Bill To Customers Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Bill To Customers sub-tab.

Field Description
Bill to Customer In this field, you can specify the customer number of the bill-to customers on the job. You can add customers on new lines in the table if the current job is open and invoiceable. You can delete a customer from the table if the customer has not yet been invoiced, but the field cannot be changed. If you want to change the bill-to customer you must set the Setup % to zero or delete the line and then create a bill-to customer.

You cannot delete a bill-to customer if invoicing plan lines exist for the bill-to customer.

A bill-to customer can be entered on several lines, provided that the customer has a different appropriation specification in the field “Appropriation” (see below).

Please note that all jobs are shown in this window, including jobs that are not set up for split billing. Jobs with only one customer in the table part are not set up for split billing. Adding a customer changes a job to being a split billing job.

Name This field shows the name of the customer selected in the field “Bill to Customer” above.
Appropriation In this field, you can indicate the source of funding for the job. This can be useful if, for example, you carry out a job on behalf of a customer on the basis of funding from a government body or a private foundation. The field is for reference only and is closed when the job is invoiced for the first time.

If a bill-to customer has several sources of funding for this job, the customer can be added to several lines in this window, provided a unique appropriation is specified in this field for each instance of the bill-to customer. See the example in the introduction to this window.

If you change the appropriation for the bill-to customer specified on the job, then the job is updated accordingly.

If invoicing plan lines exist for the bill-to customer and an appropriation has been specified, any changes you make in this field will update the plan lines accordingly.

This field can also be used as a simple way of setting up one bill-to customer for invoicing in several currencies. In the window Invoicing Plans you can create invoicing plan lines for different appropriations of the same bill-to customer based on the invoice currency of the specific appropriation.

Blocked If you mark this field, the customer on the current line is blocked for further invoicing. If the field “Show Blocked Lines” in the card part is not marked, the line disappears from view when you mark this field and press Return. If an amount has been selected for the customer, the amount will be distributed proportionally on the other customers in the table part. To see the line again, mark the field “Show Blocked Lines” in the card part and press Return.

A bill-to customer selected on the job cannot be blocked before you have selected another bill-to customer on the job.

If you remove the mark from this field, Maconomy will recalculate the invoice distribution according to the specified percentages, priorities, and maximum billing prices.

If invoicing plan lines exist for the bill-to customer that have not yet been transferred, a warning will tell you that the bill-to customer is blocked for further invoicing.

Invoice Currency In this field you choose the currency used when you invoice on account the bill-to customer on the job.

Any approved invoice selection will be removed if you change the invoice currency.

If you change the invoice currency and invoicing plan lines exist for the bill-to customer or for split billing all bill-to customers in the window Invoicing Plans, the amount in invoice currency on the lines will be recalculated. You will get a warning about the recalculation.

If the job parameter attribute Allow Invoice on Account in Multiple Currencies is set to No, then invoice currency cannot be changed but will remain the same as the currency of the job.

Setup, % In this field you can enter the current customer’s share in the invoicing of the current job. Please note that the sum of percentages in this field for all customers in the table part with the same priority selected in the field “Priority” must add up to 100.

The value you enter is a default value. It is used by Maconomy for calculating the initial value in the field “Suggested Amount.” However, you may change this value to anything within the bounds of the invoice selection. The next time that you open this window, Maconomy will again calculate the suggested amount to invoice each customer based on the default setup percentage in this field.

Maximum Billing Price In this field you can enter a maximum billing price for the current customer. A customer cannot be invoiced for more than this amount, regardless of the percentage selected in the field “Setup, %.” Please note that if you have multiple priority levels you should make sure to enter a value in this field for the customer(s) with the highest priority. Otherwise, lower-priority customers will never be invoiced. A zero in this field means that there is no maximum billing price.

Note that you can enter a negative amount in this field. If you do this, the amount indicates the maximum amount you want the current customer to be credited when crediting. At the same time, there is no upper limit on the amount which can be invoiced to the customer.

You cannot specify a negative maximum billing price for one customer and a positive for another. Furthermore, if the customer has previously been invoiced on the current job, you cannot specify a maximum billing price which is lower than the value in the field “Prev. Invoiced.”

If a maximum billing price is specified for all customers, you cannot approve an invoice selection for an amount which exceeds the total amount of the maximum billing price specified in this window.

Priority In this field you can enter a priority. All or multiple customers can have the same priority. The priority specifies the order in which the customers are to be invoiced, with “1” being the highest priority. Please note the following:
  1. The highest-priority customers are invoiced first, up to the amount specified in the field “Maximum Billing Price.”
  2. Whenever there is a customer with a lower priority, make sure to specify a maximum billing price for all higher-priority customers. Otherwise, the lower-priority customers will never be invoiced.
  3. The sum of the percentages in the field “Setup, %” must equal 100 per priority level.
Invoicing Group Maconomy can produce an invoice for each invoicing group when using main job invoicing. In this field you can assign an invoicing group to the job.
Suggested % for Invoicing This field shows the percentage of the current invoice selection that Maconomy suggests for invoicing on the customer on the current line. The suggestion is based on the values of the fields “Setup, %,” “Maximum Billing Price,” and “Priority.” This field is updated by Maconomy when you update the invoice selection. You can, however, change the selected percentage in the field “Selected %.” If you do that, this field can help you revert to the percentage originally suggested by Maconomy; just type the percentage shown here into the field “Selected %.”
Suggested, Currency This field shows the amount suggested for invoicing based on the setup of the bill to customer. The suggested amount is calculated by distribution of the amount selected for invoicing. If the Invoice Type field in Invoice Selection is set to T&M, then the amount covers only T&M selected for invoicing. If the field is set to On Account, the amount covers only the selection for on account invoicing. If the field is T&M and On Account, the amount includes both parts.
Selected % for Invoicing In this field, you can specify a percentage of the current invoice selection which you want to invoice to the customer on the current line. When you change this field, the selected amount will be displayed in the field “Selected Amount” (see below). For instance, if you wish to postpone the invoicing of a certain customer, enter “0” in this field, and continue the invoicing process.

Maconomy will compensate for the changes the next time that you invoice the job. Assume, for example, that you have set up a job with two bill-to customers. The setup percentages and suggested invoicing percentages are displayed below:

Customer A Customer B
Setup % 40% 60%
Suggested % 40% 60%

You then register job entries worth 10,000 on the job, and open this window to adjust the job invoice distribution. Now assume that you choose a different value in this field (“Selected %”):

Date: 03-04-01 Customer A Customer B
Setup % 40% 60%
Suggested % 40% 60%
Selected % 50% 50%

You then invoice the amount (5,000 to each customer). Then, further new entries for 10,000 are registered on the job. The next time that you open the window, Maconomy will adjust the suggested percentage to compensate for the previous invoicing override:

Date: 03-04-01 Customer A Customer B
Setup % 40% 60%
Suggested % 30% 70%

If you leave the suggested values, the original setup percentage will match the amounts actually invoiced (8,000 and 12,000, respectively).

However, a date in the field “Setup Percentage Valid From” in the card part may change this. For example: Consider the two invoicing mentioned above, and notice the dates of the invoicing (indicated in the tables above). If the field “Setup Percentage Valid From” is changed to the date “03-04-05” when the second invoice distribution is changed in this window, the value of the field “Suggested %” will not be “30%” and “70%” for the two customers, respectively, but “40%” and “60%,” respectively, as in the original setup. By setting a date in the field “Setup Percentage Valid From” in the card part, you can tell Maconomy to disregard any job invoice distributions, which may or may not have been according to standard, when making the new suggestion.

If the value in the field “Suggested %” above changes, this field will be reset to the value of the field “Suggested %.”

Selected, Currency This field defaults to the same amount as in the above Suggested, Invoice Currency field, but can be changed manually to distribute the billing price differently among the bill to customers.
Specified Exchange Rate This field shows the exchange rate between job currency and invoice currency for the bill-to customer specified on the line.

By default, the exchange rate is the current exchange rate specified in the table for the job on the preferred invoice date (or current date if no preferred invoice date is set), but if the field Specify Exchange Rate is marked, the exchange rate is fixed at the rate you specify.

If you change the exchange rate, the field “Amount for Invoicing on Account, Currency” will be recalculated and a check mark will be placed automatically in the field “Specify Exchange Rate.” If the exchange rate deviates from the exchange rate table by more than 10%, a warning will be displayed.

Note: The base currency for the exchange rate is based on the rate specified in the field “Exch. Rate in Ref. Currency” in the window System Information.

Note: There may be unblocked bill-to customers in the window Bill To Customer Distribution who may not be set up to use the same invoice currency and exchange rate.

Specify Exchange Rate No check mark in this field indicates that the field Currency Exchange Rate follows the exchange rate table for the bill-to customer specified on the job.

If there is a check mark in the field, you can set the exchange rate manually.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoice on Account in Multiple Currencies” is set to “No,” you cannot manually enter the exchange rate.

Note: There may be unblocked bill-to customers in the window Bill To Customer Distribution who may not be set up to use the same invoice currency and exchange rate.

Suggested, Invoice Currency This field shows the suggested amount in the invoice currency of the bill to customer. Note that invoicing in a currency other than that of the job is only supported for on account invoicing. In the standard layout for the Workspace Client, this field is hidden when the invoice type is not On Account.
Selected, Invoice Currency This field defaults to the same amount as in the above Suggested, Invoice Currency field, but can be changed manually. In the standard layout for the Workspace Client, this field is hidden when the invoice type is not On Account.
Net on Account This field shows the net amount which has previously been invoiced on account on the job to the customer on the current line.
Tax on Account This field shows the tax amount which has been invoiced on account on the job to the customer on the current line.
On Account Reconciliation on Drafts This field shows the sum of approved drafts which currently reconcile on account amounts.
Available for On Account Reconciliation This field shows the amount available for on account reconciliation.
For On Account Reconciliation This field shows the amount approved for on account reconciliation.
Prev. Invoiced This field shows the amount which the customer on the current line has previously been invoiced on the job.
Prev. Invoiced, % This field shows the amount which the customer on the current line has previously been invoiced as a percentage of the total amount previously invoiced on the job.
Remarks In this field you can enter a remark about the current invoice selection. The remark is for reference only. The initial text in this field is derived from the field “Remarks” in the island General Information in the window Customer Information Card.
Attn. In this field you can specify the customer’s attention person. Maconomy will suggest the person specified on the customer’s information card. If either the system parameter “Allow Job Specific Billing Addresses” or “Allow Job Specific Bill To Customer Attention Persons” is marked, you can change the name here.
Preferred Inv. Date In this field you can specify a preferred invoice date. This date will be transferred to the invoice when printed.
Invoice Name In this field you can specify a name for the invoice. This is useful if you have set up invoicing plans for multiple bill-to customers on a job and then transfer multiple lines. These lines may, for example, have different purchase order numbers (referring to client order numbers).
Invoice Discount % In this field you can specify any invoice discount percentage granted to the customer on the current line. Maconomy will suggest the value specified on the customer’s information card, but you can change it here.
Payment Terms In this field you can specify the payment terms for the customer on the current line. Maconomy will suggest the payment terms specified on the customer’s information card, but you can change them here.
Cust. Payment Mode In this field you can specify the customer payment mode for the customer on the current line. Maconomy will suggest the customer payment mode specified on the customer’s information card, but you can change it here.
Global Location No. If the customer on the current line has requested that you use a specific global location number on invoices pertaining to the current job, you can specify the location number in question here. The number specified here will be transferred to invoices created for the customer in connection with the current job. Maconomy suggests the global location number specified in the window Company Specific Payment Information for the customer in question, but you can change it here if the location number to be used in connection with the current job is not the same as the standard location number of the customer.

For further information about the concept of global location numbers, see the introduction to the window Company Locations in the G/L module.

Tax In this field you can specify if the customer on the current line is subject to tax. Maconomy will suggest the value specified on the customer’s information card, but you can change it here.
Tax No., Invoice In this field you can specify the tax number of the customer on the current line. Maconomy will suggest the tax number specified on the customer’s information card, but you can change it here.
Company Tax Code, Invoice In this field you can specify the company tax code for the customer on the current line. Maconomy will suggest the code specified on the customer’s information card, but you can change it here.
Language In this field you can specify the language of the customer on the current line. Maconomy will suggest the language specified on the customer’s information card, but you can change it here.
Department In this field you can specify the department to which the customer on the current line is assigned. Maconomy will suggest the department specified on the customer’s information card, but you can change it here. The department to which a customer is assigned influences the way in which job entries are posted in the General Ledger. For more information, please see the description of the window Activities.
Date of Last Invoice This field shows the date of the latest invoice sent to the customer on the current line.
Last Invoice No. This field shows the number of the last invoice sent to the customer on the current line.
No. of Invoices This field shows the number of invoices which have been created for the customer on the current line.
No. of Copies This field shows the number of invoices which have been printed for the customer on the current line. If, for example, you reprint an invoice from the window Show Job Invoice, the number in this field will be greater than the number of invoices shown in the field “No. of Invoices” above.
Last Credit Memo Date This field shows the date of the latest credit memo sent to the customer on the current line.
No. of Creditings This field shows the number of credit memos which have been created for the customer on the current line.
No. of Credit Memo Printouts This field shows the number of credit memos which have been printed for the customer on the current line. If, for example, you reprint a credit memo from the window Show Job Credit Memo, the number in this field will be greater than the number of credit memos shown in the field “No. of Creditings” above.
Address (line 2) This field shows the first line of the current bill-to customer’s address. If the system parameter “Allow Job Specific Billing Addresses” and the field “Job Specific Address” in the table part of this window are marked, you can change the address. Otherwise, the address is copied from the Customer Information Card.
Address (line 3) This field shows the second line of the current bill-to customer’s address. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Address” above.
Zip Code In this field, you can enter the zip code of the postal district entered on the current line.
Postal District In this field, you can specify the postal district of the address.

If you enter a new zip code on the line and leave this field blank, this field is automatically completed, provided that the zip code in question has been entered for the relevant country in the window Postal Districts in the Set-Up module. For further information, see the description of the window Postal Districts.

Address (line 4) This field shows the third line of the current bill-to customer’s address. If the system parameter “Allow Job Specific Billing Addresses” and the field “Job Specific Address” in the table part of this window are marked, you can change the address. Otherwise, the address is copied from the Customer Information Card.
Address (line 5) This field shows the fourth line of the current bill-to customer’s address. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Address” above.
Country The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Address” above.
Phone The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Address” above.
Fax The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Address” above.
Telex The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Address” above.
E-mail The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Address” above.
Job Specific Address If the system parameter “Allow Job Specific Billing Addresses” is marked, you can mark this field to allow the change of the current bill-to customer’s address for this job. The change of address will, for example, be reflected on job invoices and credit memos printed for the current job. See also the description of the window Job Information.