Item Information Card Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Item Information Card Tab.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. Here, you enter a new item number. This number is the sole and absolute identification of the item. There is no limit to how many characters you can type here, and you can mix letters and numbers. However, Maconomy standard printouts only include the first 16 characters. You cannot change the number of an existing item. Maconomy verifies that the number does not already exist.

To retrieve an existing item, use the search functions in the Find menu.

Item Group Here you select the group the item is in. The pop-up field shows existing item groups created in the Item Group Information Card. Various information from the item group is then transferred to the item information card. The item information that is managed at item group level, such as cost method, sales price costing and inventory control, cannot be changed at item level.

You can change the item group of an existing item, but the information for the new item group is not transferred to the item information card. If you are posting per item group, which is determined in the System Information window in the Set-Up module, your sales of the item will be recorded to the new item group. Maconomy posts in accordance with the item group an item is assigned to at the time an order line is created.

Pricing Combination Here, you can attach the item to a pricing combination. Pricing combinations are created in the Pricing Combinations window.

Pricing combinations offer the option of giving your customers assorted quantity discounts in quotes and sales orders.

Item Type Here, you select the item type. Item types are used for statistics.

You define item types in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Buyer In this field, you can specify the name of the person typically responsible for buying the current item. You can enter any text. The information in this field is used when running item purchase selections, where you can set up criteria where the buyer information on each item determines whether the item in question is to be included in the selection.

You can also specify a buyer on each line in the table part, thus indicating warehouse specific buyers. When you create an item purchase selection for a given warehouse, Maconomy checks the buyer on the line pertaining to the warehouse in question to see if it matches the selection criteria specified of the purchase selection. If no buyer has been specified on the line pertaining to the warehouse in question, the buyer in the card part is checked instead.

Similarly, you can specify a buyer for the item group to which the current item is assigned, and the buyer of the item group will thus be checked against the selection criteria of a given item purchase selection if a buyer has been specified neither on the relevant line in the table part of the item information card nor in the card part of the item information card. For further information on this process, see the description of the field “Buyer” in the window Item Purchase Orders in the Item Purchase module.

Bill of Materials Here, you specify whether the item is a BOM (Bill of Materials) or a standard item. If it is a BOM, you itemize its components in the Bill of Materials Information Card.

You cannot change the value in this field once the item has been created.

This field only applies to Maconomy Bill of Materials.

Duty Code Here, you can use assign a duty code to the item. In the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module, you can define the duty codes to be shown in this pop-up field.

The duty code in this field will be transferred to the item purchase order line when you create an item purchase order with the current item. If the item is not purchased from the standard country in Maconomy, a duty will be calculated at item receipt. The duty is calculated, based on the duty rate of the duty code. The total duty will affect the inventory value, and a purchase transaction is automatically created for the vendor specified in the island “Tax Office” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

Description Island

Field Description
Description, Lang. 1 Here you enter a descriptive item text in the primary language of the system. The primary language is the one appearing on the first table line for the pop-up type “Languages” in the table part of the window Popup Fields.

The text is used in the “Description” field on order lines, and in the “External Desc.” field, if the order is assigned to the primary language.

The text you enter is furthermore created as an entry in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module. It is then possible to assign translations of the item description in the languages used in Maconomy. This makes it possible, for example, to send an invoice to a German company with the item descriptions in German. In those cases where no translation of the item description has been made in the language used in a given context for instance on the printout of an order confirmation, Maconomy uses the description in this field instead. For more information about item descriptions in other languages, please see the description of the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.

Description, Lang. 2 Here you enter the item text in the secondary language of the system. The secondary language is the one appearing on the second table line for the pop-up type “Languages” in the table part of the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

The text is used in foreign language external documents, such as quotes, orders and invoices where the text is transferred to the “External Desc.” field, if the quote, order, invoice, and so on, is assigned to the secondary language.

If you enter a text here, a line will automatically be created in the window Language Texts, where the specified text is used as a translation into the secondary language of the system. Similarly, if a language text translation line is created for the item into the secondary language, the translation will appear in this field. Subsequent changes in either of the windows will cause the update to be reflected in the other window.

The item text can be inserted in price lists using Maconomy’s layout editing tools.

Description, Lang. 3 Here you enter the item text in the tertiary language in the system. The tertiary language is the one appearing on the third table line for the pop-up type “Languages” in the table part of the window Popup Fields.

The text is used in foreign language external documents, such as quotes, orders and invoices where the text is transferred to the “External Desc.” field, if the quote, order, invoice, and so on, is assigned to the tertiary language.

If you enter a text here, a line will automatically be created in the window Language Texts, where the specified text is used as a translation into the tertiary language of the system. Similarly, if a language text translation line is created for the item into the tertiary language, the translation will appear in this field. Subsequent changes in either of the windows will cause the update to be reflected in the other window.

The item text can be inserted in price lists using Maconomy’s layout editing tools.

Internal Desc. Here you can enter an internal item text. The text is printed on the picking list, and is suitable for internal messages to inventory employees. You can, for example, specify how the item is to be handled and packed. The text is not printed on external documents.
Extra Text 1-10 In these fields you can enter a supplementary text to describe the item. The text is transferred to the Sales Orders and Item Purchase modules, and you can use Maconomy’s layout editing tools to insert them in order documents as well as price list printouts.
Picture File Reference In this field, you can specify the path to an image file containing a picture of the current item. In the Maconomy Procurement Portal module, this picture will be displayed in the Item Home component and other item related components, provided that a placeholder for the picture is included in the component layout.

The file reference must be specified as a valid URL, either as a full path specification starting with “http://” or relative to the web server. For instance, if you specify “/Images/Furniture/LSofa1.jpg,” it means that the file is placed in the folder “Furniture” which is a subfolder to “Images,” which again is a subfolder directly below the root level of the web server.

Costs Island

Field Description
Costing Method This field shows the costing method to be used for the calculation of the value of the item inventory.

The value is retrieved from the item’s Item Group Information Card, and it cannot be changed here.

Order Item When the field “Order Item” is marked on the information card of an item, the field “Transfer Cost” in the window Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders in the Item Purchase module will automatically be marked on lines concerning the item in question. The purchase price of an order item on an item purchase order line created from a sales order line corresponds to the last cost price of the item in the warehouse in question. However, for an order item using sales price costing, the purchase price corresponds to the cost price calculated from the price on the sales order. On purchase order lines created from sales order lines containing an order item with sales price costing, the field “Keep Price” is automatically marked. Furthermore, the cost and the item description from the item purchase order will be transferred to the sales order line when the item is received.
Sales Price Costing This field shows whether cost is calculated from sales price.

The value is retrieved from the item’s Item Group Information Card, and it cannot be changed here.

GM % Sales Price Here you specify a gross margin percentage, if you use the Sales Price Costing. If the item is not assigned to Sales Price Costing, Maconomy uses whichever percentage from this field and the “Markup % of Cost” field is greater than 0, otherwise it uses 0.

Maconomy automatically suggests the value specified in the item’s Item Group Information Card, but you can select another.

If an order line does not have a sales price, Maconomy suggests a sales price based on the following algorithm:

Sales price = Cost /(100 - GM %) x 100.

Enterprise Currency This field shows the enterprise currency of the system. The enterprise currency is specified in the field “Enterprise Currency” in the window System Information and cannot be changed in this field.
Total Inventory Value This field shows the item’s current inventory value. The field shows the sum of the inventory values of the individual warehouses in the table part, converted into enterprise currency.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Name Here you can enter the name of an access level. Users only have access to seeing information about the current item and referring to it in other windows if they have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the window User Access Levels in the Set-Up module. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to items may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, all users will have access to see information about the current item.

Description This field shows the description of the access level specified in the field above.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In this field, you can assign a document archive to the contact company. For further information about the functionality of the field, please see the description of the corresponding field in the card part of the window Contact Companies.
Document Count This field shows the total number of documents in the Document Archive.

Template Note Island

Field Description
Template Note No. In this field, you can specify the number of a note created in the window Notes in the Set-Up module. The field is used for adding a number of extra fields in which the user can enter information if the current item is a template item. A template item is an item where the generic item information is not specific enough, as certain details may change from order to order. An example of a template item is a business card where the basic information about the card such as the paper type and background color is static, but each time a batch of cards is ordered, the title, name and address to be printed on the card are different. It is therefore important that a number of additional fields are made available so that a user ordering a business card is allowed to enter this information. You may have many types of template items in your system, and most likely they do not all require the same additional information. Therefore Maconomy allows you to set up any item as a template item with any number of additional fields attached.

A template item is created by assigning the item to a note where the headings in the table part represent the additional fields in which the user should enter specific information on the item ordered. Whenever someone orders an item on which a template note number has been specified, a copy of the note specified on the item is automatically created and assigned to the quote or order line in question. In the window Notes, the user can then enter the required information in the table part of the note assigned to the quote or order line. The information entered in the note will also appear on external order printouts.

The following method is used for setting up additional fields for a template item:

  • Create a note type with the headings to be used as field names.
  • Create a note containing the headings to be used as field names.
  • Set up items to use the fields set up in the above steps.

Create a Note Type with the Headings to be used as Field Names

In the window Note Types, create a note type. In the table part of the note type, create a line for each additional field required for the template item. In the field “Heading,” specify the desired field name. In the field “Format,” specify the data type of the field in question, thus ensuring that the correct type of data is always entered. See the description of the field “Format” in the table part of the window Note Types in the Set-Up module for further information.

Create a Note Containing the Headings to be used as Field Names

In the window Notes, create a note of the type you created earlier in the process. In the table part of this note, create a line for each of the headings in the note type. If you want the fields to contain default values, specify these values in the field “Value.”

Set up Items to use the Fields Defined in the above Steps

In the window Item Information Card, enter the number of the note which you created in the previous step in the field “Template Note No.” The fact that the item has a template note assigned to it is what identifies the item as a template item. This means that whenever someone orders an item on which a template note number has been specified, a copy of the note specified on the item is automatically created and assigned to the quote or order line representing the item. In the window Notes, the user can then enter the required information in the table part of the note assigned to the order line.

You can assign the same note to any number of items, for instance if you have several items for different business card models, but they all require the user to enter the same type of information.

Description This field shows a description of the note specified in the field “Template Note No.” above.

Dimension Combination Island

Field Description
Dim. Comb. No. In this field, you can enter the number of a dimension combination of the type “Dimension Derivation” created in the window Dimension Combinations.

If you specify a dimension combination, Maconomy will use the values in this dimension combination when deriving dimensions from the current item. However, any dimension derivation values specified in this island will be used instead of those specified for the same dimensions in the dimension combination. This means that the dimension combination only applies to the dimensions for which no value has been entered on the item information card.

Derived Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location if you want a value to be derived from the current item. If you also want the specified value to overwrite existing values for the dimension, complete the field “Overwrite.” If you do not choose overwriting, the dimension value will only be derived if the dimension field for which derivation is taking place has neither been completed manually nor by entering a registration code.

Even if you have specified a dimension combination in the field “Dim. Comb. No.” above, a value entered in this field will be used rather than the value (if any) found for this dimension in the dimension combination in question. This means that the dimension combination only applies to this dimension if you have not entered a value in this field.

Please note that if a dimension combination has been specified in the field “Dim. Comb. No.,” a mark in the field “Overwrite” will only have effect if you have also entered a dimension value. If you mark the field “Overwrite” but you do not enter a dimension value in this field, the “Overwrite” field is ignored, as dimension values and overwriting specification are always retrieved together from the same dimension derivation island, dimension combination or dimension combination line.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” as well as the description of the windows Dimension Derivations and Dimension Combinations in the G/L module for further information about dimension derivation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.

Service Island

Field Description
Return To Here you can enter the name of the customer or vendor to whom the item is to be returned after it has been serviced or repaired.

The field is for reference, and you can enter an optional text, which can be used to search for the item in the database.

Repairable You can mark this field if the item can be repaired in event of damage.

The field is for reference and can be used to search for the item in the database.

Obsolete You can mark this field if the item is obsolete. You can use it to assess whether or not the customer can return the item to you.

The field is for reference and can be used to search for the item in the database.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In these five fields, you can specify various information about the item. The values available in these pop-up fields are created in the pop-up type “Item Popup 1-5” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

The values in these fields are transferred to order lines, invoice lines, packing slip lines, and so on, where they can be used for specifying a status for the item on the transaction in question. The fields can also be used for grouping items.

User Island

See the “Getting Started” topic for a description of the fields in the island User.

Remarks Island

Here you can enter additional remarks.

Warehouse Island

Field Description
Discontinued Here you can specify whether the item is discontinued permanently or temporarily. Therefore you cannot sell more than the available item quantity in the warehouse (stock on hand) plus any purchase and production volumes minus any order and back order volumes. Once an item has been discontinued, you can no longer create sales order lines and invoice lines with the item in question in the Sales Orders module.

If the item is only temporarily discontinued, you just remove the mark when item is back in stock.

Item Status Here you can enter a status for the item. It is purely for reference and can be used in reports.
Inventory Control This field shows whether the item has inventory control. This is determined in the item’s Item Group Information Card, and the value cannot be changed here.

If the item has inventory control, you can specify storage locations, delivery time and other inventory-related data, which Maconomy automatically uses to update inventory fields, as shown in the table.

If an item has inventory control, both the average and last costs will be updated when there are inventory changes, regardless of which costing method you have selected.

If the item does not have inventory control, only limited information, such as preferred vendor and standard cost, can be entered for each warehouse in the table part.

Serial No. Control Mark this field if you want to allow serial number registration of units of the current item. If you mark this field, it is possible to register serial numbers going into and out of the warehouses in the system and the units moved between different locations in the warehouses. Only items with inventory control can have serial number control.

In the fields “Serial No. Reg. at Receipt,” “Serial No. Reg. at Shipping,” and “Complete Serial Number Registration,” you can specify the strictness of the serial number registration by marking the situations in which the registration of serial numbers is mandatory.

When items are received, you can enter the serial numbers in question in the window Serial Number Receipt in the Item Purchase module or in the window Serial Number Movement, depending on the type of registration causing the receipt. When items are leaving a warehouse, you can register the serial numbers in question in the window Serial Number Entry in the Sales Orders module or in the window Serial Number Movement, depending on the type of registration causing the shipment.

Serial No. Reg. at Receipt If you mark this field, you specify that when units of the current item go into a warehouse, you must report the serial numbers of the units in question. Units can, for example, go into the warehouse as a result of item purchase order receipt or item movements. The serial numbers in question are specified in the window Serial Number Receipt or Serial Number Movement, depending on the type of transaction causing the movement.
Serial No. Reg. at Shipping If you mark this field, you specify that when units of the current item leave a warehouse, you must report the serial numbers of the units in question. Units can, for example, leave the warehouse as a result of order delivery or item movements. The serial numbers in question are specified in the window Serial Number Entry or Serial Number Movement, depending on the type of transaction causing the movement.
Complete Serial No. Reg. If you mark this field, you specify that when units of the current item leave or go into a warehouse, you must report the serial numbers of the units in question. Furthermore, when moving units of the item between locations in a warehouse, you must specify which units are moved. As this type of registration encompasses both serial number registration at shipping and at receipt, you must also mark the fields “Serial No. Reg. at Shipping” and “Serial No. Reg. at Receipt” when this field is marked.

If you mark this field, it is also made mandatory that when performing inventory counts for the current item, the individual serial numbers at each location and their quantities must be counted. This means that it is not possible to just enter the total number of units of the items found at each location their serial numbers must be specified as well.

Primary Warehouse In this field you can select the primary warehouse of a given item. The warehouses specified on the item lines in the table part of this window are independent of the warehouse in the card part of the window Sales Orders. The primary warehouse is used if the same item exists in several warehouses. The value of this field is blank by default and can only be changed to a warehouse to which the item has already been assigned.

Units Island

Field Description
Unit, Sales

You can maintain unit descriptions in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Note: You cannot select units corresponding to hours or days.

Minimum Sales Unit Here you specify the item’s minimum sales unit. A box of 12 pencils, for example, has “12” as minimum sales unit, if you only sell the pencils in boxes.
Pricing Unit, Sales Here you enter how many item units are included in the unit price. This applies to sales price, cost, weight and volume. If the unit price covers all 12 pencils from the above example, the pricing unit is 12. You cannot change the value in this field once the item is created.
Unit, Purchase Here you can enter the unit used when the item is purchased in the Item Purchase Orders window.

Note: You cannot select units corresponding to hours or days.

Minimum Purchase Unit Here you can enter the item’s minimum purchase unit. It must be greater than 0.
Pricing Unit, Purchase Here you can enter how many units of the item are included in the unit price of the item for purchases.
Sales/Purchase Unit Here you can enter how many sales units are included in one purchase unit. If, for example, you buy a box of 12 pencils, which you sell individually, you enter 12 here. The value must be greater than 0. Maconomy alerts you if you enter a value different from 1 and the sales and purchase units are the same. The value must be 1 for items with serial number control. Maconomy uses the item to inventory the items in the correct quantities. The field must be completed.

If the value is changed, it has no effect on existing item purchase orders.

Minimum Production Unit Here you can enter the item’s minimum production unit. It must be greater than zero.
Gross Weight Here you enter the item’s gross weight per pricing unit. The weight unit is optional, but it must be the same for all items, since Maconomy uses the value here to total the weights of the order lines to find the total weight of an order. The total weight of an order is printed on the packing slip in the Sales Orders module. The packing slip shows the gross weight.
Net Weight (kg.) Here you can enter the item’s net weight per unit. The information is used by Intrastat. The value must be in kilos, since Intrastat assumes reports are made in this unit. The value here is not used in the Sales Orders and Item Purchase modules.
Volume Here you enter the item volume per pricing unit. You can freely choose the unit of volume (defined in Popup Fields in the Set-Up module) but it must be the same for all items, as Maconomy uses the value to total the volumes of order lines in an order.

Note Island

Field Description
Note No. In this field, you can specify the number of a note relating to the current item for further specification. Notes are created and edited in the window Notes in the Set-Up module.
Description This field shows a description of the note specified in the field “Note No.” above.

Sales Order Island

Field Description
Tax Code In this field, you can specify a tax code (that is, a tax percentage) for the current item. This tax is added to item orders for tax-paying customers. You can add up to three different tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters window. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

If your company applies national tax rates, Maconomy will transfer a tax code from the Tax Tables window in the G/L module. If the combination of item and state/country has not been created in a tax table, the tax code in this field will be used. In the System Information window in the Set-Up module, you can specify whether national tax rates should be applied.

Maconomy suggests the tax code from the Item Group Information Card of the item, but you can select a different tax code here. You can maintain tax codes in the Tax Codes window in the G/L module.

If you leave the field blank, the item sale will be posted to an account for non-taxed sales.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials and the item is part of a BOM, Maconomy will use the tax code from the BOM Information Card, not the tax code for the individual BOM part.

Item Tax Code In this field, you can specify a company tax code created in the window Popup Fields. Maconomy uses this field to determine the tax code to be used in the calculation of tax for the current item as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a tax code in the window Tax Tables in the G/L module. The tax table selected for the responsible company in the window Company Information is used in the selection criteria. However, the tax code is only selected from a tax table if the field “Use Tax Tables” has been selected in the window System Information, and only if the responsible company has a tax table assigned to it. If no tax table is assigned to the responsible company, or if you use differentiated tax, and you do not use tax tables, Maconomy uses the tax code specified for the item. If you use neither tax tables nor differentiated tax, Maconomy uses the standard tax code specified in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

If you use tax tables, and the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” is marked, the tax code to be transferred to on account invoices is found in a tax table. But instead of using the item tax code specified on an item, Maconomy uses the on account tax code in the field “On Account Tax Code” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module (along with various other information) to point out the relevant tax table line. If the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” is not marked, the standard tax code specified in the window System Information is always used as the tax code on invoices on account. For further information about the information used to point out the correct tax code, see the description of the window Tax Tables in the G/L module.

When posting entries, the reporting code is used for determining which tax report entries to create. Based on the tax report entries, you can create tax reports showing the tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. However, this kind of reporting can only be made if extended tax reporting has been selected in the window System Information.

Markup % of Cost Here you specify a gross margin percentage, if the item is not assigned to a price list. The sales price is then calculated from the cost in the relevant warehouse and a GM %. Maconomy selects whichever GM % from this field and the “GM % Sales Price” field is greater than 0, otherwise it uses 0.

Maconomy automatically suggests the value in the item’s Item Group Information Card, but you can change it. If an order line does not have a sales price, Maconomy suggests a sales price based on the following algorithm:

Sales price = Cost /(100 - GM %) x 100.

New Item No. Here you can enter the number of an existing item in Maconomy. It will be used if a given item has been discontinued and is being replaced by another item. Maconomy will issue an alert and show the item number here, if you try to create item lines with the discontinued item in the windows Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices.

You can also substitute a discontinued item with the item here to apply in all quote lines and all sales order lines that have not been processed in the Sales Orders module. This takes place in the Item Substitution window.

Activity No. In this field, you can specify an activity number if you want an activity number to be derived from the item on quote, order, invoice, and credit memo lines in the Sales Orders module. If you specify an activity for the current item, the activity number will be transferred to the field “Activity No.” when the item is specified on a line in a quote, order, and so on, assigned to a job. When the item is specified on a line belonging to a quote, order, and so on, which is not assigned to a job, the activity number is not transferred.

You can only specify an activity for which the field “Item No.” in the window Activities in the Job Cost module is blank.

Graded Quantity Discount If you mark this field, Maconomy will calculate quantity discounts as a graded discount. By graded quantity discount is meant a discount which does not affect all items on an order line but only the quantity of items within the quantity range of each quantity discount. If you for instance grant a discount of 10% on 2-4 items and a 20% discount on 5-10 items, it means that an order for 8 items will be granted no discount on the first item, a 10% discount on the next 3 items, and 20% on the last four items.

You cannot enter a pricing combination if graded quantity discount is to be calculated.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Statistics 1-4 In these fields you can specify a code for statistics purposes.

When you make prints in the statistics windows, you can used the value here to select the item in a selection criteria specification.

Print on Price List If you mark this field, the item will be shown on the printed price list in the Price Lists window. If the field is not marked, the printed price list will not show the item, regardless of whether the item is in the price list.
Bar Code Used You can mark this field if your company uses a bar code for the item. It is purely for reference.
Bar Code Here you can enter the item’s bar code. It is for reference and can be used to print bar codes.

Statistics to Tax Authorities Island

Field Description
Service This field is used for an item that is an immaterial, non-taxed service, which is not reported to the EU Sales List System or Intrastat. EU trade with these items is not included in Maconomy’s EU statistics reports. Be aware that transport of goods, for example, is not a non-taxed service.
Salary Preparation This field is used for processing services sold by your company. These items are reported to the EU Sales List System with a separate code.
CN Code Here you enter the 8 or 10-digit item code from the EU Commission’s Combined Nomenclature, called the CN or tariff code. The code is used by Intrastat to identify the item.

If you enter another item with the same CN code, Maconomy will suggest the value from the “Supplementary Unit,” “Item Desc.” and “Net Weight” fields from the other item.

Supplementary Unit Here you enter the conversion factor between the item’s sales unit (in the “Unit, Sale” field) and the supplementary unit given in the nomenclature. The value must express how many sales units make one supplementary unit. If, for example you sell the item in packages of 30, and the nomenclature has 1000 as supplementary unit, the conversion factor will be 1000/30 = 33.33.

If the nomenclature does not have a supplementary unit for the item, the conversion factor is 0.

Item Desc. Here you enter the item’s name, as given in the combined nomenclature. The text will be printed in reports to Intrastat.