Payment Files Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Payment Files tab.

Run Mode Island

Field Description
Create Payment File If you mark this field, Maconomy will create a payment file. In reprints, the mark should be removed, as Maconomy will otherwise create a new file. The file is created when you select the action “Create Payment File.”
Preferred Payment Date In this field, you can specify the payment date to be applied to the payment orders in the file created when you select the “Create Payment File” action. If you do not specify a date, the payment date for each entry being paid will be the one applied to the entry in the payment selection.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Payment Agent In this pop-up field you select a payment agent whose format you want to use for the current payment list. The list will only show entries being paid by this payment agent.
Payment Mode Here you select a payment mode. The list will only show entries being paid using this payment mode.
Pay to Vendor No. Here you can enter a range of vendor numbers. Maconomy will only include payments to delivery vendors within this range.
Supplier No. Here you can specify a range of supplier numbers. The payment file will only include suppliers within the specified range.
Company No. In these fields, you can specify a range of company numbers. The payment file will only include companies within the specified range.
Company of Origin In this field, you can specify a range of company numbers. The payment file will only include entries where the company of origin is within this range.
A/P Control Account In this field, you can select an A/P control account. The payment file will only include entries using this account.
Vendor Group In this field, you can select a vendor group. The payment file will only include entries from this vendor group.
Card Type Code In this field, you can enter a range of card type codes. The payment file will only include entries with a card type code within this range.
Payment Date In this field, you can enter a range of dates. The payment file will only include entries with a payment date within this range.
Transaction Type In this field, you can enter a transaction type. The payment file will only include entries with this transaction type.

Payment Information Island

Field Description
File Name In this field, you must specify the name of the file which will contain the payment file when you select the action “Create Payment File.” The file is formatted in accordance with the format of the payment agent you have selected in the field “Payment Agent.” The file is placed in your Maconomy client folder.
Reporting Currency In this field, you can specify the currency in which the payment entry should be displayed. The payment entries in the current payment file will be converted into and displayed in this currency. If the current user has been assigned to a company in the window Users, Maconomy suggests the company base currency of the company in question.

For the purpose of converting the chosen currency into another currency, Maconomy uses the valid exchange rates specified in the exchange rate table for purchases on the date entered in the field “Exchange Rate Date” below. The exchange rate table to be used for purchases is specified in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. Please note that Maconomy performs currency conversion even though the original amount has been registered in the same currency as the one specified in this field, which may give rise to discrepancies between the registered amounts and the amounts shown in this window.

Exchange Rate Date In this field, you can specify the date which should be used when converting amounts into the chosen reporting currency. Maconomy uses the valid exchange rates specified in the exchange rate table for purchases selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module for conversion of currency amounts. See also the field “Reporting Currency.”
Security Code 1 Here you can enter a security code. For a more detailed description, see the document on automatic payment for the selected payment format.
Security Code 2 Here you can enter a security code. For a more detailed description, see the document on automatic payment for the selected payment format.

Reprint Island

Field Description
Paym. No. If you specify a previously run payment number in this field, the payment list will be written to a file again when you select the function “Create Payment File” in the Action menu. If you want to do this, the field “Create Payment File” in the island Run Mode must not be marked. The file is created when you select the action “Create Payment File.”