Skills Workspace

Use this workspace to create skills for planning purposes.

When you create a skill, you must provide a type for the new skill. Examples of types could be Languages, Travel Preferences, or Technical, but you can create other types. In addition, you must specify which level list to apply. You can then assign the skill to employees in the Employee Skills workspace, where for each employee you can specify at which level he or she possesses the skill.

If you have entered this skill information, you can specify on a planning budget that only employees who have specific skills at a certain level should be allocated to a task when you perform detailed planning. You do this in the Skill Requirements workspace.

In the Skill Hierarchy island, you can structure skills in a hierarchy to define whether a skill represents a general knowledge of a field or is highly specialized. This workspace shows a line for each skill that is a subskill of the current skill. When you create a skill, you can place it in a hierarchy by entering a main skill for the skill in this island. If this main skill is in a hierarchy itself, the hierarchy is adjusted to include the new skill. If, for example, the main skill is in a hierarchy with one main skill above it, this becomes the top-level skill of the new skill, and it is shown in this island.

Two different skills in a skill hierarchy do not need to use the same level list, so you can, for example, use one level list for very specialized skills and another level list for more general skills.

If you use a graded level list in a skill hierarchy, you can have Maconomy automatically deduce a level for skills at a higher hierarchy level, provided that the skills apply the same level list. For more information on skill hierarchies, see "Skills" in the introduction to the module.

You can delete a skill if you have not associated the skill with an employee or a skill requirement. If you delete a skill that has subskills, Maconomy gives you a warning, and it updates the skill hierarchy to which it belongs so that all of the subskills of the skill are moved up in the hierarchy. The skills that are immediate subskills of the current skill become subskills of the main skill to the deleted skill. If the current skill has no main skill, each of the subskills becomes a top-level skill of its own skill hierarchy. You change the status of a subskill by editing the Main Skill field in the Skills tab in this workspace.

You can print skills out by number and/ or type.