Job Descriptions Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Descriptions tab.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This is the number of the customer associated with the job. The customer number is entered in the window Jobs when the job is created. You cannot change it in this window. This field also shows the customer’s name as entered in the Customer Information Card in the A/R module. The name cannot be changed here, but you can change it in the Job Information window.

Job Island

Field Description
Job No. This is the job’s number. It is the sole and absolute identification of the job. You cannot change it here.

This field also shows the job name, which is entered in the Jobs window. You cannot change the name here, but you can change it in the Jobs window.

Job Group This is the job group to which the job is assigned. You cannot change it here. Job group can only be changed in the window Jobs, and only as long as the job has “Quote” status.
Department In this field, you choose the department to which the job belongs. Maconomy suggests the value from the customer’s information card in the A/R module, but you can change it.

Departments are defined in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

Status This is the job’s current status. A job is either “Quote” or “Order.” You cannot change its status here.

When a job is created, it is automatically in “Quote,” unless you have marked the field “Created as Order” in the window System Information. In the window Jobs, you can convert jobs in quote to “Order” and vice versa.

As long as a job is on quote, you can only assign it to quotes (not sales orders) in the Sales Orders module. If there are quotes or sales orders for the job, these will be shown in the table part of the window.

Template This field shows whether the job is a template job or a ‘normal’ job. See the description of the island Creation in the window Jobs for information about the use of template jobs.
Current Phase This field displays the name of the current job phase, if a job phase list has been assigned to the job in the window Job Phases, and a phase has been commenced.
Job Proc. Status This field displays the current job processing status. This status is specified if events have been assigned to the job in the window Events or in the window Job Events in the Contact Management module, and will be transferred to this window when the event is closed. For further information see the description of the windows Events and Job Events in the Contact Management module.
Project Manager In this field, you can enter the number of an employee created in the window Employees in the Set-Up module. Maconomy suggests the number of the user creating the job if this user has an employee number assigned to him.

The project manager in this field is the one who can approve time and expense sheet lines if the fields in the island Approval indicate that the project leader can or must approve time and expense sheets. If so, this field must be completed. Furthermore, the project manager of a job can initiate the first job phase and end phases if job phases are used on the job.

This field also shows the name of the specified project manager.

Sales Person In this field, you enter the number of the employee who is registered as sales person in the window Employees in the Set-Up module. If you do not specify a sales person number at creation of the job, Maconomy will copy this information from the customer assigned to the current job.

Sales in connection with this job will be included in any commission calculation for the sales person.

This field also displays the name of the specified sales person.

Account manager This field shows the name and number of the account manager of the company-specific customer (the bill-to customer).
Responsible This is the name of the person responsible for the job. Maconomy suggests the name of the user. The name appears in various other windows and on printouts from the Job Cost module.
Closed This field is marked if the job is closed. You cannot change the field’s value here.

Jobs are closed using the action “Close Job” in the window Jobs, and they are reopened by choosing “Reopen Job” in the same menu.

As long as a job is marked as closed, you cannot register entries to it. And you cannot make or revise budgets for it in the window Job Budgets. But you can always reopen a closed job.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User. Note, however, that until a quote, an order confirmation, an invoice, or a credit note has been printed for the current job, the field “Version No.” will always show the value 1. The information in the island applies to the current job, and therefore a change in this window will also be reflected in the island User in the windows Jobs, Job Information and Job Budgets.

Employees Island

Field Description
Employee 1-10 In these fields, you can assign up to ten employees to the current cob. When you enter an employee number in the “Employee No.” field, the name of the employee is displayed. These fields are for information only, but may be used in the automatic creation of teams using the action “Create Teams” in the Timing Plans window. Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, the fields can be placed on various printouts.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Text 1-25 In these fields, you can enter various information about the job.

If you want to put restrictions to some or all the texts entered in these fields, the contents can be delimited by applying an option list to each of the 20 text fields. Option lists are created in the window Option Lists in the Set-Up module and are subsequently specified in the relevant attributes in the job parameter type “Job Text Option Lists” for the job in question. If you have, for example, specified an option list in the attribute “Text 1 Option List,” only values belonging to that option list can be entered in the first text field in this island.

If no values have been defined in the attributes of the job parameter type “Job Text Option Lists,” you can enter any text you like in the fields in this island.

Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, it is possible to change the position of the fields and to include them in various printouts connected to the job. The information is primarily used for internal use, for example, the work description. It can also be shown on printouts of job budget, job report, quote and order confirmation, but not on invoices.

Boolean 1-5 In these Boolean fields you can assign attributes to your job.
Date 1-10 In these fields, you can enter dates connected to the job. These are date fields.

Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, it is possible to change the position of the fields and to include them in various printouts connected to the job. The information is primarily used for internal use, for example, the work description. It can also be shown on printouts of job budget, job report, quote and order confirmation, but not on invoices.

Amount 1-5 In these fields, you can enter amounts connected to the job. These are amount fields.
Popup 1-10 In these fields, you can select various information about the job. These are pop-up fields, which means you can choose from the options created for each field. They are created in the window Popup Fields.

Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, it is possible to change the position of the fields and to include them in various printouts connected to the job. The information is primarily used for internal use, for example, the work description. It can also be shown on printouts of job budget, job report, quote and order confirmation, but not on invoices.

Customer Popup 1-5 In these five fields, you can select various information about the customer. These are pop-up fields, which means that you can choose from the options created for each field. They are created as Customer Popup 1 Customer Popup 5 in the window Popup Fields. When the job is created, or when a different customer is selected on the job, the values from the customer’s information card are copied to these fields, but you can change the selections later.

Description Island

Field Description
Job Name This shows the job name, which is entered in the window Jobs. You cannot change the name here, but you can change it in the window Jobs.
Internal In these fields, you can enter a description of the job for internal use. The fields are purely for reference and are used in other windows and on various printouts in the Job Cost module.
Customer In this field, you can enter a comment about the customer for internal use. Maconomy automatically suggests the order comment from the Customer Information Card, but you can change it. The field is purely for reference.
Ref. In this field, you can enter the name of the customer representative dealing with the order. The field is purely for reference, and the name appears on various printouts and in other windows in the Job Cost module. The test in the field is printed on all external documents about the job.
Blanket invoice Ref. In this field, you can enter a text as a reference for the job. The text will be displayed on the invoice if you use blanket invoicing (that is, invoice lines from multiple jobs are combined on one invoice, if the bill-to customer, company, department, company tax code, and currency code are identical), and if the invoice layout rule applied to the job indicates that the text should be shown. Blanket invoicing is selected in the Job Information window. For more information, please see the description of the Invoice Layout Rules window.
Start Date In this field, you can enter the date on which the job is scheduled to start. It is purely for reference.
Estimated Ending Date In this field, you can enter the date on which the job is expected to be finished. The date is for information only.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current job. You cannot change the value here. This field also shows the name of the company responsible for the current job.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In this field, you can assign a document archive to the job description in question. By assigning a document archive to a job description, you can keep track of the various documents related to the job description. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.

This field also shows a description of the specified document archive.

Document Count This field shows the total number of documents in the Document Archive.

Note Island

Field Description
Note In this field, you can specify the number of a note relating to the current job. The contents of this note are shown in the table part of the window, and you can change the text freely. It is only possible to enter information in the table part if a note has been specified in this field.

You can specify the number of an existing note manually, but by using the action “Create Note” you can have Maconomy automatically create a new note and assign it to the current job in this field. Notes can also be created manually in the window Notes in the Set-Up module where you can also edit the text and description.

This field also shows a description of the specified note.