Skills Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Skills tab.

Skill Island

Field Description
Skill In these fields, you specify the name and number of the skill.
Type In this field, you can specify the type of the skill. Skills types are created in the window Popup Fields.
Grouping Skill If you mark this field, the skill is only intended for grouping other skills in a skill hierarchy and cannot be assigned to an employee, just as it should not be assigned a level list. For example, a skill could be used as the general denominator “Databases” for a number of subskills concerning specific databases. In this case, “Databases” denotes a skill group, and it would not be possible to assign an employee with this skill, whereas the employee could be assigned to one or more of the subskills.

Skill Hierarchy Island

Field Description
Level This field displays the level at which the skill is placed in the skill hierarchy to which it is assigned. If the skill is at the top level of the skill hierarchy, the value of this field is “1.” A skill without subskills or main skills, that is, which is situated in a hierarchy with just this one skill, will also belong to level 1.
Number of Subskills This field displays the number of subskills of the skill, that is, the number of skills immediately below the skill in the skill hierarchy. If the value of this field is “0,” the skill is at the bottom of the hierarchy.
No. This field displays the skill number of the main skills of the skill in the fields “Main Skills 1-4” and “Top-level Skill below.
Name This field displays name of the main skills of the skill in the fields “Main Skills 1-4” and “Top-level Skill” below.
Main Skill 1 In this field, you can specify a main skill for the skill. The main skill should be the skill immediately above the current skill in the skill hierarchy. This means that you cannot enter the current skill or any subskills to it in this field. If the current skill has been assigned to any employees, the value of this field cannot be changed.
Main Skill 2 This field shows the main skill of the skill in the field “Main Skill 1” above. If no parent exists at this level, this field will be empty.
Main Skill 3 This field shows the main skill of the skill in the field “Main Skill 2” above. If no parent exists at this level, this field will be empty.
Main Skill 4 This field shows the main skill of the skill in the field “Main Skill 3” above. If no parent exists at this level, this field will be empty.
Top-level Skill This field shows the top-level skill of the current skill. If the skill is at level 1 in the skill hierarchy, this field will be empty.

Level Specification Island

Field Description
Level List In these fields, you specify which level list to apply for the skill using the skill name and number. You can change the values of these fields as long as no employees have been associated with the skill and no skill requirements refer to this skill. If the current skill has been marked as a grouping skill in the field “Grouping Skill,” the skill should not be assigned a level list.
Automatic Level Specification In this field, you can specify whether Maconomy should automatically calculate a level for the skill, if it is positioned above the bottom level in a skill hierarchy. The default value of this field is “Blank,” but you can choose among the following options:
  • Blank — This option means that automatic level specification will not be used, and that a level for the skill must be specified manually by the user.
  • Lowest Level — This value means that the level of this skill will automatically be set to the lowest level specified for all of its subskills for a given employee.
  • Average Level — If you select this value, the level of the skill will automatically be set to the average of the levels of all of its subskills for a given employee. If a subskill in the hierarchy is not possessed by the employee, this subskill is weighted as follows: If the bottom skill in the hierarchy uses the lowest level on the level list, the subskill will be assigned this level. Otherwise, Maconomy will use the calculation values of the levels on the level list to calculate the average difference of the levels between the bottom skill and the lowest level on the list. This value is then subtracted from the level of the bottom skill, and the results will be assigned to the subskill.

    If you have selected a strategy in this field, you do not need to specify a level of this skill on employees, as the level is automatically derived, provided that you have assigned at least one subskill of the hierarchy to an employee in the window Employee Skills. As an example, imagine a simple hierarchy with three skills: Skill (1) has the subskills (2) and (3), and they apply a level list consisting of the levels “1”-”8.” If an employee is given level 6 for skill (2) and level 8 for skill (3), the system automatically calculates a level for skill (1), if you select a strategy in this field on skill (1). If you select the value “Average Level,” for instance, skill (1) is automatically given level 7 for this employee.

    You cannot use automatic level specification for a skill if it is assigned a nongraded level list, or if any of its subskills apply a level list which is different from the one specified for this skill.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In these fields, you can assign the skill to an access level. A user only has access to the skill if he has been assigned to this level or a level above this in the window User Access Levels. This access control ensures that when working with skills, you can only assign a level list to skills to which you have access, and in this window you can only see and edit the skills to which you have access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to levels and level lists may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration, see “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, any user has access to the skill. You can only specify an access level to which you have access yourself.