
This section shows the actions available in the Company Structure workspace.

Top Pane

Field Description
Move Sum Levels If you want to move an existing sum level to a higher sum level, you can do this by specifying the sum level from which the change should take effect in this field. When you choose this action, the sum levels from the sum level indicated will all be increased by one.

If you, for instance, use four sum levels and wish to move the sum levels from level three, the sum levels three and four will both be moved up one sum level, that is, to sum level four and five, respectively, whereas the sum levels one and two will remain unchanged.

Itemize Structure In this field, you can specify the sum level down to which you want to itemize the structure. When you now choose this action, all sum levels down to the sum level specified in this field will be itemized. This corresponds to indicating for all sum levels in the Company Structure Lines sub-tab that they should be itemized. This field is particularly useful if you have a very detailed structure and, consequently, many lines to be itemized.

There is no limit to the number of sum levels. In principle you could use sum levels from 1 to 3,500 or more, where sum level 1 would be the lowest level. For practical purposes you will, however, often limit the number of sum levels that you use.