Job Invoices On Account Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to view information about invoices and credit memos on account that have been printed in Maconomy.

This workspace is closely related to the Invoice Selection workspace, where you can create invoices and credit memos on account. It is also similar to the Display Reconciliation of Job Invoice on Account workspace, where you can trace the exact reconciliation of invoices and credit memos.

In Maconomy, you can create invoices and credit memos, both regular and on account. A regular job invoice can fully or partially reconcile previously printed invoices on account and credit memos on account. In the Invoice Selection workspace, you can specify the amount by which existing invoices on account should be reduced at the next regular invoicing, with the oldest invoices on account being reduced first.

In this workspace, you can specify exactly which invoices or credit memos on account should be reconciled at the next regular job invoicing, and the extent to which they should be reconciled. You can also reconcile both invoices and credit memos with the same invoicing.

The Job Invoices On Account tab displays information about the current job and the amounts that have been invoiced on account up until now. Maconomy also suggests an amount to be reconciled in the next regular invoice.

The Job Invoices On Account sub-tab displays all invoices and credit memos on account that have been invoiced or credited on the job, and the extent to which they have been reconciled. In this sub-tab, you can specify how they should be reconciled at the next invoicing.