Show Customer Reconciliation Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to view customer entries and the entries against which they were balanced, for any period that you need to see.

For example, review a payment and see the invoices that were partly or fully reconciled by the payment.

The Show Customer Reconciliation tab displays an entry and, if it is fully or partly reconciled, the Reconciliations sub-tab displays the entries that reconciled it or were reconciled by it. For example, if the tab displays a credit memo or payment, the sub-tab displays the invoices that were fully or partly reconciled by the credit memo/payment. If the tab displays an invoice, a reminder charge, or interest charge, the sub-tab displays the payments that reconciled the invoice, reminder, or interest charge.

Maconomy uses one the following methods to reconcile entries:
  • You select entries for reconciliation and approve the reconciliation in the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation workspace. You manually select the payment or credit note and the invoices that should be reconciled against that payment or credit note, or use the Mark All For Reconciliation action.
  • In the General Journal workspace in the G/L module and in the Customer Payments workspace in this module, you can enter an invoice number when you enter a customer payment. When you post the journal, Maconomy fully or partly reconciles the payment against the invoice.
  • If you select the Automatic Reconciliation field in the Payment Information workspace, Maconomy always reconciles against the oldest open entry when you post entries.

    You can use Maconomy's search facilities to find the right entries. You can search by transaction number, entry date, amount, or currency.

    You can use this workspace to balance customers. The information in this workspace is for reference; you cannot change it.

    The Find window (press Ctrl+F or use Find Entry in the Find menu) associated with this workspace contains two fields that are not shown in the Show Customer Reconciliation workspace: the Selected for Reconciliation and Reconciliation Status fields. These fields have the following features:
    • Selected for Reconciliation — Use this field to search for all customer entries that have been (or have not been) selected for reconciliation in any Maconomy workspace. Possible values are "Yes" and "no."

    • Reconciliation Status — If the value of the Selected for Reconciliation field is "Yes," the A/R entry is being reconciled. This field displays the status of the reconciliation of the current entry (or its current location in the reconciliation flow). The status can have the following values:
      • Selected for Collection — If you created a collection selection that includes the current customer entry in the Collection Selection or Change Collection Selection workspace in the Banking module.
      • Selected for Reconciliation in General Journal — If you entered a customer payment in the General Journal workspace and reconciled it against a posted invoice.
      • Selected for Reconciliation in Open Entry Reconciliation — If a posted customer payment is reconciled fully or partly against a customer entry in the A/R Entries sub-tab in the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation workspace, and the reconciliation is not yet approved.
      • Removed Reconciliation — If you remove an approved reconciliation in this workspace, but have not yet posted it. When you post the reconciliation removal, this field changed to blank, and the Selected for Reconciliation field changes to "No."
      • Approved Automatic Customer Payment — If Maconomy reads customer payments in the Banking module without errors, and the collected amount agrees with the invoiced amount.
      • Approved for Reconciliation in Open Entry Reconciliation — If a posted customer payment is reconciled fully or partly against a customer entry in the A/R Entries sub-tab in the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation workspace, and the reconciliation is approved.

These two fields in the Find window make it easier to find specific A/R entries and to monitor their location in the A/R reconciliation process.