Print Packing List Workspace

Use this workspace to print packing lists in batches.

A packing list is a list of items to be packed and delivered with an indication of the locations at which they can be found. A sales order must be approved before you can print a packing list for it. You must confirm any existing packing list for the same sales order in the Packing Lists workspace before you can print a new one.

If you create many sales orders every day and perform many deliveries, it is convenient to print the packing lists in one operation. You can do this by entering a range of order numbers in this workspace.

In the Sales Orders workspace, you can print a packing list immediately after you create or change a sales order by using the Print Packing List action. This enables you to deliver the items at short notice.

You can also print packing lists for sales orders that have item lines to be delivered within a range of delivery dates. This means that you can give notice to warehouse employees, who can then schedule work shifts accordingly.

Maconomy ignores packing lists for blocked sales orders and cannot print them until you revoke the blocking the Unblocking workspace. Similarly, Maconomy ignores orders that have blocked lines and orders for customers who have been blocked or blocked for delivery. In the case of orders that do not have partial delivery, Maconomy skips orders where not all of the items are set for packing.