Job Risks Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Risks sub-tab.

Field Description
Name Specify a name for the risk.
Status Risk status types
Type Risk types
Category Risk category
Description Risk description text
Owner Copy to come.
Owner Employee Mandatory field. By default it is the Project Manager and could be changed to any employee. See notification too.
Owner Name Name of the employee
Due Date The risk due date is set by the project manager. Due date decides a notification.
Closed This checkbox is controlled by Close and Reopen actions. When ticked, the row is read only. When unticked, the line will become editable.
Resolution Copy to come.
Probability % % field where the user can enter 0-100%. If the value is outside of range the user will get an error.
Impact on Time The user enters the number of days / hours the project plan could be impacted by the potential risk. The choice of days or hours really should be according to the budgeting which is in days or hours set in job setup.
Assigned Risk Fund The user can assign a cost in Company Base Currency.
Assigned Risk Fund, Enterprise Read only. The cost in enterprise currency will be available for display. The exchange rate will be according to the job's budgeting exchange rate setup.
Cost Price The user can assign an additional cost amount in Company Base Currency.
Cost Price, Enterprise Read only. The cost in enterprise currency will be available for display. The exchange rate will be according to the job's budgeting exchange rate setup.
Mitigation Copy to come.
Mitigation Probability The probability of weather the mitigation will work(100%) or not(0%). The user can enter 0..100% manually.
Mitigated Time Copy to come.
Mitigated Cost Price Copy to come.
Mitigated Cost Price, Enterprise Copy to come.
Weighted Risk Cost, Base This is a calculated field in base currency: Risk Cost * Risk Probability / 100.
Weighted Risk Cost, Enterprise Weighted Risk Cost in enterprise currency
Mitigated Risk Cost The user can assign a cost in Company Base Currency.
Mitigated Risk Cost, Enterprise Read only. The cost in enterprise currency will be available for display. The exchange rate will be according to the job's budgeting exchange rate setup.
Weighted Mitigated Risk Cost This is the Mitigated Risk Cost * Mitigated Probability / 100.
Mitigated Impact On Time The user could enter the number of days that the schedule is impacted with due to the risk mitigation.
Risk Mitigation Where the user describes the risk mitigation.
Risk Resolution Risk resolution text.