
This section shows the actions available in the Tax Settlement workspace.

Top Pane

Field Description
Create Settlement When you select this action, Maconomy creates a tax settlement. You can make the settlement several times. It will not be final before you select “Approve Settlement.”

Only entries with a tax date within the specified range are included in the settlement. The tax date of a given entry can be either the entry date or the invoice date of the registration on which the entry is based, depending on the setup of the tax reporting unit used by the company that the entry concerns. For further information on how the tax date is determined and posted, see the field “Tax Date.”

Approve Settlement When you select this action, you approve the settlement. Maconomy creates a tax settlement journal with an entry for each account for tax payable, tax receivable, various charges and the actual tax settlement. This journal is ready to be posted. Once a settlement has been approved, it cannot be changed.

If you make new entries for a period that has ended, you must make a new settlement after posting the first journal. The new settlement will include tax settlement for the newly entered entries in the settled period. Maconomy creates a new general journal that you then post. You cannot make a new settlement until the journal has been posted.

Print Settlement When this action is selected, the currently displayed tax settlement is printed.

Depending on whether the field “Company Structure” is marked for the current tax reporting unit in the Tax Reporting Units workspace, the printout will either show a line for each combination of tax settlement type, tax type, nature of tax, and tax type or a line for each tax type (including only tax types for which the field “Include on Printout” is marked in the Popup Fields workspace).