, the line can be transferred for invoicing regardless of date or completion status of a specified job phase.
Transferred If this field is marked, the line has been transferred for invoicing in the window Invoice Selection or Approve Invoice Selection. The line can no longer be changed in this window.
Approved If you mark this field, the current invoice line is approved and the name and date of the approver is shown in the fields “Approved” and “Approved By” below. If you choose to unmark this field, these two fields will be cleared.

If the attribute “Approval of Invoicing Plan Lines” of the job parameter “Invoice Approval” has been set to “Yes,” this field must be checked before the line can be transferred for invoicing.

Approved by This field shows the name of the user who approved the invoice line for invoicing. The name of the approver is automatically saved when the invoice line is approved by marking the field “Approved” on the line. The field is cleared if the invoice line is unmarked for approval.
Approval Date This field shows the date on which the invoice line was approved. The approval date is automatically saved when the invoice line is approved by marking the field “Approved” on the line. The field is cleared if the invoice line is unmarked for approval.
Original Date This field will be updated with the date in the “Date” field the first time that a date is entered in the “Date” field.
Invoiced, Currency This field shows the amount that has been invoiced for the line. The amount is shown in the job currency.
Invoiced, Invoice Currency This field shows the amount that has been invoiced for the line. The amount is shown in the invoicing currency.