Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Invoice Date This is the vendor’s invoice date. Together with the vendor’s payment terms, the invoice date is used to calculate the invoice due date.

Maconomy retrieves the date from the vendor invoice or from an entry in the window General Journal in the G/L module.

Invoice Received Date This field shows the date when you received the vendor invoice.
Due Date This is the entry’s due date. The due date is calculated from the invoice date and the payment terms.

Maconomy retrieves the date from the vendor invoice.

Pay when Paid This field shows whether payment when paid applies to the invoice in question. For further information, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor.

Ready For Payment This field shows whether the current entry is ready for payment. For further information, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor.

Description This is the entry text. The text is shown on the payment entry. It is retrieved from the vendor invoice.
Trans. No. This is the transaction number of the entry. It is retrieved from the vendor invoice.

When the entry is paid, this number is not the one shown on the payment. Maconomy allocates a unique payment transaction number. These numbers are maintained in the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module.

Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the entry.
Invoice No. This is the vendor’s invoice number. It is retrieved from the vendor invoice entered in the window Vendor Invoice.
Debit, Standard These is the debit entry amount. Maconomy retrieves the amount from the vendor invoice or from an entry in the window General Journal in the G/L module.
Credit, Standard These is the credit entry amount. Maconomy retrieves the amount from the vendor invoice or from an entry in the window General Journal in the G/L module.
Approved Amount, Standard This field specifies the amount approved for payment. If this amount is different from the total invoiced amount, then only the approved amount can be paid.
Approved In this field, you approve the invoice. An entry must be approved before it can be selected for payment.

A vendor invoice can be approved for payment either by approving the whole invoice at once in this window or by approving the individual invoice allocation lines in the window Approval Lists. If the full invoice is approved at once, the approval is transferred to all the invoice allocation lines. If the approval is removed, and the invoice is selected for payment or reconciliation, the payment or reconciliation will be canceled at the line level, and the amount for payment or reconciliation will be reset.

The lines are approved automatically if the field “Auto. Approval” in the vendor’s Payment Control window is marked. As mentioned you can remove the mark here.

Approved By This field shows the name of approver for the vendor entry.
Approval Date This field shows the approval date for the vendor entry.
Entry Date This is the entry date in the general ledger and accounts payable. The date identifies the posting period.
Amount, Original This is the original invoice amount expressed in the entry’s original currency.
Original Currency This is the currency in which the invoice was registered (the entry’s original currency).
Entry Type This field shows where the entry originated. The entry can be from a vendor invoice journal or from a general journal. The following types exist:
  • Vendor Invoice — A vendor invoice registered in the window Vendor Invoices.
  • Vendor Credit Memo — A vendor credit memo registered in the window Vendor Invoices.
  • Credit Journal — A credit entry registered in the window General Journal in the G/L module.
  • Debit Journal — A debit entry registered in the window General Journal in the G/L module.
Responsible This field displays the number of the employee responsible for the current invoice. You can change the contents of the field.