Item Information Card Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to maintain information about your company's individual warehouse items.

The Item Information Card tab contains general and account information about an item. After you enter data and press Return, Maconomy verifies the information. You can then create warehouse assignment lines in the Warehouses sub-tab, thus indicating that the item is related to these warehouses. You also specify delivery time, maximum stock, usual storage location, and so on, for each warehouse. You can only make entries for an item in a given warehouse for items that you assigned to the warehouse in question on a line in this workspace.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, Maconomy operates with two kinds of items: Standard items and bills of materials (BOMs). Use the BOM field to specify whether an item is one or the other. BOM items have a supplementary information card in the BOM Information Card workspace.

If you specify a standard item, you can transfer the values for this standard to a new item. You maintain standard items in the System Information workspace of the Set-Up module.

For auditing purposes, it is recommended that you print and file the Item Information Card every time that you change it. To print the card, select the Print This action in the File menu.

You can only delete an item if all of the fields related to quantity in the item's warehouses contain zero, if there have been no item changes in the last year and the current year, and if you have not made any item discount agreements for the item.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and if the item is part of such a bill, you cannot delete the item. If you delete a warehouse assignment for an item in the Warehouses sub-tab, Maconomy deletes all of the information about item entries, item periods, item batches, and related vendors for the current warehouse assignment. When you print a historical inventory balance list, this information is thus not available for the deleted warehouse assignments, which results in the inventory balance list not showing the posted inventory value.