Personnel Requisition Types Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to set up the personnel requisition types that you use to operate your company.

A personnel requisition type is a template for the creation of personnel requisitions. More importantly, it is a tool for setting up a structured procedure to use when hiring a certain type of employee, or hiring employees for a specific office.

In your organization, you may have different hiring procedures that depend on the type of employee to be hired or the office for which a new employee is to be hired. For instance, hiring a new creative consultant might require a more detailed hiring process than hiring a new warehouse employee. In addition, procedures in one office can differ from the procedures in another office because of regional legal requirements or similar reasons. Maconomy enables you to set up personnel requisition types to support each type of hiring procedure.

In the Personnel Requisitions workspace, you create a line for each applicant who applies for the specific job. In each line, enter a contact person who represents the applicant. This means that you must create applicants as contact persons before you can enter them in a personnel requisition. In the Result field of each line, enter information about the steps taken in relation to each applicant (for example, that a letter requesting an interview has been sent to the applicant, or that the applicant was rejected). Each time that a step is completed, select the Closed field to continue to the next step. Maconomy continuously provides you with the result options that are relevant to the current step. For example, if an interview with an applicant has been conducted, Maconomy might provide you with the options Rejection and Invite to second interview. If the applicant is invited to a second interview, the options in the Result field are different. At this stage, the options could be Send contract, Rejection, or Invite to third interview.

Maconomy uses the event flow and event plan functionality to manage the individual steps in the hiring procedure for each applicant and the options available for each step. To set up personnel requisition types, you must understand the correlation between applicant lines in the sub-tab of personnel requisitions and the event flows and event plans. Before you continue with this section, you should familiarize yourself with the event flow and event plan functionality by reading the introduction to the Contact Management Module and the descriptions of the Event Flow and Event Plans workspaces.

Each time that you create an applicant line in the Applicants sub-tab of the Personnel Requisition workspace, Maconomy automatically creates an event flow in the Event Flows workspace and assigns the contact person who represents the applicant to the new event flow. Maconomy assigns the event flow to the event flow type entered in the tab of the current personnel requisition. Maconomy uses the automatically created event flow for entering the progress in the handling of the specific applicant; each event in the event flow corresponds to a step in the hiring procedure—either the current step or a previous, completed one. In the Personnel Requisitions workspace, the line that contains the current applicant always displays selected information from the event that is open in this event flow, and thus always displays information about the next step to be taken. On this line, enter the outcome of the current step—for example, that the job interview resulted in the applicant qualifying for the next interview round—and select the Closed field to indicate that the step has been completed. Enter the outcome of the current step in the Result field of the relevant applicant entry line, which corresponds to the Result field of the event that is currently open in the event flow that is assigned to the applicant entry line. The options that are available in the field therefore depend on the result type that you enter for this event.

For the setup of the system to function as described, the following conditions must be met:
  • You must set up an event plan for the automatic creation of events when an event is closed. The event plan must also contain a template for the creation of a single initial event.
  • The setup of the event plan should ensure that no more than one secondary event can be created based on a given result.
  • Automatically created event flows should have the Create Secondary Events when Closing field selected to ensure that Maconomy automatically creates events from the event plan when an event is closed.

Set up the event flow type that you enter for a personnel requisition type with the Create Secondary Events when Closing field selected. This causes the corresponding field to be selected on all event flows that are created as a result of adding applicant entry lines to personnel requisitions of the current type. Thus, each time that you select the Closed field on an event in an event flow of the current type, Maconomy uses the Create Secondary Events action, resulting in the automatic creation of events, if relevant. Because the Closed field on an application entry line in the Personnel Requisitions workspace corresponds to the Closed field on the open event in the event flow that is assigned to that line, selecting a step as completed in the Personnel Requisitions workspace results in the creation of an event that represents the next step in the procedure.

The events that are created as a result of closing an event (marking a step as closed) are based on an event plan that Maconomy automatically assigns to the event flow. The event plan also determines the result types to be assigned to the individual events that are created in the flow, thereby indicating the options available in the Result field on the individual applicant entry lines. This event plan is located through the event flow type that you entered in the Personnel Requisitions tab of the personnel requisition. Because a given applicant entry line displays information about the event that is currently open in the event flow that is assigned to that entry line, it is important that you set up the event templates in the event plan so that a given event result does not result in more than one secondary event.

Use the Personnel Requisition Types workspace to set up template information for personnel requisitions. For each personnel requisition type, you can enter template information that is suggested for new personnel requisitions of that type. This template information includes an event flow type. By creating an event plan for a hiring procedure used in your company, assigning that plan to the event flow type that you enter on a personnel requisition type, and using that personnel requisition type for the same hiring procedure, you can use personnel requisition types to ensure that the correct procedure is followed for all of the applicants on a personnel requisition.