Company Specific Payment Control Workspace

Use this workspace to maintain information related to company-specific vendor payments, including the company-specific outstanding vendor balance.

If you create a company-specific vendor from an enterprise-wide vendor, Maconomy populates the company-specific vendor's payment information automatically, using information from the enterprise-wide vendor's Payment Control workspace.

The information that is inherited and whether these pieces of information are changeable, depends on the linking rule assigned to the company-specific vendor in question.

Whether or not you can specify, change, or only view a value in each field depends on the setup of the linking rule that you assigned to the company-specific vendor, if any. For more information about linking rules, see the description of the Linking Rules workspace in the Set-Up module.

It is recommended that you print the company-specific payment control and field each time that you change information in this workspace or in the Company Specific Vendor Information Card workspace. You print the current payment information by using the Print this action in the File menu in the Company Specific Vendor Information Card workspace.

Note: All registrations are made on the company vendor. Your linking rule and company vendor setup define where you can use the vendor.