Customer Entry Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Customer Entry tab.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. This is the customer number assigned to the current entry. The island also shows the first three lines of the customer’s name and address. The information is retrieved from the customer’s information card.
Std. Currency This field displays the standard currency of the customer. The standard currency is specified in the field “Currency” on the customer’s information card.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This is the number of the company to which the current entry is assigned.

Interest and Reminder Island

Field Description
Closed for Interest Calculation If this field is marked, the entry is closed for interest calculation. Entries that are closed for interest calculation are not included in the interest charge selection and interest charge notice printouts, and such entries are ignored when calculating interest charge.
Block Type In this field you can specify why the entry is blocked. The possible values are defined in the Interest Reminder Block pop-up.
Block Date In this field you can specify the date that the entry was blocked. By default, it is set to the current date when the Block Type is set. You can set it to any date, though.
Blocked By This field specifies the user that blocked the entry. It is set to the name of the user that changes the Block Type field, but can be changed to anything.
Remarks You can enter text that adds further information about the reasons for blocking the entry.

Entry Information Island

Field Description
Entry Date This field shows the date on which the entry was registered in the accounts receivable or general ledger.
Entry Type This field shows the customer entry type, which can be one of the following:
  • Invoice from invoicing in the Sales Orders module.
  • Credit memo from crediting in the Sales Orders module.
  • Interest from approval of interest charge selection in the A/R module.
  • Reminder from approval of reminder selection in the A/R module.
  • Payment, a credit entry made in the window General Journal.
  • Payment, a debit entry made in the window General Journal.
  • Cash Discount Positive, a cash discount entered in the window Customer Open Entry Reconciliation.
  • Currency Variance Positive, currency gain entered in the window
  • Customer Open Entry Reconciliation or the window General Journal.
  • Currency Variance Negative, currency loss entered in the window
  • Customer Open Entry Reconciliation or the window General Journal.
Description This field shows the text assigned to the entry.
Trans. No. This field shows the entry’s transaction number. If the entry is from a general journal, the number was entered manually. If the entry is from invoicing or crediting in the sales orders module, the transaction number is the same as the invoice or credit memo number which was given automatically by Maconomy from the system numbers “Invoice” or “Credit Memo.” If the entry is an interest entry or reminder charge, the number was given automatically from the system numbers “Interest Notice.”
Trans. Type Shows the transaction type of the customer entry.
Open/Closed This field shows whether the entry is “Open” or “Closed.”
Due Date This field shows the entry’s due date. The due date is always the entry date of the assigned payment or credit memo.
Date Reconciled This field shows the date on which the invoice was fully reconciled. The field is blank for other types of entries and for invoices which are not fully reconciled.
Date Posted This field shows the date on which the entry was posted.
Journal No. This field shows the number of the posting journal in which the entry was posted.
Company of Origin This field shows the name of the company responsible for the invoice, credit memo, general journal or interest or reminder selection that has caused the current customer entry. On invoices, credit memos, and general journals, the responsible company can be specified in the field “Company No.” in the island Company whereas the responsible company on customer entries created upon approval of an interest or reminder selection is automatically transferred from the field “Company No.” in the island Settling Company on the relevant customer’s information card.
Export Entry If this field is marked, the customer entry will be included in the export file generated from the window Export Customer Entries.
Exported This field shows whether the customer entry has been exported.

Entry Island

Field Description
Debit, Standard This field shows the entry amount in the customer’s standard currency, if the entry is a debit entry.
Credit, Standard This field shows the entry amount in the customer’s standard currency, if the entry is a credit entry.
Remainder, Standard This field shows how much of the entry has not been reconciled. The amount is displayed in the customer’s standard currency.
Debit, Base This field shows the entry amount in the base currency, if the entry is a debit entry.
Credit, Base This field shows the entry amount in the base currency, if the entry is a credit entry.
Remainder, Base This field shows how much of the entry has not been reconciled. The amount is displayed in base currency.
Amount, Original This field shows the entry amount in the original currency.
Remainder, Original This field shows how much of the entry has not been reconciled. The amount is displayed in the original currency.
Original Currency This field shows the original currency of the entry.

Origin Object Island

Field Description
Origin Object The relation name of the origin object, for example, Time Sheet Header.
Origin Object Instance Key The instance key of the origin object
Object Key 1, String If any of the key fields of the origin object is of type String, then this field contains the value of the first String key field.
Object Key 2, String If two or more of the key fields of the origin object are of type String, then this field contains the value of the second String key field.
Object Key 1, Integer If any of the key fields of the origin object is of type Integer, then this field contains the value of the first Integer key field.
Object Key 2, Integer If two or more of the key fields of the origin object are of type Integer, then this field contains the value of the second Integer key field.
Object Key 3, Integer If three or more of the key fields of the origin object are of type Integer, then this field contains the value of the third Integer key field.
Object Key 1, Date If any of the key fields of the origin object is of type Date, then this field contains the value of the first Date key field.
Object Payment Agent If any of the key fields of the origin object is a reference to a Payment Agent, then this field contains the name of that Payment Agent.

Origin Line Island

Field Description
Origin Line The relation name of the origin line, for example, Time Sheet Line.
Origin Line Instance Key The instance key of the origin line.
Line Key 1, String If any of the key fields of the origin line is of type String, then this field contains the value of the first String key field.
Line Key 2, String If two or more of the key fields of the origin line are of type String, then this field contains the value of the second String key field.
Line Key 1, Integer If any of the key fields of the origin line is of type Integer, then this field contains the value of the first Integer key field.
Line Key 2, Integer If two or more of the key fields of the origin line are of type Integer, then this field contains the value of the second Integer key field.
Line Key 3, Integer If three or more of the key fields of the origin line are of type Integer, then this field contains the value of the third Integer key field.
Line Payment Agent If any of the key fields of the origin line is a reference to a Payment Agent, then this field contains the name of that Payment Agent.

Transaction Entries Island

Field Description
Finance This field shows the number of finance entries related to the same transaction as the customer entry.
Customer This field shows the number of customer entries related to the same transaction as the customer entry.
Vendor This field shows the number of vendor entries related to the same transaction as the customer entry.
Job This field shows the number of job entries related to the same transaction as the customer entry.
Asset This field shows the number of asset entries related to the same transaction as the customer entry.
Intercompany This field shows the number of intercompany entries related to the same transaction as the customer entry.