Payment Orders Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Payment Orders sub-tab.

Field Description
Payment Date This field shows the date the payment date of the payment order.
Vendor No. This field shows the payment order’s payment vendor number.
Supplier No. This field shows the number of the supplier.
Company No. This field shows the number of the customer.
Paym. No. This field shows the payment order’s payment number. It is taken from the window System Numbers every time you make a payment in the Automatic Payment window and is given to all the payment orders in the payment round.
Paid, Currency This field shows the payment order amount in the delivery vendor’s currency.
Discount, Currency This field shows how much discount was given in the vendor’s currency.
Currency This field shows the delivery vendor’s currency.
Paid, Base This field shows the payment order amount in base currency.
Discount, Base This field shows how much discount was given in the company’s base currency.
Payment Mode This field shows the payment mode.
Payment Form This field shows the payment form of the current payment order. This field shows the payment agent used for the payment.
Payment Agent This field shows the payment agent used for the payment.
Card Type Code This field shows the payment order’s card type code. This field shows the payment order’s payer identification.
Payer Identification This field shows the payment order’s payer identification.
Transaction Serial No. This field shows the transaction serial number of the payment order.
Payment Description This field shows the payment description.
Import Date This field shows the payment order’s import date.
Check Book This field shows the check book assigned to the current payment order.
Check No. This field shows the number of the check used in connection with the payment order.
Reference Check No. This field shows the reference number of the check. If a number of payments by check are made using a payment mode with combined payment and remittance to the receiver of the amount, a check will be printed out with the full amount and any assigned remittance lines. If the number of remittance lines take up more space than allocated on the check, a number of checks will be printed out to match the space needed for the remittance lines. The extra checks all contain a zero amount and a reference check number which corresponds to the number of the original check.
Origin This field shows the origin of the payment order.
Payment Selection This field shows whether the payment order has been selected for payment.
Entered This field shows whether the payment order has been registered, that is, that the payment agent has acknowledged receipt of the amount.
Paid This field shows whether the payment order has been paid, that is, that the payment agent has registered it as paid.
Closed This field shows whether the payment order has been closed. It is closed when it has been approved as paid, closed, or error reported.
Canceled This field shows whether the payment order has been canceled.
Error Reported This field shows whether the payment order has been error reported.
Reversed This field shows whether the payment order has been reversed.
Changed By This is the name of the user who last changed the payment order information. The field is updated by Maconomy every time a change is entered in the Payment Reporting window. If you have not changed the order, it shows the name of the user who created the payment order.
Changed On This is the date on which the payment order information was last changed. The field is updated by Maconomy every time a change is entered in the Payment Reporting window. If you have not changed the order, it shows the date on which the payment order was created.