Blanket Invoicing Overview Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Blanket Invoicing Overview tab.

Blanket Invoicing Criteria Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the company. The company number is transferred from the window Jobs and cannot be changed here.
Bill to Customer This field shows the number and name of the bill-to customer. You cannot change it here, only in the window Jobs.
Department This field shows the department associated with the blanket invoice collection.
Currency This field shows the currency of the blanket invoice collection.
Invoice Currency This field shows the currency of the blanket invoice collection.
Tax This field shows whether the invoices created for the current job are subject to tax. Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Information and it cannot be changed here.
Company Tax Code This field shows the company tax code of the blanket invoicing criteria.
Main Job No. This field displays the main job number.
Job Collection This field shows the number of the job collection. This field is also displayed in the Jobs and Invoice Selection windows for jobs included in a job collection.
Number of Jobs for Invoicing This field shows the number of jobs in the collection ready for invoicing.
Billing Price, Invoice Currency This field shows the sum of the amounts entered in the field “Billing Price, Invoice Currency” in the table part of the window.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Only Ready for Blanket Inv. If you place a check mark in this field, you choose to display in the table part only the invoices that are check marked as being ready for blanket invoicing.

See also the field “Ready for Blanket Invoicing” in the table part for further information.

Debit/ Credit Use this field to choose to display only lines with either debit or credit. The value you enter also affects the actions “Print Draft Invoices” and “Print Invoices.”
Invoice Type This existing field gives you the choice between 'Invoice' for T&M invoices and 'Invoice On Account' for invoices on account. The first option for T&M invoices this will be changed to 'T&M and the second option will be changed to 'On Account'. Note that the field can be left blank to include both types of draft invoices including the new combined drafts.

Print Draft Control Island

Field Description
Include Non Approved Drafts If you place a check mark in this field, you choose to print draft invoices that have not been approved yet.