Job Entry Overview Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Entry Overview tab.

Entry Information Island

Field Description
Job This is the number and name of the job to which the current job entry belongs.
Activity No. The number of the activity registered on the current job entry.
Activity Type The activity type: Time or Amount.
Activity Name The description of the activity registered on the current job entry.
Description The description of the job entry as entered in for example a time sheet.
Task The task registered on the current job entry.
Employee The number and name of the employee registered on the current job entry.
Vendor This is the vendor number and name if the current job entry concerns an amount activity, and the vendor of the service was registered on the job entry.
Vendor Invoice No. If the current job entry is associated with a vendor invoice, the associated vendor invoice may be registered here.
Item No. Any item number referenced by the current job entry.
Asset No. When a job entry is created from asset depreciation, the asset number is on the job entry.
Remarks Any remarks from the current job entry.
Period From, Subscription If the current job entry originates from a subscription order, this field and the field “Period To, Subscription” below show the starting and ending periods of the subscription.
Period To, Subscription See the description of the field “Period From, Subscription” above.
Entry No. The number of the current job entry.
Date The date of entry of the current job entry.
Entry Type The type of the current job entry – for example “Registration” or “Reallocation.”
Journal No. The number of the journal on which the current job entry was posted.
Journal Line No. The number of the line in the journal on which the current job entry was posted.
Being Reopened If this field is marked, the current job entry is being reopened, for instance in the window Time Sheets.
Approved for Inv. If this field is marked, the current job entry has been approved for invoicing.
Accrual Entry If this field is marked, the current job entry was created as part of an accrual.
Incl. in Fixed Price If this field is marked, the current job entry is not part of the fixed price of the job.
Action This field shows the action performed on the current job entry in the window Invoice Selection (“Invoice,” “Write Off,” or “Carry Forward”).
Origin This field shows where the current job entry was created, for example in a Time Sheet.
External Cost This field is marked if the job entry must be displayed as an external cost. If the job entry is later reallocated, the cost is treated as external, and therefore kept in the reallocation.
Direct Inv. If this field is marked, the current job entry was marked for direct invoicing.
Over Invoicing Entry If this field is marked, the current job entry is an over invoicing entry.
Reallocate If this field is marked, the current job entry has been marked for reallocation.
Selected If this field is marked, the current job entry has been selected for reallocation.
Date Reallocated If the current job entry was reallocated, this field shows the date of reallocation.
Cost Type This field shows if the current job entry is a Turnover or Outlay activity.
Reallocate If this field is marked, the current job entry has been marked for reallocation in the window Invoice Selection.
Latest Reallocation Number This field shows if the number of the latest reallocation of this job entry.
Amount Reallocated If the current job entry was reallocated, this field shows the amount of the reallocation.
Reallocated from Instance Key If the current job entry has previously been reallocated, this field shows the instance key of the entry from which the job entry was reallocated.
Reallocated from Job No. If the current job entry has previously been reallocated, this field shows the number of the job from which the job entry was reallocated.
Reallocated from Task If the current job entry has previously been reallocated, this field shows the task from which the job entry was reallocated.
Purch. Order No. If the current job entry is part of a purchase order, this field shows the number of the purchase order.
Purchase Order Line No. If the current job entry is part of a purchase order, this field shows the line number of the job entry in the purchase order.
G/L Entry Date This field shows the date on which the current job entry was entered in the General Ledger.
Receivable Tax Code 1 This field shows the receivable G/L tax code of the current job entry.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Receivable Tax Code 1” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Receivable Tax Code 1-3”; “Receivable Tax 1-3, Currency”; Receivable Tax 1-3, Base”; and “Receivable Tax 1-3, Enterprise.”

For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Invoice If this field is marked, the current job entry has been selected for invoicing.
Overtime Spec. This field shows any overtime specification on the current job entry.
Daily Description This field shows any daily description entered on the current job entry.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the current job entry.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the current job entry. The field is for reference only and cannot be changed here.
Invoice No. This field shows the number of the invoice where the current job entry was invoiced.
Invoicing Job No. This field shows the number of the job invoiced on the invoice of the current job entry.
Date Posted This field shows the date on which the invoice where the current job entry was invoiced was posted.
Close If this field is marked, the current job entry will be closed after invoicing.
Closed If this field is marked, the current job entry is closed.
Tax Code This field shows the tax code registered on the current job entry.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2,” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Item Tax Code This field shows any tax code associated with any item registered on the current job entry.
Markup % This field shows the markup percentage of the current job entry.

Billing Price Deviation Island

Field Description
Standard Billing Price, Currency This field shows the standard billing price per unit in the currency of the job.

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the price in this field is updated when certain key information on the line is changed, for instance, the activity, employee, or dimension values. For further information on this and for a complete list of the fields causing the price to be updated, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.” If the system parameter is not marked, and you wish to ensure that all prices reflect the current set-up of the budget lines, use the action “Recalculate Job Budget.”

Total Standard Billing Price, Currency This field shows the total standard billing price of the current budget entry in the currency of the job.

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the price in this field is updated when certain key information on the line is changed, for instance, the activity, employee, or dimension values. For further information on this and for a complete list of the fields causing the price to be updated, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.” If the system parameter is not marked, and you wish to ensure that all prices reflect the current set-up of the budget lines, use the action “Recalculate Job Budget.”

Standard Up/Down, Currency This field shows the difference between the registered billing price and the standard billing price for the current entry in the currency of the job, within the selected period. This information can be used for performance analyses
Standard Billing Price, Base This field shows the total budgeted standard billing price in the company’s base currency.
Standard Billing Price Total, Base This field shows the total standard billing price of the current budget entry in the base currency of the company.
Standard Up/Down, Base This field shows the difference between the registered billing price and the standard billing price for the current entry in the base currency of the company, within the selected period. This information can be used for performance analyses.
Standard Billing Price, Enterprise This field shows the total budgeted standard billing price in the company’s enterprise currency.
Standard Billing Price total, Enterprise This field shows the total standard billing price of the current budget entry in the enterprise currency of the company.
Standard Up/Down, Enterprise This field shows the difference between the registered billing price and the standard billing price for the current entry in the enterprise currency of the company, within the selected period. This information can be used for performance analyses.

Transfer Island

This island shows information about the current entry if the entry has been transferred to or from. For more information about job transfers, please see the overview of the Job Transfer window.

Field Description
Moved This field shows whether the entry has been transferred from and subsequently closed.
Transfer Date If the current entry has been transferred, this field shows the date of the transfer.
Moved G/L entry date If the current entry’s registrations have been transferred to new dimensions and subsequently closed in the Job Transfer window, this field shows the G/L entry date that has been set on the new job entry.
Moved to Entry No. This field shows the entry number of the new job entry that the current entry was transferred to.
Billing Price, Transferred To This field shows the total billing price, if any, transferred to the new dimensions on the job.
Billing Price, Transferred From If the current entry has been transferred to new dimensions in the window Job Transfer, this field shows the total billing price transferred from the “old” dimensions of the job entry to the new dimensions of the job entry.
Cost, Transferred To This field shows the cost transferred to new dimensions on the job.
Cost, Transferred From This field shows the cost transferred from “old” dimensions to new dimensions on the job entry.
Billing Price, Transferred To, Base This field shows the billing price transferred to new dimensions on the job, in base currency.
Billing Price, Transferred From, Base This field shows the billing price transferred form “old” dimensions to new dimensions on the job entry, in base currency.
Cost, Transferred To, Enterprise This field shows the cost transferred to new dimensions on the job during the period specified in the card part, in enterprise currency.
Cost, Transferred From, Enterprise This field shows the cost transferred from “old” dimensions to new dimensions on the job during the period specified in the card part, in enterprise currency.
Billing Price, Transferred To, Enterprise This field shows the billing price transferred to new dimensions on the job during the period specified in the card part, in enterprise currency.
Billing Price, Transferred From, Enterprise This field shows the billing price transferred form “old” dimensions to new dimensions on the job during the period specified in the card part, in enterprise currency.
Quantity, Transferred To If the current entry has been transferred to new dimensions, this field shows the quantity transferred to the job assigned the new dimensions. A job is transferred to new dimensions in the window Job Transfer.
Quantity, Transferred From If the current entry has been transferred to new dimensions in the window Job Transfer, this field shows the quantity transferred from the “old” dimensions of the current job entry.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field shows the location entered on the current job entry.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number and name of the company responsible for the job of the current job entry.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.

Executing Company Island

Field Description
Executing Company This field shows the number and name of the executing company that applies to the current job.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.

Price Island

This island shows a large number of details about the current job entry. The island is divided into sections, each of which deals with one of the possible currencies of the price of the current job entry: Job Currency, Base, Enterprise, and Original.

Field Description
Currency This field shows the job currency.
Billing Price, Reg. This field shows the billing price registered on the job entry.
Open Billing Price, Currency This field shows the total open billing price on the job. The amount includes job entries on subjobs that are set up to be invoiced on the main job.
Billing Price, Inv. This field shows the billing price invoiced for the current job entry.

Billing Price, Up/Down. This shows any difference between the billing price you have entered and the billing price you invoice when the job entry is closed. If the invoiced billing price is greater than the entered billing price, the value will be positive. If the invoiced billing price is below the entered price, the value is negative. The difference between the invoiced billing price and the standard billing price deviation (as seen in the field “Standard Up/Down”) is shown in the field “Total Up/Down.”

Billing Price Up/Down Upon Cl., Currency This field shows the amount written up/down on the invoice upon closing, in job currency.
Billing Price This field shows the billing price of the current entry.
Billing Price for Inv., Currency This field shows the billing price from this particular job entry currently selected for invoicing.

Price Island, Base Sub-Island

Field Description
Cost, Reg. This field shows the cost registered on the job entry.

The amount is shown in enterprise currency or base currency, depending on the currency type selected in the island Show Entries. Please note that if the currency type selected is “Job Currency,” the cost is always shown in the base currency, as cost prices are only stored in base and enterprise currency.

Open Cost, Base This is the open cost in base currency or company currency.
Cost, Inv., Base This field shows the cost invoiced during the period specified in the card part. The amount is shown in enterprise currency or base currency, depending on the currency type selected in the Show Entries island. Please note that if the currency type selected is “Job Currency,” the cost is always shown in the base currency, as cost prices are only stored in base and enterprise currency.
Cost for Inv., Base This field shows the cost price currently selected for invoicing from this particular job entry.
Cost This field shows the cost for the job entry.
Receivable Cost Excl. Tax, Base This field shows the cost price excluding VAT.
Receivable Cost Incl. Tax, Base This field shows the cost price including VAT. Notice that only if the job entry origin is a vendor invoice or an expense sheet will this amount possibly differ from the amount excluding tax.
Billing Price, Reg., Base This field shows the total billing price entered for the entry in base currency.
Open Billing Price, Base This field shows the current open billing price of the job—that is, the sum of non-invoiced registrations on the jobin base currency. The first time that you evaluate the job, this amount corresponds to the work in progress. Entries that are not part of the fixed price of the job are excluded.
Billing Price, Inv., Base This field shows the billing price invoiced for the current job entry, in base currency.
Billing Price, Up/Down, Base This field shows the write-up/-down amount for all of the entries being invoiced, in the company’s currency. Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered number of hours and the invoiced number of hours. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs are shown as negative figures.
Billing Price Up/Down Upon Cl., Base This field shows the write-up or –down that occurred when the job entry was closed. Notice that this is an internal field to show any difference between write-up or –down upon creation and write-up or –down upon closing on fixed-price jobs.
Billing Price, Base This field shows the total budgeted billing price in the company’s base currency.
Billing Price for Inv., Base This field shows the billing price from this particular job entry currently selected for invoicing, in base currency.
Intercompany Price, Base This field shows an intercompany price that will be used as the cost of one unit of the current activity if the executing company and the company responsible for the job in question are not identical.

Price Island, Enterprise Sub-Island

Field Description
Cost, Reg. Enterprise This field shows the entered cost for the job entry, in enterprise currency.
Open Cost, Enterprise This is the open cost in enterprise currency.
Cost, Inv., Enterprise This field shows the cost invoiced during the period specified in the card part, in enterprise currency.
Cost for Inv., Enterprise This field shows the cost price currently selected for invoicing in enterprise currency.
Cost, Enterprise This field shows the total of all budgeted cost prices of the jobs displayed in the table part of the window. If the field “Show Totals” in the Selection Criteria island has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Receivable Cost Excl. Tax, Enterprise This field shows the cost price excluding VAT, in enterprise currency.
Receivable Cost Incl. Tax, Enterprise This field shows the cost price including VAT, in enterprise currency.
Billing Price, Reg., Enterprise This field shows the total billing price entered for the entry, in enterprise currency.
Open Billing Price, Enterprise This field shows the current open billing price of the job—that is, the sum of non-invoiced registrations on the jobin enterprise currency.
Billing Price, Inv., Enterprise This field shows the opening, changed, and closing billing prices that have been invoiced on the job before and within the relevant period, in enterprise currency.
Billing Price Up/Down, Enterprise This field shows the amount by which the billing price has been written up or down. Write-up and write-down are the difference between the registered billing price and the invoiced billing price. Only completed entries will be included in the calculation.
Billing Price Up/Down Upon Cl., Enterprise This field shows the write-up or –down that occurred when the job entry was closed. Notice that this is an internal field to show any difference between write-up or –down upon creation and write-up or –down upon closing on fixed-price jobs.
Billing Price, Enterprise This field shows the total of all budgeted billing prices of the jobs displayed in the table part of the window. If the field “Show Totals” in the Selection Criteria island has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Billing Price for Inv., Enterprise This field shows the billing priced invoiced for the job entry, in enterprise currency.
Original Currency This is the currency in which the invoice was registered (the entry’s original currency).
Original Cost This field shows the cost on the job entry original which may, for example, be a vendor invoice in some other currency.
Accrual, Base This field shows the amount to be registered for accrual on the line in the system’s base currency.
Accrual, Enterprise This field shows the amount to be registered for accrual on the line in the system’s enterprise currency.
Cost, Exec. Company, Base This field shows the cost of one piece of the current activity in the executing company, in the company’s base currency.
Cost, Exec., Company, Enterprise This field shows the cost of one piece of the current activity in the executing company, in the company’s enterprise currency.
Billing Price, Exec. Company, Currency This field shows the initial billing price as set by the executing company. Notice that intercompany invoicing may lead to the job entry having another final billing price to the end customer.
Billing Price, Exec. Company, Enterprise This field shows the initial billing price as set by the executing company. Notice that intercompany invoicing may lead to the job entry having another final billing price to the end customer.
Quantity Open This field shows the number of open units registered in the current job entry. Please note that the open quantity of the job entry will only remain open after reallocation until the entry is invoiced.
Quantity Up/Down. This field shows the difference between the quantity that would have been written up or down before the beginning of the period specified in the card part if the job was closed at that time, and the quantity that would have been written up or down at the end of the selected period, if the job was closed at that particular time.
Quantity Up/Down at Closing This field shows the write-up or –down that occurred when the job entry was closed, in the currency of the job. Notice that this is an internal field to show any difference between write-up or –down upon creation and write-up or –down upon closing on fixed-price jobs.
Quantity In this field you can see the quantity of units that were registered for the activity and assigned to the job entry. If the entry is a time activity, the quantity will be hours.
Invoice Quantity This field shows the quantity to be invoiced from the job entry.
Quantity Inv. This field shows the quantity of units invoiced for the current job entry.
Quantity 1 This field shows the quantity entered for the entry.
Quantity 2 This field shows the quantity 2 entered for the entry.
Job Surcharge Entry This field is marked if the job entry either in the billing price or in the job surcharge amount fields includes additional amounts that relate to a job surcharge rule percentage.

See the Job Surcharge Rules window. If a surcharge derives dimensions, a second job entry marked as a surcharge entry is created, in addition to the actual registration.

Job Surcharge Amount This field shows the job surcharge amount part of the billing price field. This field only shows an amount if the job surcharge rule is not set up to derive another activity for an additional job entry registration.
Job Surcharge Amount, Base This field shows the job surcharge amount in the base currency.
Job Surcharge Amount, Enterprise This field shows the job surcharge amount in the enterprise currency.
Base Price, Pc. This field shows the unit billing price before adjustment that may have been set up in a job price list line.

Revenue Recognized Island

Field Description
Orig. Revenue Recognized, Currency Jobs set up for capitalization at billing price will recognize the total billing price as revenue upon creation of the job entry. The “Orig. Revenue Recognized” field remembers this initial revenue amount. Later, upon invoicing, the job entry billing price may unexpectedly be written up or down, thus changing the revenue recognized amount. The change is detectable by comparing to this original revenue.
Amount Recognized, Currency This field shows the amount currently recognized as revenue on the job entry.
Orig. Revenue Recognized, Base This field shows the original revenue recognized in base currency. See the “Orig. Revenue Recognized, Currency” field above.
Amount Recognized, Base This field shows the amount currently recognized as revenue on the job entry in the base currency.
Orig. Revenue Recognized, Enterprise This field shows the original revenue recognized in enterprise currency. See the “Orig. Revenue Recognized, Currency” field above.
Revenue Recognized, Enterprise This field shows the amounts revenue recognized on the job entry in enterprise currency.

G/L Accrual Island

This island shows information about the current entry if the entry has been accrued in the G/L module. The island shows how the entry was accrued at the time of posting.

Field Description
Accrual Type This field shows the type of accrual. The type specifies how the accrual was posted.
Period From, Accrual This field shows the period from which the job entry was accrued.
Period To, Accrual This field shows the period to which the job entry was accrued.
Main Entry No. This field is a reference from the accrual entry to the original entry (the entry that has been accrued).