Detailed Invoice Layout Rule Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Detailed Invoice Layout Rule tab.

Invoice Details Layout Rule Island

Field Description
Name This field shows the name of the rule.
Description Enter a description of the rule.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Period Indication Select a value in this field to control whether to show a period indication on the detailed invoice specification. Valid values are Date, Week, and Month.

The field works similar to the related field in the Invoice Layout Rules window. Please see that description for details.

Show Items Separately Use this field to control whether to show items separately on the detailed invoice specification. Select this field to show items separately.

The field works similar to the related field in the Invoice Layout Rules window. Please see that description for details.

Split on Unit Billing Price Select this check box to split invoice lines on the unit billing price on the detailed invoice specification.

The field works similar to the related field in the Invoice Layout Rules window. Please see that description for details.

Show No. of Hours in Subtotals Select this check box to show the number of hours in subtotals on the detailed invoice specification.
Check same Hours as in Summary If you select this field, Maconomy verifies that the total number of hours is equal on the detail level and on the summary level.

Registration Specification Island

Field Description
Time The selections made in this row concern time activities.
Amount The selections made in this row concern amount activities.
Fields 1 – 3 The field works similar to the related field in the Invoice Layout Rules window. Please see that description for details.
Separator Select separator values from the drop-down in both fields: Space, Comma, Period, Dash, Semicolon, Colon, Slash, Backslash.

Blanket Invoicing Island

Field Description
Job Heading Select this check box to show the job heading on the detailed invoice specification.
Job Invoice Name Select this check box to insert a line for each job on blanket invoices, with that line showing the invoice name of that job. You can do this if you use the Invoice Name field for a client PO number or other reference.

The text on the invoice line placed in front of the invoice name is set up in Language Texts on the record with key1 @JobInvoiceNameLine.

Job Subtotal Select this check box to show the job subtotal on the detailed invoice specification.

General Island

Field Description
Show Line Amounts Select this check box to show line amounts on the detailed invoice specification.

The field works similar to the related field in the Invoice Layout Rules window. Please see that description for details.

Show Base Salary Cost Select this check box to show base salary costs on the detailed invoice specification.

The field works similar to the related field in the Invoice Layout Rules window. Please see that description for details.

Apply to On Account Invoices Detailed layout rules are applied to T&M invoices and invoices that combine T&M and On Account. On the latter, the detailed layout rule is applied to both the T&M lines and the On Account lines on the invoice. If this check box is selected, the detailed layout rule is also applied to on account invoices (without T&M).

Invoice Level Details Island

Field Description
Time The selections made in the “Level” fields in this column concern time activities.
Amount The selections made in the “Level” fields in this column concern amount activities.
Subtotal Select this check box to show the job subtotal on the detailed invoice specification.
Level 1 - 3 In this field, you can specify the level of detail on the first level on invoice selections using the current layout rule. You cannot select a level of detail for one type of activity and blank for the other; either complete both fields or leave them both blank.

The field works similar to the related field in the Invoice Layout Rules window. Please see that description for details.

Level 4 This field has the same definition as Levels 1-3, however, there is no subtotal field for Level 4.
Total Price Only If you select this field, Maconomy will leave out unit price and quantity by default from time and/or amount activities on the quote lines. This choice can, however, be changed for the individual lines in the window Quote Editing.
Use for On Account Invoicing Same as the check box with the same name in the Invoice Layout Rules tab of the Invoice Layout Rules single dialog workspace, but for the detailed specification.

Combined T&M and On Account Island

Field Description
T&M Text Same as the field with the same name in the Invoice Layout Rules tab of the Invoice Layout Rules single dialog workspace, but for the detailed specification.
T&M Header Same as the check box with the same name in the Invoice Layout Rules tab of the Invoice Layout Rules single dialog workspace, but for the detailed specification.
T&M Subtotal Same as the check box with the same name in the Invoice Layout Rules tab of the Invoice Layout Rules single dialog workspace, but for the detailed specification.
On Account Text Same as the field with the same name in the Invoice Layout Rules tab of the Invoice Layout Rules single dialog workspace, but for the detailed specification.
On Account Header Same as the check box with the same name in the Invoice Layout Rules tab of the Invoice Layout Rules single dialog workspace, but for the detailed specification.
On Account Subtotal Same as the check box with the same name in the Invoice Layout Rules tab of the Invoice Layout Rules single dialog workspace, but for the detailed specification.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.