Bill to Customer Distribution Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to specify whether a job has more than one bill-to customer.

This is also known as "split billing." You can also specify different bill-to customers, as well as assign a maximum billing price to each customer.

Sometimes a job is funded by several "customers," all part of the same organization. For instance, an advertising firm might run a campaign that benefits several entities in its organization, with each entity sharing in the funding of the campaign.

For each job, you can specify multiple bill-to customers. Each customer must be set up in Maconomy before being added as a bill-to customer. You can specify the share that each customer contributes to funding the job and the maximum amount the customer will contribute.

As an alternative, you can add one customer to Maconomy several times, with the entities identified in the Appropriation field as if they were separate customers. Then you can specify the share that each entity contributes to funding the job and the maximum amount the entity will contribute.

When you invoice the job, Maconomy generates an invoice for each combination of bill-to customer and appropriation, for the correct proportion of the total invoice.

When you select a job with split billing for invoicing, Maconomy suggests invoice amounts based on the setup in this workspace. However, you can change the suggested amounts.

The Bill To Customer Distribution tab of this workspace displays information for a job, such as the total billable price, the amount currently selected for invoicing, and previously invoiced amounts.

The Bill To Customers sub-tab displays a line for each of the job's bill-to customers. You can add more customers if the current job is open. You can change a customer's share of invoiced amounts, priority, and maximum billing price.

However, the total of all invoice amounts for bill-to customers must equal the amount selected for invoicing before you can approve the invoice selection:
  • For time and materials invoices, the Current Invoice Selection field must be equal to the total for the Selected for Invoicing on Entries column in the sub-tab.
  • For invoices on account, the Current Invoice Selection field must be equal to the total for the Selected on Account column in the sub-tab.

Maximum Billing Price

Along with assigning each bill-to customer a share of the total cost of the job, you can assign a maximum billing price to each customer. When the maximum is reached, Maconomy stops billing the customer.

You can also assign priorities to bill-to customers. The customer(s) with the highest priority are invoiced first. Maconomy does not invoice lower priority customers until the higher priority customers reach their maximum billing prices.

Consider the following scenario. You win a job with three different bill-to customers, A, B, and C. The total job price is $30,000 USD. The following invoicing agreement is made:
  1. "A" is billed first, up to $10,000.
  2. "B" and "C" are billed the remaining amount. "B" will pay 60% of the remaining amount; "C" will pay 40%.
  3. However, "B" will pay a maximum of $13,000. "C" will assume any amount above the $13,000.

This agreement translates into the following setup in this workspace:

Customer Share, % Max. Billing Price Priority












Customer "A" is invoiced 100% up to the maximum billing price of $10,000. Customers "B" and "C" share the remaining invoicing 60/40, unless the maximum billing price for "B" is reached. After that point, only "C" is invoiced.

When you credit a job with split billing, the preceding process happens, but in reverse order.

If you overrule the amounts suggested by Maconomy—for example, by forcing invoicing of a lower-priority customer—Maconomy will attempt to compensate for this the next time that you invoice the job.

For main jobs with main job invoicing, the main job controls how the billing is split between bill-to customers. The amount that is distributed between bill-to customers is the sum of the job entries for the current main job and for all sub-jobs.