Customer Discount Agreements Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Customer Discount Agreements sub-tab.

Field Description
Item Group In this field, you select the item group covered by the agreement. The item group is a classification of items, based on costing method and other factors. Item groups are maintained in the Item Group Information Card in the Inventory module.

If you select “blank,” item group has no influence on the target group.

Item Type In this field, you select which the item type covered by the agreement. Item type is a classification of items, independent of item group. It is mainly used for statistics. Item type is specified in the window Item Information Card in the Inventory module.

If you select “blank,” item type has no influence on the target group.

From Item No. This field and the field “To Item No.” identify a range of item numbers. The discount agreement will only apply to items within this range. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all items with numbers up to the value specified in the field “To Item No.”
To Item No. This field and the field “From Item No.” identiify a range of item numbers. The discount agreement will only apply to items within this range. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all items with numbers from the value specified in the field “To Item No.” and up.
First Delivery Date This field and the field “Last Delivery Date” identify a range of delivery dates. The discount will only be granted on orders with a preferred delivery date within the specified range of dates. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all dates up until the date specified in the field “Last Delivery Date.”
Date of Last Shipment This field and the field “First Delivery Date” identify a range of delivery dates. The discount will only be granted on orders with a preferred delivery date within the specified range of dates. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all dates from the value specified in the field “Last Delivery Date” and up.
Min. Amount, Enterprise In this field, you enter the minimum purchase amount for which you give a discount. If you enter 0, the discount covers all purchases, however small.

The amount applies to the order line, not the whole order.

Discount % In this field, you enter the discount percentage. You must enter a positive figure.
Discount Desc. In this field, you enter the discount text in the primary language of the system. The primary language is the one appearing on the first table line for the pop-up type “Languages” in the table part of the window Popup Fields. The description appears on quotes, orders, and invoices assigned to the primary language, as the text is transferred the “Discount Desc.” field on the table lines where the current discount is granted.

The text you enter is furthermore created as an entry in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module. It is then possible to assign translations of the discount description in the languages used in Maconomy. This makes it possible, for example, to send an invoice to a German company with the discount descriptions in German. In those cases where no translation of the discount description has been made in the language used in a given context - for instance on the printout of an order confirmation, Maconomy uses the description in this field instead. For more information about discount descriptions in other languages, please see the description of the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.

Fixed Price List Here you can tie the items in the discount agreement to a price list. This means the discount specified in the “Discount %” field is only released if the item ordered is priced according to this price list (on the order line in the sales orders module). In other words, a discount agreement can evoke a different price list from the one originally specified on the order.

However, the discount agreement will only take effect, if the item price, calculated from the fixed price list, less the discount, gives a price that is lower than the price determined by the price list specified on the order.

If you select “blank,” the discount is released regardless of which price list is used.

Fixed Price Step Here you select whether to tie the items in the discount agreement to a specific price step. This means the discount specified in the “Discount %” field only applies to this price step in the price list.

By tying the discount to a price step, you might give the customer a quantity discount even though the quantity of items ordered does not justify the discount. A fixed price step can also lead to the reverse situation.

However, the discount agreement will only take effect, if the item price, calculated from the fixed price step, less the discount, gives a price that is lower than the price determined by the price list specified on the order.

This field is only relevant if you enter a price list in the “Fixed Price List” field.

If you do not enter a fixed price step, the discount is released regardless of which price step the ordered items correspond to in the price list.

Created By This field shows the name of the user who created the current discount line.
Created On This field shows the date on which the current discount line was created.
Changed By This field shows the name of the last user who made changes to the current discount line.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the last user made changes to the current discount line.
Version This field shows a number corresponding to the version of the information on the line. Maconomy automatically increases the version number by one every time the information on the line is changed. It is not possible to retrieve previous versions.
Remarks 1- 5 In these fields, you can enter a number of remarks about the current discount agreement.